
Chapter 1510 Missing the Obvious

--- Kat ---

Kat coughed and looked awkwardly to the side as everyone was staring at her. Well, Lily was nice enough not to be glaring, but that might just be because she was a sleep. "Ok… so I know this looks bad but I genuinely didn't see this from the sky," said Kat.

"How did you miss this lass?" asked Bower in a shocked tone. "I get that you two cats went rather high… BUT IT'S A GIANT CIRCLE!"

Now Bower was correct. After following the tracks for a while they ended up at a rather large cutout. It was as if somebody had cut out a perfect sphere of earth. Which, considering their current guesses as to where the drake was? That's almost certainly exactly what happened. It's so obviously unnatural and Kat was feeling a bit silly for missing it at all.