
Chapter 1410 Vacation Summary Part 1

--- Kat ---

Kat and Lily obviously had quite a few questions for Blue after the story ended, but most of the conversation was just an excuse to spend more time with the fairy. Sure they were somewhat interested… and a touch worried that Skye was likely back in the competition, but that was fine. Even if Skye trained her ass off Kat was still confident they could win in the end… 

Which most assuredly Skye HAD. It was clear that the human had really stepped up after her defeat in the first round, and Kat just had a feeling that it would be enough to make it to the finals. Estelle's team… she was less certain of. As big an issue as that curse seemed… only one of their teammates was truly annoyed with the process. Could they really push themselves far enough to get to the end? Kat thought it much less likely.