
Chapter 880 The Sylvie Interlude

This chapter is a bit of an experiment. It is not just from Sylvie's perspective, I want you to imagine she's actually the one writing the whole thing. That's what I am attempting at least. 


Hello, good morning, good evening and whatever other epithet you like to use as your greetings at this time. I am writing a letter, or would you call it a diary? I suppose I cannot know what you would choose to label this as, considering I am currently writing this alone in my room. Truthfully, I find this a strange exercise. I do not understand why anyone would find it interesting to spend time listening to my ramblings about my day-to-day activities. 

Despite this, I do know that hearing of others' experiences can be very insightful and interesting enough just for the change it brings. With this in mind I will endeavour to make this as entertaining as I can for everyone reading right now. I do not really know where else to start but in the morning.