
Chapter 797 Too Cute to be Intimidating

Lily and Kat walked down the alley, both as humans. It didn't take Lily long to decide that it was preferable to being a cat. She could always change later to entertain the kids, but first impressions were a big deal and 'funny cat with horns' is quite interesting, but it's still a thing. Not a person. A child doesn't always think about being careful with their pets. A person with funny ears though. That was someone interesting, perhaps a bit strange, but not someone to play around with too much.

As they rounded the corner though, Kat came face first to a scrappy looking kid with an interesting attire. They had a rather ratty top hat that was more patches than original material. Many of those patches were plain cloth as well and it had collapsed to the left side caving in on itself. The right side was in slightly better condition… but only because they had a painted bit of wood stuck to the side of the hat keeping it standing.