
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


Restful Recuperation

"That was uncalled for," I say, nursing my neck with my hand.

"You nearly killed Aruji-dono, Miia!" Cerea chides Miia as the two stand in my bedroom. Smith has left and Mero is getting used to her new room.

I heard this from Cerea, as I had passed out when Miia jumped into the water and landed on me. I almost drowned.

"Whatever were thou thinking?" Cerea continues.

"Cerea." I try to get up.

"What, Aruji-dono?" Cerea is by my side in a second, concern on her face, one hand on my shoulder.

"Help me sit up."

"As thou command." She slides her arm under my neck to help me sit.

"Is that…" she starts to ask.

"No. Sit behind me." I hold her arm. "I want to lean against you."

"Hai?" Her face goes beet red.

"Come on, my love." My pull on her arm is gentle. "Come on, my love."

"As thou com… command," she stammers as she sits behind me.

With a sigh, I rest my head against her shoulder. Her breasts brush against my back.

I hear sounds of embarrassment escaping her. That makes me rub against her, snuggling into her further.

"Put your arms around me."

"Hai." Her voice does not seem audible to anyone but me.

Her arms wrap around me. I feel like a child in his mother's arms. Her grip is tentative, but protective and strong.


"Hai, Darling?" Miia wipes the corner of her eye with her finger.

"Why do you cry, love?"

She opens her mouth to speak.

"Come here. Sit with me."

I raise one leg to put it on the other.

Miia sits down where I have made space for her. She puts one hand on my foot. "How do you feel, Darling?"

"Peachy." I smile. "Mothers of my daughters are nursing me. How can I feel anything but joy?"

I'm sure Miia's blush is no different from Cerea's behind me.

The thought makes me chuckle. "Oh, you girls."

I feel Cerea's chin rest on my shoulder. I raise my hand to touch her cheek.

Expecting her to flinch, I'm surprised when her grip goes tighter. I glance at her sideways.

Her eyes are closed and her face is red. As she holds onto me, her lips are pursed, making a line under her nose.

"My Cerea has found some bravery." I pat her cheek with a smile before kissing her other cheek. "Good girl."

"Darling!" Miia slaps my thighs. "Love me too!"

I tickle her abdomen with my toe. As it starts to glide down, to her crotch, her face grows redder.

"That's all you're gonna get for now." I stop just below her navel, when her breath had just started to mount.

Her blushing face, with her open mouth and her held breath, makes a pitiful and comic sight.

"Darling you meanie!" She rushes out of the room.

"Shouldn't I have done that?" I relax into Cerea.

"I don't know." Cerea does not open her eyes. "All I care about is you, Ya… Yamato."

Laughter escapes me. "How solitude changes us."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"None at all, my love. It is great. If I could turn around, I would have kissed your face."

"I can put my face in front of you," she fumbles.

"Pray do, Cerea."

Leaving Cerea sleeping on my bed, I try to get up.

"Yamato?" She holds my hand before opening her eyes.

As she raises her arms, I see her bare breasts staring at me like another pair of eyes. Sunset is approaching and the light seeping into the room is orange. I hear crows cawing outside.

"What is it, Cerea?" I lie down again beside her, putting my hand on her face, as she does the same with me.

"Leaving?" She sounds sad, her sleepy eyes half-open.

"I have to." My thumb traces the side of her eye. "Someone has to prepare dinner."

"Before dinner, could you…" She pauses and then continues with a resolute look, "console Miia? She is very sad."

I chuckle and kiss her eyes. "Sure, I can do that, my love."

She smiles with a blush.

"When will you be getting down?"



I sit up.

Her hand on my face stays pasted to it, her arm rising and exposing her breasts again. Seeing that makes me smile. I get down and give her nipples a soft kiss before getting out of bed.

As I dress, I start with my shirt. Before wearing my boxer, I slap her butt and grope it. She digs her face in the pillow, her tail swishing from side to side.

My penis begins to harden. I rub it against her butt.

"Take it downstairs, Aruji-dono." Her muffled words reach me from the pillow. "Miia needs it."

"You like carrots, don't you, Cerea?" I persist. "You getting greedy on mine?"

"Don't tempt me!" Her tail slaps my thigh. "I may introduce thine sword with mine."

Her words startle me. Then, laughter rushes out of me.

"Whatever thou command, my love." I bow as I go out, deciding not to wear my boxer.

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