
Chapter 258 THE RETURN

"Well" said Kat hoping to break the silence "Is there anything else you guys want to do before I leave? I don't want you to think I've just secured payment and run off, but I really will have to leave soon and get on my way"

"Wait!" said Major "We want to try something first… hang on"

A look of concentration passed over Major's face. It was scrunched together and her tails were twirling around each other as if in agitation. Kat didn't notice Major was holding her breath until finally after a minute of trying Major started panting and trying to regain the lost oxygen

"What was that?" asked Kat and Enuko together

"We're trying to see if I can swap places with… Minor" said Major, carefully stating Minor's name with only a slight shiver.

"Well I suspect you are going about it wrong" said Enuko

"What do you mean?" asked Major