
Daily Life of A Caretaker

Okay, so I know I applied to become a caretaker, but I didn't sign up for having to experience all these crazy things! I'm just a simple guy!

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
133 Chs

Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 3

Hey, crazy voices. I got some good news and bad news.

It has only been an hour now, which is plenty for my brain to understand something very important.

Nyarla has the ability to perform multiverse traveling without even trying. Just by opening the door herself, linking it to another reality and into another world we are.

However, it seems that she might not have the ability to control this ability because she has no idea where to go and I had to ask for some directions.

Now, onto the bad news. Yes, that was the good news. The bad news is that I have dealt with many horny bastards trying to get Nyarla's attention since we stepped outside. Luckily, I can just use Nen without having to touch them.

By tingeing one's Ren with hostility, a Nen user can exert what is colloquially referred to as "bloodlust". A prolonged emission of malicious Ren can induce uncontrollable dread in those who cannot use Nen, paralysis, and if contrasted without Ten, even death. On the other hand, a neutral Ren can rarely be felt by non-users. Since Ren is a show of power, it can also intimidate other Nen users, as it offers an approximate measure of the user's raw strength; in fact, by "show me your Ren", Hunters generally mean they want to see the fruits of one's training, such as a Nen ability, rather than their Ren per se. In most cases, Ren reflects the user's hostility without their control, and it can even leave faint traces in the environment after the Nen user has left the scene.

And that's what I did, using Ren to prevent any horny bastards from getting any bright ideas. Much to my joy in guessing about the mastery over my cheats. I can direct the bloodlust to certain targets without affecting anyone nearby, nor would I leave faint traces in the environment after leaving the scene.

In addition, I made sure I didn't accidentally unlock anyone's ability to use Nen. I don't know if the native in this world could even use Nen, but I wasn't taking any chances by touching them. No idea if blasting them with Ren would have a similar, but I would say no due to one of the scenes in Hunter x Hunter.

I didn't bother to continue to count after the 15th horny bastard trying to woe Nyarla and just blasted him with enough bloodlust to make them run away in fear.

The only funny thing at the time was Nyarla being clueless about being hit on and wondering why everyone kept running away after briefly coming near her.

Oh yeah, I don't know when or how, but I got the feeling Nyarla is doing it, or it's part of the package deal from the Boss. I seem to understand all languages, read, write, and speak them as if I grew up with the language. The downside is that my proficiency in all languages equals my main language. So no, being 100% fluent and speaking like those characters with a silver tongue.

Nyarla doesn't seem to have any problems talking with the locals since she is easily talking with others whenever someone comes by to talk to her. Too bad said most locals are horny bastards that lust after Nyarla's sexy body.

Now, some of you crazy voices must be asking which world did Nyarla take me.

I have no idea. I know it's a different world because I've seen many things that shouldn't exist, but everyone acts like it's normal. I'm hoping the ingredients we got from the local grocery aren't secretly poisoned or completely different from their appearance. For all I know, the ground beef could be a potato for all I know.

Also, everything looks straight out of an anime. Even my damn hands have been converted to be like in an anime. Or maybe webtoon stylish due to being with Nyarla? But yeah, that alone proves that I'm in another world and won't be returning to my world anytime soon.

That, or I'm in a coma due to some random accident. Maybe that's why I keep hearing these crazy voices. Eh, I'll stick to being in a coma if this is how things are going for me, even if the whole death thing is going on with these monsters hidden away by a thin layer of protection called plot events.

Anyway, we're back in Nyarla's bedroom, and I'm not even surprised anymore to find out that one of the doors that should lead to a closet is the entry to the kitchen. I wouldn't be surprised if the bedroom is the living room. Since there are two other doors, one might be the bathroom and the other should be the actual bedroom. Or it could be just a storage room, maybe an actual closet.

So remember how I mention making cooking better than ever? Through Nen of course, but with the twist of creating my Nen ability. It took a bit of time, okay it didn't, but it took time for me to come up with a good varies one that could be used for almost everything.

My Nen ability is called Delayed Effect.

This allows me to delay the effect of anything to a later time, for example striking the target, but the strike's impact would not occur until later. In addition, I can SEE the effects right before it begins, making it easier to delay without worrying about timing it wrong.

