
Deja vu

<p>Notes:<br/>Brian – 38 years old<br/>Justin – 26 years old<br/>Yoongi – 29 years old<br/>Taehyung – 26 years old<br/><br/>In this story, Yoongi is the prototype of the character of the series Queer As Folk – Brandon, with whom Brian made a bet in the 5th season of the series<br/><br/>Fandom: QAF, BTS<br/>Characters: Brian/Justin, Yoongi/Taehyung<br/>Written: 03/25/22<br/>Author: Maestro<br/><br/>Do not distribute text outside the platform without the prior permission of the author!<br/><br/>This text was originally written in Russian on platforms:<br/><br/>Ficbook<br/>https://ficbook.net/readfic/11920389<br/><br/>Wattpad<br/>https://www.wattpad.com/story/352671192-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%8E-18%2B<br/><br/>Boosty<br/>https://boosty.to/maestrotranslationarmyloveyoongi/posts/060c8c57-824c-4c60-b654-d3080dc2c0ce?share=post_link<br/><br/>In English on platforms:<br/><br/>Archive Of Our Own<br/>https://archiveofourown.org/works/38201695<br/><br/><br/>***<br/><br/>So the thumpa-thumpa continues and always will, no matter what happens, no matter who's President. As our lady of disco, the divine Miss Gloria Gaynor, has always sung to us, "We will survive."<br/>Michael Novotny (Queer as Folk, season 5, episode 13)<br/><br/>Outside the nightclub, as always, there is a huge line of crowded guys who are trying with all their might to get inside the most popular place in the city. Even here, among the hum of cars, the breath of the summer wind, the chatter and screams of especially emotional people, the basses of music can be heard. Bright neon signs in dazzling blue represent the name in big, bold letters that every queer in this town knows – "Babylon".<br/>Inside, everything pulsates and sparkles with nightlife. The dance floor is filled to capacity, and the boys are rubbing against each other, sweaty and aroused, although, of course, this does not bother them at all. Half-naked dancers wriggling on several small pedestals. Lasers, flashes and club smoke obscure vision, and frames flicker before the eyes. Colored confetti falls from the ceiling, sticking in a thin layer to wet skin.<br/><br/>Brian stands at the bar, leaning on the glossy surface with his forearm, slightly imposingly, slowly sipping Jim Beam, and watches the dance floor. He wears black pants tight-fitting his ass and a matching sleeveless shirt that showcases his still toned, acquired over the years by hard trainingchest chest and abs. Dark brown hair falls over his forehead, parted in the middle, and Brian occasionally runs his hand through his hair, combing it back, although it still stubbornly lies back in its original place. Music slightly presses on the ears, alcohol makes the mucous membranes hot, haze obscures the eyes. At first glance, it may seem that the man is tired. The facial expression reflects boredom, the body is relaxed, the fingers lazily hold the glass, the free hand fell along the torso, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. But the heart continues to beat in a frantic rhythm, and brown eyes glow brighter than the neon rays that are jumping around the room. And the reason for this is not the eternal thumpa-thumpa, not the abundance of guys who even now, at his thirty-eight, continue to curl around, and not even the upcoming meeting with his son, whom he had not seen for several months.<br/><br/>Brian stands at the bar, leaning on the glossy surface with his forearm, slightly imposingly, slowly sipping Jim Beam, and watches the dance floor. And as if all the human mess blurs before the eyes. Disappears in the club haze. Recedes into the background. Dissolves somewhere on the periphery. Brian only sees one person. The most annoying, stubborn, treacherous person he've ever met in his entire life. A little cunt who has long since become a man. Justin. <br/><br/>The blond is great. He moves smoothly in the sea of alien bodies. His own bodie is perfect, skin glowing from the spotlights falling on it, marked by bright spots of sparkles, blond hair has grown and now curls at the ends, and the young man from time to time straightens it with his hand to remove the bangs hanging over his eyes, light jeans fit obscenely round appetizing ass. Brian can't see his eyes, but he knows from experience how deep blue they are, like paint on canvas. However, now, probably, this beautiful color is hidden by the blackness of the dilated pupil due to the jump in the level of adrenaline in the blood. Brian can't hear his smell, but he knows he goes crazy when he buries himself in others hair, runs his nose up his neck or groin, inhaling the incomparable natural scent of his lover. Brian feels no pressure against his thighs, but he knows Justin is aroused at the moment. He can see it even from here when the guy turns to face him. No man can resist Justin fucking Taylor. How many he and Brian had fucked in the back rooms, how many had seen them fuck. Not enough fingers to count. But Brian knows that none of them interests Taylor as much as he, the proclaimed king of Liberty Avenue, the great Brian Kinney. <br/><br/>That is why he does not understand what the fuck inside something ugly curls up and pricks when he sees another guy next to the dancing lover. About the same age, dark-haired, tall, well-built, insanely attractive. Brian would have fucked him without a second thought if that little shit didn't annoy him so much.