
Daisy Blue World

She was keep hidden, locked up and lived in the background. Her existence became a secret that always be remained behind close door. With her books as her friend, herself to comfort at night and a mind too innocent of the fucked up world with not just rainbows, flowers and fantasies. She always dreamed to explore the other side of it and her wished shall come true but, not the one she'll expect it to be. Daisy Swales was forced to leave her home to a place she could be finally live as a common, normal human. With bad memories behind, demons that keep on haunting her down and an identity she chose to concealed. The only solace is to keep her inner thoughts to herself, never been spoken a single word not until he met a guy who's persistent in unraveling and unveiling her secrets. Bryson Kingston oath to himself to solve the riddle of Daisy's life, to peel off the screen one by one and find a key to her heart. She was lost. He was there. She was conflicted. He is the answer. She feels sinking. He dives in. She felt defeated. He saved her. She felt unwelcome but she became his world.

26 Chs



       Over the past year Daisy lived in Beaufort she had never met a guy so attractive— the very definition of tall, dark and handsome. When her mother asked her to moved somewhere far from there home, she oath to herself to stay low and avoid any attention, unwanted or not.

She is too busy looking over her shoulder every time she walked home from work,  went on grocery shopping or just enjoying the fresh air and view at the park— that she has never had a time for any romantic relationship. So what does it makes difference now? Is it because the guy she met just a couple of days ago is nice to her?

Her disability didn't even bother him in the slightest, as if it there is no invisible barrier that exists among them. It terrified her to let someone unveil her screened that once the only piece of clothing remained, they'll discovered the nasty and scarred skin underneath. No one should look at it.

But, is it selfish of her to let at least one to get a glimpse of it?

Daisy wanted to believe that someday, she could finally have a normal life, like those people she had seen on the street, wherein no bodyguards or chaperones that always there hiding and watching their every move or that they can live whatever they want and whoever they could be. She hope to have that kind life.

But, that wishful thought are still far away from her reach and everyday it got farther and father even more.


Daisy keep on glancing her phone for any upcoming messages, she expects to receive from the only two person that are constantly checking up on her. Her mother and the guy that visits her everyday. For the past couple of days, Bryson always came to the shop to hangout or sometimes run an errand of buying flower's seed for his mom, during lunch time it never failed to bring her some food, always reminding her to eat well because, Bryson liked to point out how small her body is. It's sweet and Daisy had never really anyone that cared for her that much asides from her mom.

She just finished arranging the last batch of order that needs to be delivered at the end of day and she doesn't have anything to do with her free time anymore. Well, asides from cleaning but, the place is already spotless.

'What's wrong bae? You keep on sighing.' Her close friend, Megan asked beside her where she's wiping the counter with a rag but, stopped when she heard her released another long sighed.

'Nothing. I'm just bored that's all.'

'Well it seems nothing to me at all. Tell me. Is it because of your boyfriend?' Daisy was really glad she met Megan when she started coping up the way of life here as she became already attached to the beautiful brunette girl. Megan even went such a length of studying and learning the basic sign language just to communicate with her.

'He's not my boyfriend'

'He is your boyfriend, he's a boy and your friend so doesn't it make him your boyfriend.' Daisy can't help but to smile because of her friend's humor.

Shaking her head, she peeked again on her phone on-top of the counter.

'When that guy. . . what his name again?'


'Yes Bryson. When he came her and asked about your whereabouts a week ago, I'd just assumed he was your boyfriend cos he didn't corrected me when I said that you hadn't mentioned that you're dating someone—' Megan trailed off while looking at her expectantly like she's waiting for some kind of reaction Daisy doesn't have an idea.

When Megan saw her confused looked, she took a long sigh and put both hands of either sides of her shoulders'

'Look Bae. . . What I'm trying to say is, that guy is definitely into you. Like totally wants to go out with you. Isn't he the sweetest, bringing you foods everyday, driving you home after work, texting you like every minute to asked how's your doing. I'd totally jump the guy if he's only my type even though he is such a jerk sometimes. . . but, you know what I mean? So what's the matter?' Everything matters.

Yes, all those things Megan said about Bryson were true but, what makes Daisy afraid of, is for someone to come knocking in her life when she doesn't even know how to open her locked up heart. And that someone is Bryson.

