
daily life with monster girlfriends

this is not my novel i uploaded here so I can read it here

iwin011125 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


A hot Slice of Life

After cumming inside Cerea for the third time, I get up to hug her.

With abashed affection in her eyes, Cerea rests her head against my chest. "Aruji-dono…"

"Darling." Miia opens the door. "Smith-san is here with Cerea's…"

She stops.

"Miia-chan." Smith follows her in. "No need to anno…"

She also stops in her steps.

I follow their line of sight while holding Cerea. I'm naked, my crotch sullied with fluids from mine and Cerea's body.

Cerea's mouth is hanging open as she stares ahead without saying anything, too shocked to even blush.

I sit down beside her, my arms still around her. "Pleasure to have you, Smith." I smile at the black-clad sexy woman. "What can I…"

"Enough!" Smith stamps her foot. "Yamato, this is unacceptable. Miia was fine, but Cerea too?"

"Don't stamp your sweet foot like that, Smith," I say. "How'll you give me a footjob if your foot is bandaged?"

"What do you…" Smith blushes, her anger changed into embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Cerea." I kiss Cerea's forehead, who looks at me like a child looks at her father. "Smith will keep our secret."

"You're so…" Smith starts.

"Because we have her secret too." I glance at her. "Even if we don't, she loves us too much to rat on us."

"Mm…" Her lips pursed, Smith adjusts her glasses with a confused look.

"She looks like a hard-ass." I continue. "But inside, she loves this household as much as you and Miia do."

"Why's that, Aruji-dono?" Cerea asks me.

"Because she's also a part of this household." I kiss Cerea's eyes. "She's family, Cerea."

"It means he sleeps with her as well." Miia has her arms crossed, her face as sour as her tone, glaring daggers at the two of us.

"So don't worry about being naked in front of her." I get up, leaving Cerea nude.

She grabs my legs to keep me beside her, my legs covering her breasts, her face near my navel. My penis almost scratches her throat.

"Don't worry, baby doll." I pat her head. "It's all right."

"No, I…" She blushes and turns her face away. "I'm just not…"

"Okay." I kneel beside her and hug her. "Miia, will you help me clothe her?"

"Sure, Darling." Miia picks up Cerea's shirt, her anger seemingly subdued.

Miia hands me Cerea's shirt. Together, we put it on her.

"Thank you, Aruji-dono." She blushes. "Now, the, the…"

"Sure, my love." I tap her cheek.

She smiles, fingers fumbling with the buttons of her shirt.

"Let's see what Smith is here for." I buckle the belt on the now-standing Cerea. "Then we'll take a warm bath. All of us." I put my hand on Smith's shoulders. "You're included."

"Hai, Hai." Smith turns and walks out, her hand grazing my penis as she walks out. "Let's get this done first."

"What are these?" I plop down on the sofa. "The sofa is cold."

"If you had some clothes on," Smith sits down beside me, her thigh pressing against mine, "it wouldn't have been"

"Let me turn on the heater." I try to get up but she grabs my arm, holding me down.

"Miia-chan can turn on the heater." Smith looks at me over her glasses. "Can't you, Miia-chan?"

"I can't," Miia says, angry that Smith won't allow her to sit with me.

I sit on one side, Smith with me, Miia on her other side. Cerea stands behind me, peering at the form I'm holding.

"That's a shame," Smith sighs. "I can't get up and leave you alone with Darling. He may jump at you again."

"I can jump at you too." I rest my chin on her shoulder before whispering. "You're making it hard not to, sitting so close."

"Ara, Ara." Smith glances at my hardening penis. "Darling no hentai." She gives me a playful slap on the chest.

"Quit your flirting!" Miia shrieks.

She draws glances from the three of us. The attention makes her hesitate and swallow.

"Smith," I say.

"Hm?" Smith looks at me. "What is it, Yamato?"

"Go turn the heater on. I'll fill this up in the meantime."

"Hm." Smith ponders with a disappointed look.

I touch her cheek. "No one will claim your spot, honey."

She gets up and walks to the heater. Seeing her butt makes me want to take the bath sooner.

"Cerea, what's your birthday?"

"Huh?" Cerea is surprised at being addressed. "November 28th."

"Oh, you're a Sagittarius." I fill the box. "Miia's a Scorpio. What're you, Smith?"

Smith lights a match. "September 26th."

"Libra," I say, checking the blanks. "This form is filled."

"Good." Smith walks back.

She takes the forms from my hand and places them on the table before resuming her position beside me.

Placing one hand on my thigh, she kisses my lips. I place my hand on her cheek, feeling my penis harden.

I hear Cerea making embarrassed sounds behind me. Miia, on the other hand, fuming with anger, takes my hardened penis in her hand and starts stroking it.

"Oh!" The pleasure makes me break my kiss with Smith.

"Ho." Smith giggles. "Miia-chan is pretty good at this."

"What did you think?" Miia glances at Smith with a triumphant smile. "That I was not good at pleasing Darling, that's why he seeks you? He's just a man-slut."

"Urk." I sink my head.

"Why don't we take this to the shower?" Smith suggests, fingers cupping my balls.

"Sure." I slide my hands under Miia's armpits and make her stand up. "Come on, Miia. You too, Cerea."

"Uh, uh, I…" Cerea's arms dance in front of her.

I put my arm around her waist. "Come along, you cute girl, you."

As we walk to the shower, Miia gropes my buttock. Smith, walking in front of us, has my balls in her hand, the tip of my penis in the other.

"Cerea?" I ask her.

"Hai, Aruji-dono?"

"You like carrots, right?"

"Hai!" A childlike happiness shines makes her face glow.

"Then why don't you take my carrot in your hand?"

"Hai?" She tilts her head to the side, then she realizes what I asked her. "I… I…"

Smith laughs and Miia gropes my butt harder