<br/>The brunet wraps his big arms Justin from behind, running up his chest all the way to his groin, but stops there, running his fingers under his belt. Justin moves in time with his dance partner, head tilted back a little, hips twirling, hands running through his now wet hair. It seems that the guys do not even notice other men who now and then stare at them, frankly licking their eyes, clearly making it clear what they want. Justin abruptly turns to face the brunette, lightly hugging his waist, and Brian sees the blond's smile broadly. His partner seems to break into a roar of laughter, which is betrayed by his square smile from ear to ear and slanting eyes that have become even narrower. Fuck!<br/>Brian gestures to the bartender for a repeat, and he's fucking tempted to smoke. He quit a couple of years ago, except on those rare occasions when he needed to calm his nerves. Although this was usually done well by a joint, which was safely tucked away in a locker in the loft, as well as in a chest of drawers in the mansion. Fuck!<br/><br/>Brian licked his lips, feeling the hot bourbon settle somewhere in his throat. He rested his tongue on his cheek and wrapped his fingers around a glass stronger, because a little more and it would slip out, flying in broken fragments across the floor.<br/>Brian Kinney is not jealous. Brian Kinney is not a high school brat, a rookie student, or a married Stepford fagot to be fucking jealous of his partner for some… what's his name? Brian didn't even bother to remember his name, for which he received rolled eyes and an annoyed "pff" from the blond for the last couple of weeks that this 'brunette' was hanging around with them. <br/>Brian Kinney is not jealous. Justin doesn't owe him anything. There were never any locks on their doors. No apologies, no regrets. At least that's how it used to be. Until the fucking moment when Justin hit the road to New York three years ago, and Brian nearly went crazy thinking he'd never see him again. Before the explosion at the club forced Brian to say the words he had never, ever said to anyone in his life. Before Justin beat the shit out of him during radiation therapy, post-op procedures, headaches, vomit and all that goodness. Before Justin left without looking back with the violinist and Brian didn't stop him. Before Justin got his head smashed in with a baseball bat after prom. Yes, for God's sake, probably already when Brian noticed him under that fucking streetlight in front of the club! And if someone told him that in eight years he would stand and watch his partner dance with another, while feeling a storm of incomprehensible, inexplicable feelings inside, he would have laughed right in their faces. <br/>Well, fuck-up, Brian Kinney, you're fucked. Fucking fucked up big. Munchers now would definitely clap their hands, seeing your sour muzzle.<br/><br/>"What's the view? Do you lose your temper with age?"<br/>Brian pulled away from the dancing and now smiling couple and turned his head towards the voice. Today is definitely not his day, holy shit. He hadn't seen this guy in quite some time and would rather not see that much again in the future. However, he himself allowed him to enter his club, despite the once won bet.<br/>Brian smiled defiantly, tilting his head slightly to the side, "Do you want me to kick your ass again?"<br/>Yoongi chuckled and turned to the bar, ordering himself a glass of whiskey on the rocks.<br/>"Look, things are going well for you. The club after refurbishment is even more popular than it was," Yoongi yelled, leaning into others ear, sipping his drink, scanning the dance floor for a possible catch with his eyes.<br/>"You're welcome. Everything so that the boys do not roam the streets," Brian saluted with his own glass in the direction of the young man. He just barely smiled, narrowing his fox eyes.