
Chapter 545 Back on Earth, and Glad for it.

  Kat stared at the spot the cloaked figure had occupied just moments before. Some small part of her wanted to question things more and puzzle out what exactly was going on… a much larger part however was tired and was feeling the call of home. Despite relaxing today, which was nice, it wasn't quite as good as just going home in her mind. Sure Kamiko's family were lovely and she had a great time, but Kat felt a little wrung out after the past few days. She'd learned a lot, accepted her punishment, and made some friends.

So the last thing she really wanted to do was stick around and waste time trying to puzzle out a demon that was clearly much more powerful then her. *The simple fact that Nira didn't react meant that either she knew what was going on and was ok with it… or whoever that was is skilled enough that not even Nira noticed and if that's the case I've got no chance of dealing with her on my own terms.*