
Chapter 1263 What’s that ticking noise?

--- Nixilei ---

With a hand around Nixilei's ankle, Asteodia wasn't able to properly fly the plane. The first issue her lapse in attention caused was for her feet to slip off the pedals, which then started to smack into Asteodia's shins causing her more pain and slowing the plane down. This wasn't helped by the fact the plane itself was still twisting around. 

When the plane righted itself Nixilei slammed into the back of the plane, jarring her neck somewhat badly, even with the enchantments to protect it they only dampened the impact, the awful angle still hurt. For Asteodia, her arm was yanked further backward as Nixilei started to slide off to the side, which of course forced Asteodia to pull the controls causing yet more problems. "Let me go!" shouted Nixilei, realising that more problems were sure to come from this.