
Dainsleif: Grand order

It was a day like any other in the city of London. Citizens were proceeding with their jobs, and the weather was trash as usual. Every day was the same; workers going to work, traffic, students going to school. London was protected by a barrier to prevent any type of demon to enter. Demons are the main threat since the beginning of 2021. Now, the year is 2040 and it has been 19 years since demons have been on the surface of the earth. There are 5 demon classes. Class 1 (weak demons), Class 2 (Intermediate demons), Class 3 (Strong demons) Class 4 (super-strong demons) Class 5 (The godlike). Although it is rare for Class 4 and 5 demons to appear, they always send their spires to and human flesh and bring it to them. When a threat alike first appeared, humans were defenceless, however, it was at the beginning of 2022 that humans started to evolve. Humans started to obtain mysterious powers now called blessings. Blessing are powered humans have managed to receive through evolution to increase their physical power, spirit etc. Blessings are based around elementals. If humans elemental is fire, then his blessing with be based around fire elemental. The ranger organisation which is located in Berlin also gives flying skates to the blessed ones to ease their transportation. There are many types of elementals but the basic ones are fire, water, wind, rock, metal. These basic elementals create a branch of a variety of advanced elementals. Only 30% of the population have blessings, so this means any person who has an elemental is destined to become a ranger.

Yonko_master · 幻想
57 Chs

(5) War

"No! It's way too dangerous, we dont need any more problems, you take care of yourselves, we will take care of Alexa. You dont have to hide the fact you're half demon, but dont tell anyone your father is part of the grand order."

Mitsuki nodded as Moondust walked out of the hospital room. Once Jason and Mitsuki were alone, they started discussing on going to Alexa's rescue without Moondust.

"..." Mitsuki stayed silent clearly disappointed.

Jason broke the silence and said: "Listen dude, I don't care if your a demon or not, you're still my teammate... Now concerning your plan with Alexa, we dont need Moondust..."

"What do you mean?" Mitsuki asked.

"I mean, all we need is sneak in and find more about the one who kidnapped Alexa," Jason reported Asa Alied.

"But how are we going to leave the school?"

"Listen dude, we have friends, we can always find a way to get out, we just need to be careful."

"Don't worry dude, once we get out of this hospital bed, we'll talk about it in more detail"

{Meanwhile, at Buckingham palace.}

Principal Dom Toretto just arrived at Buckingham palace to announce the news to Queen Elizabeth who was now 115 years old. He was welcomed by the royal guards who lead him to the royal dining table where all the royal family were located.

The Queen, Prince William, his children and all the rest, except Prince Harry who was still living life and in Canada were at the table.

A chair at the other end of the table was mept for the principal, while the end on the other side was where the Queen was sitting.

"Good morning Toretto, it's been quite a while since we've last seen each other..." the Queen said once he saw Toretto open the door to the chamber.

"Indeed my Queen, it has been a while, and you know everytime I come is for serious reasons, however this reason appears to be the most serious I have ever come for."

The queen pointed his seat at the other end where he voluntarily sat with everyone of the royal family looking at him waiting for such a critic news.

"Well, how can I start... About 2 weeks ago, the first years were assigned to escort a statesman, but things started turning a bit badly. They were attacked by mermaids."

"Mermaids!" Prince William shouted, "I heard there his been about 15 mermaid attacks in 2039, and the number is just getting higher!"

"Well this time, the mermaids came for a precise goal. According to the what the students and the tutor saw, the mermaids attacked them to lure them of the seas."

"Why would mermaids want to kill the statesman?" The queen asked.

"They didn't come for the statesman, they cane for one of the students," the principal replied, "Once the students managed to escape the mermaids, they decided to walk the rest of the trip. However, a demon from the snake demon clan appeared."

"Those mercenaries... what do they want from mere first year students?"

"This is scandalous,"

"Are they choosing them for a sacrifice!?"

"They were here to capture a student, and they succeeded. Of course it's bad news, but there's more to come... Our students also found out that there are traitors among the government..."

Prince William stood up suddenly with a horrified expression: "Traitors among us, so you mean people from the rebellion have infiltrated the government!?"

"Indeed, we dont know who they are, but the best thing to do, is to inform the population that the rebellion is among us,"

The queen hesitated a bit, is it really secure to put the country under high alert? Was it the best solution to inform the population that even where they feel safe, danger is still around?

"I don't think it's safe to~"

"I'm sorry my queen, but the rebellion are trying to play a mind games with us. They want us to do as they say, so I propose the best thing to do is play the game as well..."

The queen hesitated for a while, but even though she was a noble person and everybody thought she had the solution to everything, it was wrong. This type of solution was the type the Queen was to old to handle on her own.

"You know what, you're in charge of this, so what are you thinking of?"

"Well my queen, I'm thinking of war..."

A brouhaha started among the royal family.

"A war!? Why would we declare war?!"

"I disagree, a war would make things harder!"

"We will have to send the first year students on the battlefield so early when they dont even have experience!"

"We must resolve this by finding out who are the traitors!"

"If we declare war, the traitors will know all the strategies!"

The queen stood up and everyone stayed silent.

"Thank you my queen... Indeed, we cannot trust anyone, this Is why, the people who will be part of the war are my students..."

Everyone stayed quiet and let the principal continue expressing his idea.

"My students are competent enough, including my rangers. They will be able to push back the menace. The core rebellion, let the Dainsleif academy take care of it!"

The queen was silent for a moment, she knew that the core rebellion was strong, and that they are now taking action. On the other side, if the government wasn't trusted anymore, the best thing to do was put the problem in the hands of someone she could trust.

"Very well, I agree... Your school will lead a war against the core rebellion, the only condition is, win at all cost."

The principal stood from his chair, and bowed to the queen before leaving the room. Despite the fact he didn't get what he wanted, he still managed to pull of something even better, he would be able to get his daughter back through his own method.

The first battle was about to begin, Dainsleif academy, vs th core rebellion.