

That night the entire Dabarath clan leaders were ready to go to the festival by train. Not with the youngest now sitting in the palace garden looking up at the light of the lampion that was only partially visible from the festival site. His mind tried to remember how crowded and chaotic the city was at the festival, but no such memory. Anne was right about him not being involved in the annual show. Instead of wanting to avoid such an event, the father had already decided to accept it. She doesn't like her brother's fuss or excitement anyway. Observing Anne's enthusiastic approach led her to conclude that she would eagerly walk the streets and taste some of the foods that she claimed to be her favorite or that philo prepared to exhaust all the luxuries of every shop.

Looking around, Jifan was stunned as his gaze met the gaze of the eldest. The silence enabled her to hear the roar of her sister's breath. Did he just run? For what? Seeing her brother still standing with his eyes kept his eyes on her made Jifan step closer.

"What's wrong?" he asked after stopping two steps in front of yuan. The 26-year-old did not immediately answer. He just kept looking at the person in front of him who was wearing the brown hanfu with his hair trimmed. His slanted smile immediately he performed made Jifan link his eyebrows, astonished.

"Ah right outdoors You're a coward! Dare not go outside the thick walls of the palace," he jeers with a mere laugh. Jifan was starting to see what his brother meant by coming here. Surely would urge her to attend the town fair. He had said he was reluctant to participate, but he was also told not to attend. Her eldest brother was definitely a pusher.

"Why? You're afraid to travel without me? You're actually a coward here," he said scornfully with an raised eyebrow, signifying he was looking down on his sister. It is not Juan who gives in and goes without the bother of a long debate. But before he goes, "you're lonely? Ha, shithead. It's funny when an old man starts to feel lonely." Jifan's crunchy laughter sounds as soon as he responds to the other person. The brother quickly threw his eyes to the side, feeling hurt. It's funny that the big one feels lonely.

Before the end of the debate they made fun of each other, a bodyguard from yuan told them they should leave immediately. It makes jifan smile sideways to feel like he won without further debate, "you hear he, mister? The train was about to leave..." to sneer at Jifan and leaned in like his sister did a few hours back in her room. Yuan squeaked with defeat and turned away.

Jifan, who saw him smile, then stiffened his body with his arms outstretched behind his back. Back to the small stream in the reflective garden. After that he stepped toward his room. There was nothing to do in the palace other than reading in a room called stuffy by his brothers.

Meanwhile, the royal entourage began to enter the festival area. They were welcomed by the hundreds who had been waiting for them since the evening because they were the main character so much so that they wanted to see once again the youngest who was charming despite their differences. Caravans from other clans were also present. Only the chief of the clan was invited as a formality.

The residents were heartbroken because the youngest returned did not show up. Everyone gossiped to one another in the youngest son's absence until the whispered voice reached Anne. With a look of regret he walked over to the older brother, who had just stopped talking to the chairman of the ansashi clan. Yuan, who saw his brother pout with swollen cheeks, immediately ended the conversation and looked at his brother.

"What's the matter, Anne?" he asked thoughtfully. Anne is Yuan's favourite. It's because his first brother was too difficult to manage and wasn't fit to talk to him. Philo and yuan had an awkward relationship, beyond the awkwardliness between philo and jifan. Seeing her sister not answering her question, her hand stretched out to her side gently stroking Anne's side.

"I'm upset, dear sister" Anne quietly grew annoyed with me. The big sister was clearly surprised to see her brother who had always been eager to attend the festival now without even complaining that he was upset. Yuan leaned in at his brother's height to be able to stare into his brother's eyeballs.

"Who's making you upset?" asked Yuan carefully. He always understood his brother's attitude when asked in a bad way. So he asked carefully and as calmly as he could so that his sister could be at peace.

"They speak of Jifan!" the arms were raised at the sides of the onlookers in a small fashion shop. Yuan growled to try to understand what they were saying on the topic of the youngest. Afterward he took his sister's small, pampered hand.

Yuan stepped up to them with a rash step about rebuking them. Anne begs him to stare at her sister in disbelief. Yesterday the big one was abai and passed away without rebuking people as if they didn't hear their words, why now change? His second step lay next to the woman with the reddest lip color. They woke up to the sisters' presence until they quickly dismissed themselves thinking they were going to visit the accessories store.

Yuan smiled nervously at their disperse. Some quickly pass by and others greet awkwardly in their throwaway manner. Anne watched her gulp as she watched watched the women dressed in mended makeup and their tantrums.

"I heard my brother mentioned in your conversation. What kind of talk are you talking about one of my brothers?"

All at once, the once busy men started to notice the eldest clan chief. Wonder who he's talking to. His voice sounded flat and cold but his face seemed red, full of anger. Coqued women who were about to leave because of their greetings were ignored soon stood stiff with nervous faces. Obviously they were nervous about the big sister's bad talk.

One of them turned around, looking back at the silent Yuan and looking straight at Anne next to him clutching his sister's hand. Anne sees people starting to gather, wants to know what's going on. she even sees her sister in the crowd. Nervousness made Anne choose to look her big, expressionless sister in the face.

"I'm sorry, Sir. We don't discuss your sister's qualifications." Yuan turned and looked at the woman who seemed to be the chairman of the society, seeing how the eyes were able to look at her as if they were challenging him. Anne is surprised when the older sister unclasps her hands and sways up to the mischievous woman. The atmosphere was so tense that no one dared speak out.

"You're blaming my hearing? How dare you presume..." he murmured in a low voice, desensitizing typical Yuan. Her head was tilted with a terrible sidelong smile. They struck like a hole in the woman's head, "i never liked the way my brother's name was made up. Especially my youngest brother, who you know even now," he said with emphasis on the last sentence.

Fireworks were heard breaking a late silence. Yuan looked up at the sky and saw the light from the fireworks being lit as the opening ceremony. Huft autism Looks like he missed the opening just because of Jifan. The boy really ought to take his nagging after this for interfering with his festivities. His eyes rolled quickly searching for his sister's whereabouts and found the two who were also staring at the sky. Since when did Anne stand with Filo at his side, Yuan didn't notice.

"Tell dad I'm leaving first," he said to Filo. Filo looked at his brother lightly.

"Who do you think you are? Pulling my strings. I'm not that woman who will be afraid of you, get off!" Filo pushed his brother's standing right in front of him as though his body was blocking the view of the sky. Yuan rolled his eyes annoyed at his brother's behaviour. His eyes were on Anne as well.

"Anne, it's okay, won't sister come home early?" she asked and got a nod from Anne. She was almost an adult, so there were no need to worry about many of the servants and guards attending the festival. Yuan smiled and stroked his brother's cheek, "well, take care of yourself!" he said and stepped through the crowd.

He wants to go home right away. Make sure her sister's okay at home. It's also possible to vent his remorse for that first brother. I couldn't wait to see the sharp eyes she was always taunting.