<br/>Brian glanced at him from head to toe. All in white, the man was as attractive and sexy as Brian remembered him to be. He hadn't seen him for a long time, but there was a rumor that Yoongi hadn't left the city, although no one really knew how and why he was here until now. Having dump once, this guy became an obsession for Brian. Their bet caused Justin to leave, and Lindsay to call their argument stupid, and Brian himself a child fighting for supremacy. As expected, Brian won, but never took his prize. And so it was clear who rules the ball. However, the sediment still remained. And even the desire balls deep in did not overshadow the hostility from a strange society. But Brian wouldn't be Brian if he showed it. <br/><br/>Brian caught Yoongi scanning the crowd and his eyes landed right on Justin, who was now bouncing and writhing all over next to the brunette. He will definitely have enough ecstasy for today. As soon as Brian saw Yoongi undress the blonde with a look like he was going to literally fuck him right here on the dance floor, how the recent incomprehensible feeling inside turned into palpable anger. Brian pursed his lips, looking from his partner to his interlocutor and back, but he continued to stand still, not even noticing how his fingers clenched into fists. <br/>"Looks like it's time for me to find myself some nicer company for the rest of the evening," Yoongi set his glass down on the counter, turned around, and gave Brian an appraising look. No matter how hard the brunette tries, time cannot be stopped. However, Yoongi couldn't help but admit that for his age, the man looked very not-bad. Perhaps for someone else.<br/>"Have fun," Brian shouted and nodded towards the dance floor, knowing exactly where Yoongi would go. And he wasn't wrong. The young man moved straight towards Justin. Brian always liked to watch other men paw, touch, caress, suck his lover. It was hot. It was sexy. From this cock hard like hell, rubbing open head from the seam of tight trousers. But now Brian turned away. He turned towards the bar and signaled to the bartender for another glass of liquor. Fuck everything! He won't look at it. Just not fucking in the mood. Honestly, there was a desire to drop everything and get out of here to hell. But fucking pride wouldn't let. And, well, yes, of course, they also live with Justin together. Later, the blond will simply harass him with questions if he notices that the lover has disappeared from view without saying a word.<br/><br/>And what a surprise he was when the other hand lay on his shoulder, turning him to face him. Brian couldn't even contain his reaction. Eyebrows went up and eyes widened to get a better look at the guy opposite and make sure that this was not a figment of the imagination, thrown up by a veil of alcohol and lasers that had already gone crazy. Should tell Theodore to think about it.<br/>"Will you finally dance with me, or will just stand here all night like an abandoned old faggot?" Justin cooed defiantly, hugging his waist, pulling him close-close, burying his nose in the neck. Fiery breath immediately burned his skin, and Brian felt how this fire rapidly descends right to his fly. Only, fuck, Justin was capable of such a thing. Turned on with a half turn.<br/>"Where is your friend? Wouldn't he be bored without you?"<br/>'Yes, fuck him,' really wanted to say. And also wanted to ask what the hell Yoongi managed to do with that gorgeous body while Brian turned away. But he only ran his fingers through blond hair, soaking up pillows the softness and suppleness even though it was almost completely wet.<br/>Justin accepted the bottle of water that Brian kindly handed him and drained nearly half of it at a time. <br/>"I think he'll be busy tonight," Justin chuckled, the way he always did when he was high, and pointed the bottle towards the dance floor. Brian followed his hand with his eyes and found Yoongi already thrusting his tongue into Justin's friend's mouth.<br/>"And you leave him alone?" Brian asked. In truth, he didn't give a shit about this guy. But still, he arrived quite recently, he knew the city rather poorly, he didn't have his own car, and he followed Justin everywhere like a tail, like a duckling that has lost its mother. If something happens to him, it will not turn out very nice.<br/>"Taehyung is a big boy. He's got taxi money, our phone numbers, the name of the hotel he's staying at, and he can kick ass pretty well. Not only literally, I mean," Justin chuckled again and slipped his hand between Brian's legs, running his fingers down his fly. "Come on, dance with me, Brian Kinney. I've waited enough for today."<br/>Brian, out of habit, grabbed Justin's ass with both hands, lifting him off the ground, and pulled him into a wet, deep, rather hard kiss. Justin's hot tongue matched the cool water he'd just drunk. Tenacious fingers tangled in Brian's hair. The hard cock rested on the thigh. And even over the loud music, Brian could hear Justin moaning into his mouth, breaking the last barriers.