
Daily Life With a System

Lin Xiao was your average high schooler, cruising through life without a care in the world. That is, until he stumbled upon this weird system called [Supreme God System] that decided to shake things up. Suddenly, his daily grind included stuff like doing 10 pushups for what felt like zero gains in strength. But here's the kicker: Lin Xiao wasn't exactly jumping for joy at his newfound "powers." "Come on, give me some super powers" [Space Control Rewarded] "Wait, why did you give my lazy cat superpowers instead of me?" And before he could even process it, his furball is zipping across the room like it's auditioning for a teleportation gig. ..... Few Years Later "Huh? What do you mean my cats have taken over half the universe??" Lin Xiao glanced at his adorable cats curled up on his chest and said, "No way."

Samay04 · 都市
61 Chs

Red Energy?

Lin Xiao woke up in the morning, quickly got ready, and put on his school uniform. He didn't want his mother to know he wasn't going to school today.

He packed some casual clothes to change into once he reached the military base. After following his usual routine downstairs, he headed outside, heaving a sigh of relief.

The bus ride to the military base was uneventful, giving Lin Xiao time to mentally prepare for the day ahead.

When he arrived at the base, he changed into his casual clothes in a nearby restroom and made his way to the meeting point where Li Jing was waiting.

"Good morning, Lin Xiao," Li Jing greeted him. "Ready for your first mission?"

"Yes, I am," Lin Xiao replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

Li Jing led him to a briefing room where a few other agents were gathered. She introduced Lin Xiao to the team, and they quickly went over the mission details again.

"Our target is a rogue superpower user in a nearby town," Li Jing explained. "He's been causing disturbances, and we need to assess and neutralize any threats. Remember, Lin Xiao, observe and learn. Act only when I give the signal."

Lin Xiao nodded, absorbing every word.

They boarded an unmarked vehicle and set off towards the town. 

As Lin Xiao settled into his seat, a system notification flashed in his mind:

[Capture the culprit who is using his powers to kidnap young girls - Rewards: +150 Exp +1 Strength +Future Knowledge]

Lin Xiao was momentarily stunned.

The notification not only revealed the suspect's gender but also promised a mysterious reward of "Future Knowledge."

Lin Xiao was Intrigued and slightly anxious, he silently asked the system what this future knowledge meant. The system's response was somewhat cryptic:

[As long as the host completes the mission, you will know]

Lin Xiao put this matter aside. He glanced at Li Jing, who seemed calm and composed, ready to lead the mission.

The journey was filled with a tense silence as everyone was mentally prepared for what lay ahead.

Lin Xiao wanted to introduce himself, but no matter what he said, the team stayed silent. 

Upon arriving at the town, the team split up to cover more ground.

Lin Xiao stayed close to Li Jing, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

The streets were quiet, with only a few early risers going about their business.

Suddenly, they heard a commotion from a nearby alley. Li Jing signaled for Lin Xiao to follow her as they approached cautiously.

In the alley, they found a man using his powers to levitate objects and hurl them at frightened onlookers.

"Stay back and watch," Li Jing whispered to Lin Xiao.

She stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. "That's enough," she said firmly to the rogue user. "You're coming with us."

The man turned, his eyes wild with fear and anger. "Stay away from me!" he shouted, sending a wave of force towards Li Jing. She deflected it with ease, her stance unyielding.

Lin Xiao watched in awe as Li Jing expertly subdued the rogue user, she didn't even use her powers to neutralize his abilities and restrain him.

Right as Li Jing subdued the man, he yelled, "No, I will not go to jail!"

Suddenly, his eyes turned red, and a burst of red energy erupted from him, throwing Li Jing away.

The man stood up, his eyes bleeding, and raised his hands, creating a strange circular area.

Li Jing's eyes widened in realization. "No, it's a domain."

Inside the domain, everything started to float.

Lin Xiao quickly ran to Li Jing, who was struggling to regain her footing. "No, don't enter!" she cried out, but Lin Xiao ignored her warning and plunged into the domain.

