
Daily Life with discount system

This is my first Fan-fiction novel. Sorry about the grammar as English is not my first language. This fan-fiction is write by feeling which there may be some grammar issue.

KWSeng · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

My First Task

And that how I become a baby again. Who know I just anyhow made wishes and then it become true. Now what am I suppose to do.

First at all, if according to the wishes then technically I am now at the anime world. Which world I don't know, maybe I will know later.

Next is to check my system. If I not wrong I just need to think and the panel will pop up.



Name:unknown Age:3







So I am three years old now. Maybe because I don't know what my name is that why it is unknown. Discount is 0%, if i not wrong i need to complete the TASK only then I can get discount. Amount, I think this is about my money, now I don't have money.

For now I don't have any TASK but the weird thing is the SHOP. It's didn't sell anything inside. I wonder it will start selling stuff by completing TASK. The INVENTORY is like the space bag which I can store thing inside, quite convenient.

And now for the final wish."..."

um how do I check? as I try tilt my head a bit and try to think. Not long after that, as I was still thinking, I started to hear footstep walking to the door. It must be my parent.

As I was looking at door slowly open, I saw a very beautiful women walking in. She has a long wavy brown hair that is braided around her head and tied with a blue and red bow around the back. She has a pair of very beautiful purple eye and is wearing a one-piece white gown with a revealing top. Lastly, let not forget that pair of G-Hill that defy the gravity at the front. I have to thank to anime logic of this world.

"Ara ra M-chan,you are awake. Are you hungry? Do you want some mama milk?" as she slowly walk inside while removing one of the strap. Then she gently cuddle me into her breast and try to feed me. Its was very soft. I try to resist but I don't think I will be able to resist this temptation. In the end I give up and start sucking.


My name is Mamako Oosuki. I am a single mother with a son. My son is very cute. I mean like very very cute. I mean look at him, tilting his head. Kyaah so adorable. Is my son trying to kill me with his cuteness.

After my husband has passed away, I feel very heartbroken and having a very hard moment but my heart is slowly getting heal bit by bit by my son. It will take time to recover but I believe with my son by my side, I can slowly get through this tough moment. Oh my beloved son, M-chan, the only love token left behind by my husband

One day as I was trying to feed my son as usual, I discover my son is trying to resist drinking milk from my breast. Although he still drink it in the end, I was still a bit shock. I wonder what happen? He doesn't look unwell to me. I think maybe he not so hungry but that not the main point. The main point is he look so cute when trying to resist. Kyaaaah why my son look so fucking adorable. I think I will try to feed him later again, who know maybe I can see his adorable face again.

~That day Mamako feed M-chan another three more time~


-Next day -

I was walking inside my house. My house seem to be a two storey house. That why it's a bit hard for me to go downstairs. My nemesis STAIRS.

After my discovery, i found out on the first floor there a hallway.The first door led to a kitchen, a dining and living room together. The second door is the toilet and the third and last door is the bathroom and laundry room together.

On the second floor there is two bedroom and one master room. One of the bedroom is the guest room and the other one is gonna be my room in the future. As i was still too young to have my own room so now I currently sleeping with Mama in the master room.

Since my mama name is Mamako so I call her mama. I will call her mama for most of the time since she like it very much,much more better than ma or okaasan. At least until I have grown up but for now i will just call her Mama.

I have started to notice that my mama is a very beautiful mother. If I not wrong, she should be a character from the anime but i dont remember which anime. At least I don't have to worry about my look when I grown up. I don't need to be very handsome but at least no need to be very ugly, middle is the best.





You should be spending more time bonding with your family. The best way to bond is going out and some skinship.

- Spend time with Mamako outside the house for at least one hour(00:00/60:00)

-Spank Mamako ass (0/1)

-Kiss Mamako on the cheek(0/1)

-Hug Mamako tightly(0/1)

-Find out the colour of Mamako underwear and whisper the colour to Mamako ear(0/1)


5% discount