So in a way, the more aura I use, the more I can delay the effect. A good example is making it so that anything harmful does not affect me until I undo the delay. By then, I can use Lion's Heart to cancel out the harmful effects. In a way, the Delayed Effect also covers the Lion's Heart's short duration in case I don't find someone to carry my pseudo-heart. As well as making a great support tool for the Stillness of an Object's time.

Thanks to this, I made delicious cheeseburgers for Nyarla and me. Talk about wasting such overpowered Nen ability to make something like a cheeseburger. By making it so any mistakes I'm about to make to delay, then using Lion's Heart to void the effect, another waste of using such an overpowered ability to make a cheeseburger.

"This is so tasty~!" Nyarla smiled in delight as she took another bite from the cheeseburger. Chewing then swallowing before speaking again, "Jin, I don't think I can ever eat anything other than food made by you. It's soooooo good!"

"I'm glad to hear that." I smile.

Although, I feel like I might have skipped a landmine by not trying to recreate the Food War's cooking effects on the cheeseburger. Something I should be able to do if I were to create a Nen ability to replicate the cooking effects instead of the Delayed Effect. Well, not that it matters, since I got the feeling, I can create more Nen ability later on as the amount of aura I possess increases as time passes.

"Make more. I'm still hungry!" Nyarla finished her cheeseburger.

"You know that eating too many would make you fat, right?" I point this out since Nyarla is already curvy; any larger, she turns into a chubby girl instead of a sexy curvy girl she is.

Nyarla responds by proudly puffing out her chest, "It's okay because all the fat will go straight to my boobs!"

"Right..." I sweatdrop for forgetting that Nyarla said the same thing in the webtoon. Then, I stare at her boobs and wonder if her statement is true.

What do you think, crazy voices? Think it's true? If so, I do hope any female crazy voices would just bare with Nyarla's moment of silliness. We all know she isn't... well, intelligent in a way. Who knows if she becomes instantly smart if she turns back to the state of an ancient Egyptian Goddess, maybe the Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos as Nyarlathotep, or something? I can't remember everything about her.

I got up and began making another cheeseburger for Nyarla to eat. However, my En picked up something popping right outside the door that led into this apartment, which I should call as such instead of a bedroom.

I appear in front of the door in a burst of speed under the effects of En, then place my left hand onto the door and use Stillness of an Object's Time on the door. Now, the door itself can't be affected normally, turning it into the strongest door in existence.

Afterward, I extend the En further to let me 'see' what's behind the door and find myself speechless to see a creepy ass humanoid form of numerous worms. I'm beyond disgusted by what I just saw. I quickly extend my aura to cover the monster to use Delayed Effect to make whatever is holding all these worms together become delayed in keeping its effect active.

All the worms fall apart instantly, and then I imbue the Delayed Effect onto all the worms to delay their responses to everything around them. I take this new advantage created to open the door, then use the Stillness of an Object's Time to deal with these worms.

By simply exhaling and stopping the time of my exhaled air, I've effectively created invisible pockets of air that would shred everything in its path.

So not even a few seconds, I've destroyed the monster worms before it could even land a second hit on the door and prevent it from following up with a counterattack.

I closed the door, then used the Delayed Effect to prevent the effect of the Stillness of an Object's Time on the door from vanishing once I stopped touching it. That way, in case something moves faster than I could detect with En. The door wouldn't be destroyed straight away.

Afterward, I reappeared in the kitchen to continue making Nyarla another cheeseburger.

"Where did you go, Jin?" Nyarla asks me out of curiosity.

"Taking care of an unwanted visitor." I replied, not bothering to tell her what exactly the visitor was because she honestly thought those shadow hands were a sale person. In hindsight, I should also remind myself that Nyarla has a different perception of what she sees around her.

"Oh, was it another person trying to sell us something?" Nyarla frowned, showing she didn't like people coming here to sell her things. That or she doesn't like salespeople in general.

"Yup, I've already told them we weren't interested." I've decided just to use salespeople as the term to use on these monsters whenever I'm talking to Nyarla about them.

Sorry crazy voices that are salespeople. But I got no other better term to use with Nyarla; she has already claimed one of them as a salesperson here and even in the webtoon.

On the bright side, not even a day over yet, and I now have the means to deal with these monsters without having a panic attack hours ago.

I find it a little frightening that I've already adapted to the changes in my life. I wonder if it has anything to do with those glowing books, and chances are, they do—anyway, time to enjoy these cheeseburgers with Nyarla.