
Chapter 130 Giant Birb

Kat didn't halt her descent and so she could drop as fast as possible. Landing in the snow, Kat' impact through up plenty of stray snow and obscured her vision. As Kat was trying to identify Grace's figure through the snow her tail whipped out and cleared most of the snow obscuring her vision.

Grace had a serious look on her face and her bow drawn "Details Kat, what can you tell me"

Pulling out her fans Kat moved forward and stood next to Grace and kept her eyes locked on the fast approaching figure "I dunno, it's some massive bird with really sharp beak and talons. Oh and it's yellow"

Grace felt her mouth pull into a frown "That sounds an awful lot like Barbarashi. What colour was it's eyes?"

"No idea" said Kat

Grace sighed "Well Kat, that happens to be very important and relevant information right now. Red would pretty much be a death sentence, green is doable, and black is probably easy for us. Oh and your holding those fans wrong"