'I don't know. He told me that he'll be waiting and I know he is sincere about his feeling but, isn't it too fast to level up our friendship into something more? I mean, we still don't know each other very well. What if I'm just his pa—'

Megan stopped her frantic movement of showing up her feelings through body language. She's losing out of her control and the voices inside her head started screaming again, it's faint, barely above a whisper but, its still there.

The truth is, Daisy's only making excuses. She hates to confront any foreign feelings, she already had enough problem in her plate and she doesn't want to add one more on it. It'll only complicates things and its just impossible.

'I already dreamed my future you know and you're the star in it so. . . When that day comes and you're ready, help me and let's make it happen. . . together'

Bryson's voice nullified the screaming in her head and somehow just by thinking those words he said, it calms her down and sooth her. She basically gave the poor guy a subtle response regarding his intentions towards her but, Daisy don't know if she can keep and really make it. After all, she's nothing but just a medium that caused problems and brings anguished to anyone she cared about.

If Bryson find out about her deepest and darkest secret, it'll make him distaste her and probably leave her for good. The anxiety is building up inside again and whenever her thought drifted off to the closed door at the back of her mind, the screaming is increasingly getting louder and louder and louder until that door will finally open. She tried to keep herself levelheaded and minified the horrendous voice. Think about anything. . . Bryson's voice and her mom's words of wisdom. Yes she can do it.

'Bae? Bae? Hey! Are you okay?' The concerned voice of her friend followed by a firmed squeezed on her shoulder pulled her up from sinking and she found herself shaking.

'Hey what's wrong? You just zoomed out all of a sudden. . . And Jesus! you're trembling. Are you okay? Do you want me to get you some water?'

Unable to find the strength to answer the question, she just nodded her head. Megan immediately went to the water dispenser just behind the counter and gave her the glass of water. Daisy chugged it in just a seconds.

'What happened to you bae? You scared the hell out of me. I thought you're having a seizure or something.'

She just keep her head down, trying to focus her attention to her surrounding. The pleasing smell of flowers, the cold air that seeped to her skin beneath her sweater, and the vaguely noice coming from outside. Daisy took a deep breathe and face her friend that she perturbed. Daisy gave her a smile that might be looked like she's constipated but nevertheless, it eased her friend's worried expression.

'I'm sorry. I'm fine.' She weakly signed.

'Why don't you rest now? The s-' Her phone dinged and Megan just nodded to her phone before petting her head and walking in to the storage room.

Bryson's name popped up in her notification. Just a while ago she's antsy to receive his text message but now, her energy subsided and she just only want to curled up in a ball in her chilly and lonely bedroom.


Hi Shorty :). I miss you. What time is your work will be done?

Daisy bit down her lips to keep the smile that creeping up, Bry admittance of missing her made her heart skip a bit in a rapid rhythm and it somehow relaxes her.

She slowly type her reply 'I still have half an hour.' before putting down the device once again. Bryson replied right away like its been watching his phone to come to life with her message without even batting an eyelids. Its makes Daisy's mood to lightened up.


Got it. I'll be picking you up, let's grab a bite before I drive you home.'

Okay. You always picked me up after work and grab a bite before you drop me home anyway. Ohh... Btw, I'm paying this time remember.


Touché. Wait... Are you complaining? And nope I don't remember you saying that.

Hmm maybe. . . Then suits yourself. I'm not going with you.

She can almost imagine Bryson's face right now, his eyebrows furrowing, lips pressed into thin line and fingers fast typing his phone. It almost make her laugh internally.

Daisy's been a little bit preoccupied to her texting that she didn't noticed her friend, standing right beside her with a teasing smile on her face and a hint of worry.

'Is that your boyfriend? Hmm. . . He must be the reason why you keep on glancing on your phone every second a while ago.'

Daisy's glad Megan didn't ask her any question about her almost panic attack but also feel bad that she made her upset. She just gave Megan a smile and nudged her shoulder then go back to her phone when it chimed in.


Fine. I didn't know you'd got some silliness and stubbornness in your bone. It makes you cute tho. But, we're splitting up the bill. Period.


-Bryson ★

Finally. I'll be there before you even know. See ya soon Shorty! :)

Daisy don't know how long would it take before she yield her defenses from Bryson's advances. She really wants to experience falling in love, going on the movie date or just chilling and watching some Netflix at home but, the morbid thoughts that keeps on nagging inside her, constricts all of those hopeful things. She don't know what to do, it freaks her out but sometimes it also excites her to no end.

Daisy only wish that whatever might be the outcome of her blossoming relationship wouldn't caused an unfixable damage.


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