<br/>"Fuck up, I changed my mind. To hell with dancing. I want you to fuck me. Now," Justin rubbed his whole body against Brian, sending hot sparks through the insides, almost burning. Give him free rein, he will take off Brian's pants right here, next to the bar. Brian kissed the blond again, thrusting his tongue deep into his mouth, drinking the other's moan like the best sort of expensive alcohol, and pulled back a little. He gave the young man a bottle of water, made sure that he drank it to the end, took his hand and led him towards the back rooms. <br/><br/>Stopping in front of the entrance, Brian pulled Justin to him and put his hand on his cheek, stroking the skin with his thumb, looking into the blue of others eyes.<br/>"Are you sure you want to go there? We can go home," Brian didn't care where to fuck his lover. Justin was gorgeous everywhere: in the office on a desk or a leather sofa, in a car, in a mansion in front of a fireplace or by the pool, in a loft on a huge bed, under a blue backlight that made his skin almost fantastically pale, in the VIP area of a club, in back rooms. But now Brian suddenly realized that they had not visited the back rooms for a long time. Not because they didn't want to. Somehow it didn't work out. Although none of them have ever suffered from such a thing as embarrassment. But now, for some reason, Brian felt an urgent need to ask about it. In truth, he himself wanted to take Justin home and fuck him until he lost his pulse, without witnesses, so that only he could see how this fucking blond fell to pieces from the cock in his ass. His cock. Cock Brian Kinney. But Justin was of a different opinion. He smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck, thereby inclining him to him, and kissed him lightly but sensually.<br/>"I'm sure. I want everyone to see who fucks me."<br/>Brian grinned wryly and pulled the blond even closer, fucking the insidious soul out of him with his tongue.<br/><br/>Brian pinned Justin against the wall in the back room and dug his long fingers into the thick layer of light denim, pulling on the straps, feeling hard cock beneath the fabric. Pulling his tongue out of others hot mouth, Brian caught Justin's languid moan with his lips and roughly turned him around to face the wall, burying his nose in blond hair. Shaking his partner out of his jeans, Brian took a condom from his back pocket and ripped off the corner with a deft movement of his teeth. Lowering his pants just enough to reach his cock, Kinney rolled the elastic over trunk and ran his wet fingers over the cleft of Justin's round whore ass, which he so unceremoniously exposed, arching his back, resting his hands on the wall.<br/>"Come on, Brian, please," Justin turned his head back, blindly seeking Brian's lips for a smeared kiss that felt more like a lick and smack than a real kiss.<br/><br/>Brian entered slowly but hard, and Justin screamed at the fullness inside. They hadn't done it here in front of everyone for so long that the excitement after dancing, taking a fun circle, combined with the observation that Justin literally felt all over his skin, now completely covered with goosebumps, hit right in the cock, causing him to swing to the side, and a drop of pre-cum to slide down the trunk all over the balls.<br/>Brian was fucking him deep and hard, just the way Justin needed it right now. Slammed Justin into the wall, pressed on his thighs with his fingers, bit on the scruff of the neck, pulled on the hair with one hand, while the other jerked hard cock ready to explode.<br/>"Justin…" Brian muffled growled the name of his lover in his ear, and Justin did not hear anything but his voice.<br/><br/>Brian could feel them being stared at. They literally devour them with their eyes. It seemed to wave a finger and everyone would immediately stop their movements, ready to surround only one couple, who had not visited the back rooms for so long. They were always looked at. If they offered to join, it seemed like heaven for the lucky one. Well, of course, fuck with the most famous couple of Liberty Avenue. <br/>But now those languid glances, muffled groans and the roar of music in the background pushed with renewed vigor. For some reason, Brian wanted to show everyone in this place that only he can fuck this ass, only he can drive his cock into this hole so roughly, only he can whisper a name in his lover's ear. And Justin wants it. He always wanted it. Only one man. Only him. <br/>Justin tilted his head back and Brian felt his cock pulsing in his palms, shooting thick jets of cum right at the wall opposite. The foreign muscles of the anus were gripped so tightly in a vise that it did not take long to follow the blond, pouring into the condom. <br/>Sweat trickled down the back of head, soaking the shirt. Hair got into the eyes. White flashes flickered under the eyelids, so much Brian squeezed his eyes shut at the moment of orgasm. His mouth was as dry as the fucking Sahara, and Brian would kill for a bottle of water right now. His chest burned with fire from rapid and intermittent breathing, his legs gave way, his skull threatened to split in half.