
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


Welcoming Rachnera to the Family

"Who'll do the dishes?" I ask, running my hand over the table.

"I can do that," Rachnera says dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

"Not you, Rachnera. You'll get your chores in the course of this week. Not tonight."

Zombina gives me a toothy grin. "Me and Tio are guests."

"Cerea made the salad," I say. "I don't have the guts to ask Smith, because she won't do any work. She's way busy." I add the last part fearing a 'demon glance' from her. "That leaves Miia and Mero. I don't want them to work either."

I throw my head back and laugh. "I guess I'll do the dishes."

"Sure." Smith rises from her chair. "Zombina, Tio, let's go."

"Hai!" The girls chorus and rise up, shunting their chairs back.

As I stand doing the dishes, noticing the sleepiness hanging over the house, I smile, thinking of my girls and my life.

"Honey." Rachnera hugs me, her arms around my chest, her chin on my shoulder, her breasts pressing into my back. "Want me to help?"

"I'm almost don…"

She covers my lips with her fingers. "You say 'yes' when your wife wants to help you."

I chuckle. "You can dry the dishes, sweetheart."

She ruffles my hair. "Good boy."

"Where am I sleeping?" She asks as she positions herself in front of the dish basket.

"Where do you want to?"

She blushes. "Pervert. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Of course." I hand her a plate with a smile.

She slaps my shoulder and continues looking away. I laugh.

"All the girls have their own room, right?" she asks after the pause.

"They do."

"I want my own too."

"And you'll get it." I hand her the final plate. "Where do you want it?"

"I want the attic. Without furniture."


"Shall I move in right now?"

"No." I take her hand. "You'll sleep in my room tonight."

"Why?" She offers me her free hand with a blush.

"The attic is dirty. I'll have to clean it tomorrow so that it's fit for living."

"I see." She looks away, her blush deepening under my stare focused on her face.

"Shall we…"

"What!" Her flustered face shoots to me.

"Go to sleep."

"I… uh… um…" When she cannot find the right words, she nods and swallows.

"Come along then." I start walking, holding her right hand in my left. She follows like the obedient little girl she is.

The door closes behind me with a snick. Rachnera's grip on my hand tightens in the dark room.

I walk to the bed without a word. She follows.

"Can I even sleep on the bed?" she whispers.

"You can, sweetie." I pat her hand. "But you won't sleep until I want you to."

"Pervert." I can see her blush in the light from the street.

"Shall we…"

"You don't have to ask me!"

"lie down?"


"We can just lie down in bed, Rachnera." I chuckle. "We can cuddle if you want to."

"I… do."

"Great." I stand up on the bed and offer her my other hand. "Come on up, my shy sweetheart."

Worrying her lips with her teeth, she moves up on the bed.

My butt presses into the crown of the bed as I move to accommodate her.

"There." I lie down in my usual position as she gets her whole body up on the bed. "You don't have any problem lying down on me, do you?"

"I do." She continues blushing and avoiding my eyes.

"Are they physical? Is your body unable to do it?"


"Then come on." I put my arms around her waist, centimeters away from her buttocks.

After some reluctance, she lies down on my chest, head on my ribs, hands on my sides, breasts warming my stomach.

I put one hand on her head, the other between her shoulders. As I pat her head and hear her breathing, my love for her makes me give a loud exhale.

"Ho… ho… Yamato," she says in a manner of bleating before hiding her face in my chest which had been facing the window till now, from which the moonlight filters in.

"Yes, Rachnera?"

"Can we talk?"

"Of course."

"I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind."

"Ask whatever you want, my love."

She places her chin on my ribs as she faces me, her eyes embarrassed.

"Do you mind if I call you 'Honey'?"

I touch her cheek. "I love it."

Her face lights up. "So I can keep calling you that?"

"Of course you can." I smile, keeping my hand on her face. "I would think I have upset you, should you stop."

"Okay!" She smiles and nuzzles into my chest, humming to herself. "I'll never stop."

"Good. Rachnera?"

"Yes, Honey?" She looks up at me, happy as a child with a new toy.

I raise myself, "You're adorable", and kiss her forehead.

She is speechless for a second.

"What're you doing all of a sudden?" She pushes me from my shoulders, throwing me down. "Baka!"

I laugh, running my hand through her hair. "See what I mean?"

She swallows and gives my shoulder a light slap before settling down. Some moments later, I tickle her thigh with my toes. I persist as I grow in pace and force.

"I see what you're doing, honey."

"Is it working?"

She looks up at me, half embarrassed and half seduced.

I slide my hands down to her waist and pull her up.

Our lips connect.

My hands run up and down her body. My lust has been licking me since I saw her breasts like a dog who meets her master after two months.

I take off her shirt after our kiss breaks. I throw my usual method to the air as I grope her, instead of circling around her mounds for a little while. I sit up, her in my arms, and take her left nipple in my mouth. When I pull at her nipple with my teeth, she moans.

"Be gentle, ah, Yamato!"

"Take off my shorts." I turn my attention to her right breast.

With closed eyes and frayed breath, she takes off my clothes with her hands. My feet rub against her spider body.

I loosen her loin cloth and drop it to the side of the bed.

"Lift me," I whisper in her ear as I touch her clitoris with the tip of my finger, an action that makes her shudder.

"I…" She moans, "can't!"

"Why?" I position the head of my penis at her opening.

"I don't have the strength," she pants in my ear.

"Very well." I pull at her earlobe before shoving myself inside her.

"Ah!" She screams and hugs me, her breath falling on my shoulder and my neck, her grip steely.

When I start pulling out and pushing in, she releases little moans.

"Be gentle," she whispers. "Gentle, Yamato!"

"Why?" I rise my pace.

"I don't want to… end up hurting you."

"This will be over soon."

'Soon' arrives a few minutes later. I moan alongside her in her arms.

After I am finished releasing my semen inside her, I sigh and relax. She drops herself on me. Before she can fall, I wrap my arms around her tighter and lay her down on the bed. Her arms stay around me.

I lie on her in the same position as she lay on me a few minutes earlier. My penis against her thigh, my head on her huge breasts, my hands on her sides.

Her breasts heave as she tries to catch her breath, rocking my head up and down. Her right arm is extended to her side, towards the window. Her left hand is lying on the back of my head. I feel the sharp tips of her fingers.

Her breath regulates. I look at her.

She is lying with her eyes closed, her mouth a little open. She looks like a child as she sleeps. She may seem intimidating and scary, but she is just a shy little girl on the inside who wants to love and be loved.

A girl who has a lot of love to give and deserves as much love to receive.