
Chapter 1447 A Sci-Fi Hunter Part 3

--- Kat --- 

Kat dished out the spaghetti and meatballs she'd done up for dinner. On the one hand, it seemed like a good compromise between Hunter and Kamiko. Sure noodles weren't anything like jelly, but they were soft and the mince was the same. For Hunter, the mince provided at least some meat. Of course, after Kat had started cooking she realised that perhaps making this the day after she'd done lasagna for similar reasons was a poor decision but it was too late now. At least nobody seemed upset. Kat even decided to have her own bowl of food.

Everyone sat around eating for a bit. Kat had the smallest amount, followed by Lily and then Kamiko. Kat had to smile at Hunter going back for seconds, and then thirds. "I'm glad you're enjoying the food. I was a bit worried I should've picked something after thinking about it for a bit… but yeah glad you liked it,"