
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


Eventful Outing (Trigger Warning)

"We are ready, Darling!" Miia seems ready to jump out of the door on a signal from me.

She seemed moody before she went to change, but now she is chipper. Maybe something happened between her and Mero. Well, I'm not complaining. As long as my girls get along, why should I complain?

There's a knock on the door.

"That must be her," I say before I open the door.

In front of me stands a girl of average height, red hair, green eyes, sallow skin. Her skin seems to have… stiches? Is she Frankenstein?

"Yo, Boyfriend-san!" She raises her hand on seeing me.

She is carrying a gun and her dress is of SWAT personnel, a combo of yellow and black.

"Domo." I'm getting used to situations and people like her. "You are…"

"Zombina." That explains her species. "Smith-san sent me over, to help watch the house."

"Oh." I extend my hand to her. "Pleasure to have you here."

"The pleasure is all mine." She guffaws, pointing her gun to the sky.

"Well, here is who you'll be staying with for the time being."

Cerea steps behind me, tentative like a kitten.

"Yo!" Zombina greets her in the same boisterous way she did me.

Miia and Mero come up to her too and introduce themselves. The girls, who seemed flustered with her over-frank attitude, warm up to her soon enough. That is just how she is. Resembles me in a lot of ways.

"So, have fun, boyfriend-san." Zombina grins at me, revealing her sharp teeth. "Cerea is in my care."

Somehow, I feel uneasy leaving my Cerea in her care.

"We shall be back soon."

As soon as me, Miia, and Mero enter the aquarium, we receive a warm welcome from the staff. As is clear, Mero is a celebrity here.

"Mero wasn't kidding when she said she's a VIP here," Miia whispers to me.

"You said it. Well, it's not a bad thing. It's the truth she spoke."

"Yep!" Miia nods.

"Well, Miia-sama, Dear Sir." Mero turns to us, the staff still dancing attendance to her. "I will leave to perform with the dolphins. You two can have fun on your own."

"Wait, that isn't…" I start.

"See you later!" Mero skids off on her wheelchair, the staff with her.

Miia holds my arm against my breasts. "Darling, let's have some fun… alone."

"Will Mero be all right?"

"She will be. As she said, she is a VIP. No harm will come to her."

"I hope." I start to turn, making her face beam. I turn around again. "But I'm still not convinced."

"Aw, Darling!" Miia pouts. "Will you worry about me like that?"

"Of course I will, Miia."

"But I want you to worry only about me." Her grip on my arm tightens.

"Aw, so my Miia is jealous." I put my arms around her, making her blush. "As long as Mero doesn't hate me for leaving her alone."

"She won't. I'm sure."

Watching the different fish, me and Miia have a great time. As much as I hate leaving the house, watching different kinds of beautiful fish, with one of my beautiful paramours, is pretty fun.

When we get to the Dolphin show, we see Mero performing with the Dolphins.

"She is a mermaid, huh?" I chuckle, watching her dance like a lithe lamia slithering.

She jumps out and dives under, waving at me and Miia. We wave back, smiling at her and each other. When she falls into the water, her face shows sadness, or maybe that is my imagination.

The next time she does a dive, she does not wave at us. Her impact on landing sends water flying towards us.

After the water lands, I stay dry and Miia is soaked. She shrieks. Her wet shirt shows her bra and midriff.

"What the heck!" She holds her shirt away from her body. "What is Mero doing!"

I take her hand. "Let's dry you up, Miia."

"No, no! I'll go dry myself. You stay here and watch her show. She'll feel bad if you don't."

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?"

"I can take care of myself!" She slithers away, her words scathing. "I'm not a child."

"If you say so."

Around thirty minutes later, I am on the lookout for her. She is not in the aquarium. One of the staff told me that she was seen walking with another person, possibly a boy.

I can hear my heart beating in my head. Having looked for her in the whole aquarium, I am now outside. There is a lake outside the aquarium, where couples go boating.

I decide to skirt the bank of the lake to find her.

When I find her, she is lying unconscious under a tree, her clothes in tatters. Another reptile, with a tail and straw-colored hair, is standing with his back to me, buckling his belt. Cum is dripping from Miia's vagina.

Rage blinds me. When my mind regains control of my body, I am standing with the rapist hanging unconscious from his shirt-front with my hands, blood dripping from his nose. His shirt is torn and I find out that he is actually a she.

She had her breasts hidden pretty well.

"Miia." I crouch before Miia after laying the rapist on the ground, careful to cover her breasts with the remains of her button-up shirt.

When Miia starts moaning in her unconscious state, I give a ring to Smith, my arms around Miia. "I need help."

Miia opens her eyes. "Darling."

"Miia." I stoop over her and kiss her forehead, my hands making craters in her pillow.

She squirms under the sheet. "Where am I?"

"Home. In my bed. Don't worry." I touch her shoulder. "You're home, and you're safe."

"What happened… Oh, I remember." Tears well up in her eyes. "Darling, I have failed you."

"That wasn't a boy."


"Your reptilian rapist is a futanari."

"How do you know?"

"I checked."


I point to her left with a smile. She turns her head to her left and shrieks, rising from the bed and hugging me. The Lizard is lying there, her nose plugged to stop the bleeding.

"What's he doing here!"

"Calm down, Miia-chan." Smith appears in the door, making us look in her direction. "I'm here. We'll arrest her."

"Smith," I say. "Call Cerea and Mero here too."

"No need for that." Smith smiles as she glances behind over her shoulder.

Cerea and Mero follow her in.

Cerea tries to smile at Miia, while Mero makes no attempt to hide her tears.

"This is all my fault," Mero sobs. "I shouldn't have taken you there. Please forgive me!"

She starts weeping. I nod at Cerea.

She wheels Mero to me. I raise her from the wheelchair and place her in my lap. My left arm around Miia, who is also in my lap with the exception of her tail, my right around Mero, I hug them both close.

"My girls." I kiss their foreheads. "Mothers of my daughters."

That makes them both blush.

"Miia. Are you angry with Mero?"

"I'm angry with her for splashing me with water."

"That wasn't intentional!" Mero speaks, forgetting her tears.

"That wasn't her intention," I speak. "That means she is blameless in that. Tell us, Mero, did you intend for her to get raped?"

"No, I did not!" Mero stares in my eyes, her gaze intense.

"Then you are not to blame for that either. If no one is blaming you, why are you blaming yourself, my dear?"

"I just feel…"

"That you are somehow responsible for her plight. Well, her plight isn't a plight. She was raped by a fellow girl, almost a fellow girl."

"You are taking the matter too lightly, Darling," Miia says, a frown on her face. "Would you like to be raped by a fellow man?"

"Definitely not." I shake my head. "A fellow man with a vagina and breasts, I don't dig that. But a girl with a cock and balls…"

I ponder with my hand under my chin.

"I know that look," Miia says.

"Draco, the lizard or whatever she is, raped you. As payback, I can rape her. Girls, leave the room please."

"You!" Miia grabs my hair and starts pulling.

Mero takes out a large seashell shaped like a club. Cerea unsheathes her sword. From the corner of my eye, I see Smith holding her heel in her hand. Zombina is standing in the doorway, laughing her ass off.

"Who are you going to kill, me or Draco?" I ask, unable to hold my laughter.

"We cannot kill you," Smith sighs. "And if we kill Draco, there'll be Hell to pay."

"I have a plan.