<br/><br/>Brian pulled the elastic off and tucked his cock into his pants, running a clean hand through his hair. Justin turned around. His smile widened even more, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes shone with satisfaction. He pulled Brian towards him and ran his fingers down his cheek.<br/>"I love you," the blonde said in a strangely articulate way, as if he wanted every word to be clearly and accurately imprinted in others brain. Brian raised an eyebrow. He knew that Justin was never ashamed to say that sentimental shit to his face, and even did it himself sometimes lately, although it was still hard. The words literally burned throats from the inside, and a bomb exploded in the skull, worsen than the one they had experienced. But Brian tried. And not because Justin or anyone else needed it. And because he really felt it. But he didn't remember Justin ever saying anything like that here. What's wrong with this guy again?<br/>"I know," that's all that was enough for Brian right now. If Justin thinks that he will confess his love to him in front of everyone, in the back room, where everything stinks of sex and the guys all over the city, like some kind of lesbian cunt… no, Kinney is not ready for such a responsible step yet.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>After a fucking blowjob and another equally mind-blowing fuck, Justin sprawled out on the couch like a star, spreading his legs and arms to the sides while Brian took a shower. It was quiet in the loft, a soft contrast to the noise that was pressing on ears when he and Brian left the club after informing Taehyung that they were going home. Tae didn't even flinch. He just nodded with a wide smile and said that he would write when he was free. Justin was surprised to find him still there on the dance floor when he and Brian left the back rooms, still with the same guy who had approached them shortly before Justin had left them. <br/>He knew Yoongi more by word of mouth than personally. And in truth, Justin's head began to hurt from the feeling of deja vu when he heard snippets of conversation about this young man. He also knew about the dispute between him and Brian. About what was at stake. About who won. And that the winner never took his prize, although he could have easily done so. Justin never spoke to Brian about the incident, preferring to pretend he didn't know anything at all. But, of course, it was simply impossible not to notice the tension between the two men, who literally exploded from an overabundance of testosterone when they were nearby, it was simply impossible. If it was with someone else, Justin would find it funny. But he knew that Yoongi's presence was stressing Brian. And it's not even that Brian is not confident in himself. Fuck, he's probably the most self-confident asshole Justin has ever met. But Yoongi was the very embodiment of what Brian had always been so afraid of. He was young, handsome and popular with men, free and not burdened with obligations. Everyone was talking and whispering about him. Everyone wanted him. He could get whatever he wanted. Once upon a time, Brian was only interested in this. Well, at least behind his outward bravado, which he allowed everyone to see. But Justin knew it was all bullshit. Contradictions tore him apart from the inside: unwillingness to depend on someone and fear of forever being unloved. Stay alone. An old, useless fagot who once fucked everyone in a row, and is now forgotten and buried along with everyone else. Justin still saw a shadow of uncertainty in the other's brown eyes. Brian still believed that someday Justin would leave him. It was worth seeing his fucking face when the blonde informed him that he would return to Pittsburgh and live with him again, and if he didn't like something, well, Justin didn't give a damn about it.<br/><br/>And now Justin saw that uncertainty again. When Taehyung came here.