As he entered, he felt himself slowly start to float, but he managed to reach Li Jing. "What should I do?" he asked, holding onto her.

"A domain can only be fought with a domain," she replied, her voice tense with urgency. "But his ability is telekinesis. Your memory manipulation won't stand a chance against his raw power."

Lin Xiao didn't care. Ignoring the rising doubts in his mind, he activated his domain.

The grayish area enveloped him, distorting the space around him.

He moved toward the man, who was rampaging like a wild animal, smashing everything in his path with his telekinetic powers.

"Stay back!" the man screamed, sending a wave of force toward Lin Xiao.

But within Lin Xiao's domain, the force slowed down, almost as if moving through molasses. Lin Xiao pushed forward.

The man tried to lift Lin Xiao off the ground, but within the memory manipulation domain, his control wavered.

Lin Xiao could see the man's memories flickering, confused by the overlapping realities.

"Why... why can't I...?" the man stammered, his telekinesis growing more erratic.

Suddenly, he threw out a force, which hit Lin Xiao and pushed him back. Seeing that it worked, the man threw out another force.

Lin Xiao gritted his teeth, and activated his strength-sharing skill, and then used teleportation.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao was right next to the man. Without hesitation, he put his hand on the man's head and used the power burst skill.

The force of the blow created a dent in the man's skull, making him scream in agony and fall to the ground.

The red light around the man began to fade, his telekinetic abilities waning.

Lin Xiao quickly began erasing the man's memories, delving deep into his mind to remove the source of his rage and power.

The man's eyes glazed over, his expressions becoming muddled and confused. Finally, he collapsed completely, unconscious and defeated.

Lin Xiao stepped back, panting heavily from the exertion, almost all of his mana was depleted.

He glanced over at Li Jing, who was getting to her feet, a look of shock on her face.

She approached Lin Xiao slowly, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"You... you did it," she said, her voice a mixture of awe and relief.

Lin Xiao nodded, still catching his breath. "I had to. He was too dangerous."

Li Jing knelt beside the unconscious man, checking his pulse and ensuring he was still alive. "He's out cold," she confirmed. "We'll need to take him back to the base and secure him properly. We need to know how he suddenly increased his strength,"

As they prepared to transport the man, Li Jing looked at Lin Xiao with shock, "You're a dual power user?"

Lin Xiao sighed, knowing it was a mistake to reveal his abilities, but it had been necessary for his safety. "Yes, I can teleport," he admitted, not mentioning his other powers.

Li Jing was taken aback. Dual power users were rare and extremely talented, typically cultivated in the capital.

Only top families with noble bloodlines could produce dual power users.

"How can you be a dual power user?" Li Jing questioned, struggling to believe her eyes.

She recalled checking Lin Xiao's background and finding nothing hidden; he was just from a normal family.

"How does he have dual powers?" Li Jing muttered, more to herself than to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, sensing her confusion, tried to provide some explanation. "I don't know why or how. I just got these abilities suddenly one day."

Li Jing shook her head in disbelief. "This is unprecedented. In the capital, dual power users are celebrated and nurtured. For someone like you, from a normal background, to have such powers... it's extraordinary."

Lin Xiao didn't respond, feeling the weight of her words. He knew his abilities came from the system, but revealing that was out of the question.

Li Jing composed herself and looked at him seriously. "We need to keep this between us for now. If word gets out, it could attract unwanted attention. You understand that, right?"

Lin Xiao nodded. "I understand. I'll be careful."

"Good," Li Jing replied, her tone firm.

As they loaded the unconscious man into the vehicle, Lin Xiao couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to become even more complicated.

With Li Jing now aware of his dual powers, he had to tread carefully.

Moreover, that weird red energy made him a little afraid, that energy made that guy crazy like an animal.

Suddenly he got the system Notification: 

[Mission Completed - Capture the culprit who is using his powers to kidnap young girls - Rewards: +150 Exp +1 Strength +Future Knowledge]


Enjoy :)

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