
Chapter 1477 Kat’s Short Cooking Montage

--- Kat ---

Lily was asleep, Kamiko was asleep, and Kat was nearly there herself. Three hours of intense conversation later and yet, even though the sun had dipped below the horizon they were still going. Apparently, Hunter 23HX443 got into 'Hunting Mode' and now she was absolutely grilling Stphn on every single detail he could possibly remember, perhaps multiple times. Kat really wasn't paying any attention to the conversation at this point.

His wife Mry had left thirty minutes in and headed back for the bedroom. She was presumably also asleep but Kat wasn't going to check that. No, instead she was here, awake but sort of half dozing just in case she was needed for something. Ok, it was more because Kat wanted to see if Hunter's deadpan mask would crack at some point but at three hours in she was really starting to doubt it'd happen.