
Daily Life Of An Indian Otaku

インドのオタクの生活 Indo no otaku no seikatsu [ Summary in the First Chapter] [ As i suck at description part ]

Shanu_Singh_5765 · アクション
2 Chs

My dream

Me ?

I'm shanu [boy]

a normal college student

ah what I'm saying. Well I'm not normal

i study in the top global college of Japan

how i got my admission in this college?

nothing big , i was just lucky

(cause I'm a fking mc i guess)

do i have friends


its not like i dont talk to them or Dont like making friends

its just the college as just started so making friends will take a bit lil time

my hobbies are drawing watching anime

hearing music and playing games

(come lil closer) i like doing cosplay too...

yeah I'm an weebo

oh yea i forgot to say I'm an indian

that is all for self introduction

lets get back to story


Place :


Karnataka (state)

Bangalore (city)

Jain College


My dream was just to draw , animate an anime , make a comic , be famous and enjoy lots of cash

but if you where born in india i guess

your normal will be the hardest dream you ever had ..

your family wont support you nor your friends

even if your family will support

our state has very low college for animation industry

if you got a college you should also have large amount for it

is there is any way to be an anime maker just like an animater

as i was lil .i was found of drawing

in my free time . I'll spend my time on drawing

as i was kid .no one used to say me anything

but i has i grow old they will say drawing are for kids

you cant do anything with it

NO they are wrong

one day I'll broke them that they wrong

just i need one chance.

Oh Lord Shiva .i just need one chance.please give me just one chance . i beg you

(as he didn't knew that his goal of being a animater will become true one day)

Chapter ends