<br/>Justin met this guy at one of his exhibitions when he was just starting to present his work on the recommendations of Lindsey. Taehyung was daring, assertive, completely shameless, but at the same time thoughtful and far from stupid, versed in art and music, professionally engaged in photography. Thanks in part to him and his journal, Justin was able to move forward. Rumors grew like a snowball, and soon the blond flashed on all the covers of magazines, which helped him a lot. Justin didn't understand why the hell Taehyung did this, why he helped him, and in general what he wants. But the brunette just smiled broadly when the blonde asked him about it at one of the receptions, and said something like, "At one time someone also helped me, although I, like you, did not ask for it. You're a good guy, Justin. And a good guy all should be good."<br/>Justin then only blinked his eyes like a little schoolgirl, but could only nod at the strangeness of a new acquaintance. <br/><br/>Taehyung turned out to be an interesting conversationalist, a little weird for his age, but who the hell is talking about weirdness. Justin has a lot of weird friends left in Pittsburgh, so he shouldn't be complaining. Taehyung supported him throughout Justin's time in New York. Helped find a more suitable apartment, as opposed to that dark cold closet that Justin called his home. If Brian saw this, he would kick the blonde's ass. And literally. <br/>"You have never shown your boyfriend where you live?!" once Tae asked over a cup of coffee, when he and Justin were sitting in their already familiar café at that time.<br/>"Nah. We usually meet at the suite Brian rents for the weekend. Or I fly to Pittsburgh myself. He was in my studio, but never in my apartment. He would having a stroke, seriously," Justin laughed, and Taehyung picked up his soft laugh. <br/>"Missing the home?" Tae asked. He was not a local himself and could rarely afford to visit his parents in Korea due to his busy schedule.<br/>"Very," Justin realized this immediately upon arrival in New York. Neither the beauty of the city, nor the prospects of the proposed work, nor the clubs, nor even the local guys could cheer up. At first, Justin thought it was just nostalgia. He will get used to it after a while. But days, weeks, months passed, and the feelings remained the same. And only thoughts about the home, about mom and sister, about Debbie and the guys started, it seemed, ready to stop the heart. And it beat even harder, it was worth imagining a native face, soft brown eyes and a cheeky grin.<br/>"You miss him, don't you?" Taehyung rested his chin on his hands and dreamily watched Justin, who seemed to be drifting somewhere on the stream of his own thoughts.<br/>Justin just nodded in response.<br/>"So why don't you come home? You are doing well. You can draw anywhere. It is not necessary to live here permanently."<br/>"Tell that to Brian," Justin snorted. "He stubbornly believes that New York is exactly what an aspiring artist needs. In truth, he wanted me to come here more than I did. No, I wanted too. First…" Justin bit his lower lip, watching the passers-by through the windshield of the cafe.<br/>"Now you're not so sure about that anymore," Taehyung didn't ask, he stated. And damn right he was. Of course, Justin liked what he achieved here. If he refused to go, he would have nothing of what he had now. But doesn't it matter where he paints? Can't he live where he wants? Can't he have a boyfriend and his art at the same time? Why does he have to choose?<br/>"Tell me how you two met," Taehyung decided to change the subject because he noticed a slight hint of bitterness on the others face.<br/>"Oh, it's a long story."<br/>"And you in a hurry somewhere?" Taehyung leaned back in his chair and wiggled his eyebrows. Jerk.<br/><br/>Justin was sorry to part with him. Taehyung was one of the few who didn't get into his pants and just wanted to be a good friend, which he eventually succeeded in doing. But the desire to be with Brian and his family turned out to be stronger.<br/>And what was Justin's surprise when, after a couple of months, during which he and Taehyung still kept in touch, this guy landed in Pittsburgh, without warning, just call from the airport and said that he wanted to personally check how Justin is doing well. The blonde had long understood that Tae was rather strange, some of his actions were simply inexplicable from the point of view of the usual human logic, but Justin did not expect such a feint from him.<br/>Taehyung checked into one of the hotels, having previously assured him that he had enough money to spend a fucking year here, not to mention a couple of weeks, which he discussed with his superiors. Brian took the news of Justin's new acquaintance rather coolly, only nodding in greeting when they first met. <br/>"Damn, he's handsome, fuck," Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand, which caused Justin to vomit, because such behavior never suited Taehyung. "Are you sure he's almost forty? I wouldn't have understood if you hadn't told me."