
Chapter 2 - Premium

Marlin rolled around in bed wanting to block out the sounds of her neighbors' moans through the wall. She covered her ears with her beaten pillow and looked at her alarm clock. Groaning at the time, she stood up and made her way downstairs to her hotel's coffee machine. She didn't know if she could handle hearing his name voiced in a moan again. Her neighbors had been going at it all night.

At this time in the morning no one was around except for the regular front desk employee, Dave. "Coffee machine is broken," his voice traveled quickly from his laid-back position. Although his eyes never strayed from the weather segment of channel 40 news.

Marlin turned toward Dave," your bullshitting me!"

"Nope no bullshit involved. Have to send in a request for a new one today."

Marlin groaned, going to stomp back to the elevator.

"Marlin!" Dave stopped her as she pressed the elevator button. "It looks like it's going to be hot today might want to grab some ice." Marlin turned around raising an eyebrow as the elevator dinged. "Come on,' he coaxed her,' I'll make it half price for a regular!"

Walking to her room with a dripping bag of ice over her shoulder was not how Marlin planned for her morning to go, but as she unlocked her door, she decided to roll with it and not tempt fate in anyway.

Fate always had a tricky way of dealing its cards out.

Focusing on stuffing the bag of ice in the freezer she didn't notice someone walking behind her till two hands were pushing the ice with hers. With the added strength the ice fit perfectly. The one problem fixed she turned around to face the second one.

"What's wrong with you!" she hissed, smacking the intruder in his naked chest.

He flinched, chuckling," yeesh, woman! I was only trying to help. What's wrong with you?"

She ducked under his arms that were still firmly placed on her freezer," you shouldn't intrude!"

His chuckles turned into laughs," you love my intrusions!"

"Well next time you intrude make sure to knock!" Marlin huffed, going to get her coffee before remembering she didn't have any. "Fuck!" she growled.

The said 'intruder' tilted his head," maybe it would do you some good to stay off caffeine. Your need for it is getting serious."

"I'm not addicted," she mumbled knowing it was a lie.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder," come on I have a coffee machine."

Marlin laid her head on his shoulder," have I ever told you how much I love you, Henry?"

He scoffed and opened his door," not even when we were dating."

"MARLY!!" She heard the bubbly shout before she saw the figure running toward her. Before she could prepare for the impact two arms had wrapped around her neck while two legs locked around her hips. All three figures fell and ended up in a jumble of limbs. Henry's arm was trapped underneath Marlin's body while his fiancé was face hugging Marlin's breasts. "I haven't seen you in forever, Marly!" the blonde giggled.

"You saw me last week," Marlin grumbled, blowing the girl's long locks out of her mouth.

"Listen, I'm overjoyed about this reunion, but did you have to bring me down with you, Brittany?"

She smirked, leaning closer to her lover," more the merrier," she pecked her boyfriend on the lips, but Henry had other plans. He grabbed Brittany's head and they started to make-out above Marlin.

"Guys! Gross!" she pushed Brittany off her and ended the lip lock.

Henry growled," get your coffee. I'm thirsty for something else."

Brittany giggled," don't be mean Henry. It's bad enough we kept her up all night."

Marlin stood up and started making her coffee.

"She's fucked us she understands our stamina," Henry defended going to kiss Brittany again.

Brittany blushed," we agreed to not mention that!"

"In public," Henry and Marlin stated in unison.

"Besides you two weren't together at the time. We were all just friends who wanted to fuck,' Marlin sipped her coffee and moaned in bliss, 'this is better than the hotel's." She turned around to find them gone with the bedroom door closed. "Seriously guys!" She shouted as she heard her phone go off through her open door.


Later that day, Marlin sat in a dark office waiting for the owner of Creamies', the porn site she was a cam girl for. She had no idea why he wanted to meet. She was given a time and then they hung up, and she was left with no details.

Finally, the double door opened, and her boss strolled in, files in hand. He pulled out the chair directly beside her and for some reason Marlin started to feel uncomfortable. She unconsciously scooted over, and he noticed it and his smile grew louder. "Don't worry I don't bite unless I'm asked to."

Marlin scrunched up her nose," cut the flirting and get to business."

The man chuckled and reached his hand out," the name's John Henwick. Nice to finally meet this beautiful body in person."

"You obviously know me already,' Marlin put her hand in his,' try anything and I won't hesitate to move to a different broadcaster."

John narrowed his eyes at her," don't worry I'm all bark and no bite. I wouldn't dream of doing anything to lose my top cammer." His voice had turned sickly sweet and she didn't miss the way his hand tightened around hers at her threat. He stared in her eyes for a moment before opening his files. "Being our top cammer I want you to help kick start our premium package."

"So, you want me to cam for richer scumbags?"

He laughed," precisely, but that's not all that can happen with this premium package."

"Shoot," she accepted the contract he handed her and started to look over it.

"If they pay a pretty hefty amount to us they can pay you through a personal bank account for personal webcams."

"Elaborate," she mumbled, skimming faster over the contract.

"Someone can offer to pay you their own amount of money if they want you to only cam for them. You won't be paid by Creamies at all, but we still get a percentage of the money you make. So, if a man pays enough for you to live on and pay us at the same time you only cam for him."

Marlin froze, her breath escaping her," forever?"

The man beside her smirked proudly knowing her had caught her attention," Depends if he wants to pay you for forever or if he wants to pay for a personal cam only for one cam time. I wouldn't give your hope up though and I'd be careful. Last girl who accepted it didn't ask for enough and now she's dumpster diving."

His last words went through one of Marlin's ears and out the other.

"Where do I sign?"