


  The cart finally came to a halt in front of the werewolf palace. I stepped out of the cart. I straightened up my clothes and dusted them if there was any dust on my dress. "Queen Victoria, the Queen of all vampires. I, King Zeus, welcome you to the werewolf kingdom. It is an honour for me to have such an amazing, beautiful and strong lady as a guest at my palace." I heard a deep and raspy voice that made me look up.

  I gulped hard as I saw him in front of me. He was tall. Actually, taller than any of the men standing around him. He was muscular. Muscular enough that his arms felt like two strong logs of the tree. His sandy blonde hair was neatly combed backwards. His hair was long and straight, tied up neatly in a ponytail. His eyes were as golden as two shining suns in the bright sky. His chiselled jawline and lightly grown beard. He was a walking Greek God.