
Chapter 297 Eighty Five Percent

Kat was a little shocked to hear that last part, and froze up more than she was proud to admit. She was still ready enough for any attacks Xiao launched, but it would have been delayed. *I… I never even considered that something like that could actually be a bad thing. Killing you seems rather extreme… but I suppose if they are so good there had to be some catch. Hell, even as a demon there are some catches like that anger thing with my tail. Still… is the difference that I'm a full demon? And how does that work anyway. I was human before, and the system admitted as much… but apparently I'm now 100% demon…*

"That seems a bit extreme. Me, I don't have a fancy bloodline like that, and I'm not sure what your first guess would be, but I'm actually a demon" said Kat

Kat could hear the instant Xiao's muscles tensed. It was like hearing a rabbit band snapping back into place. Every single one of Xiao's muscles contracted when he heard her speak the words.