<br/>"Yeah. Just don't think of pronouncing this figure out loud in his presence," Justin winked, and Tae ran his fingers over his lips, closing them with an impromptu lock.<br/><br/>The more time Taehyung spent in the city, the more Justin noticed that Brian was closed in. Tae was a tactile and rather clingy guy, something Justin had become accustomed to after a couple of years of dating. But Brian, it seems, such communication was incomprehensible. Given that he did not see any signs of intimacy between young people. And Justin knew he would never ask that directly. And he never admits that he is simply… jealous of a younger, equally successful man who, moreover, unlike Brian, settled in New York, for whom would not have to leave and sacrifice something. Justin wanted to bang Brian's head the moment he thought about it. What the fucking else is he going to do to make the big king Kinney realize Justin isn't going anywhere?<br/><br/>And it seems that today their walk to the club was no exception. Justin saw Brian watching them. Saw how Yoongi talking to him. Knew from the other stunned look that Brian was sure that Yoongi was interested in Justin, and not in Taehyung. Remembered Brian fucking him in the back room. Not for pleasure or to satisfy own needs. And to prove to himself that Justin is still with him.<br/>"Why the fick didn't your ass end up in the shower?" Brian pulled Justin out of his wandering thoughts as he stepped out of the shower and stood beside him, shaking his head so that the drops from his hair landed directly on Justin's bare, still hot skin.<br/>"Someone fucked her unconscious so that she couldn't get out of bed," Justin smiled defiantly and kicked Brian's thigh lightly. "Brian?"<br/>"Mm?" Brian sat down on the bed, as he was, naked, and rummaged through the bedside table in search of a hidden joint.<br/>"I was thinking about something…"<br/>"Always a dangerous thing." <br/>Justin snorted and took the joint handed to him. Now is not the time to smoke. He wanted to talk to Brian. But maybe blowjobs, sex, and weed, the three essentials for softening the brain into an incapable of reasoning mess, will relax his stubborn lover enough to at least think about what Justin wants.<br/>"We've already talked about this, actually… and I…"<br/>"Justin, just tell me what you want already. For God's sake, sometimes you look like Gus."<br/>"I want to give up condoms."<br/>Brian tensed. From the outside it seemed imperceptible, but for so many years Justin has learned to read his man without words. Stone shoulders, pursed lips, a look directed to the side.<br/>"You're right, we've already talked about this. And it seems made a decision," Brian lay down on the bed, again puffing on the joint, releasing the ring at the ceiling. Their last conversation about this ended with Justin's cheeks red with indignation and Brian's headache, after the second… refused. Brian did not want to bind Justin with such a serious obligation. He still felt the ghost of guilt behind him for the blond's return. Perhaps he himself has long been ready to give up condoms. Who else if not Justin, damn it. But considering how many Brian fucked… and besides, Justin was still so young. At his age, Brian would never have agreed to monogamy. Fuck there. And he was not going to doom the same fate to his partner.<br/>"Listen," Justin sat down, shaking his head as Brian offered him another puff. "We don't fuck with other guys anymore… for who fucking knows how long, I guess. I haven't had anyone but you since I left for New York," Justin saw other fingers with joint linger halfway as Brian hesitated at his words. He did not tell him about this. And he hoped that this information would not only convince his lover to make the right decision, but also dispel doubts about Taehyung. <br/>"We haven't slept together with anyone since I got back. And even the back room was used today for the first time in a long time. So… why not?"<br/>"Why do you need it?" Brian seriously looked into the eyes of his lover in search of a catch. He and Justin fucked to sparks in the eyes when he came to New York or Justin himself to Pittsburgh. But Justin never said he hadn't slept with anyone but him for… three whole fucking years! Seriously?<br/>"I want to feel you. I want to know that you are with me. Want…"<br/>"This is not the conversation we need to discuss now, Justin," Brian lifted the joint up. "If you think I'm a high and will agree to anything, you're wrong, sly little Justin Taylor."<br/>"Well, it was worth a try, right?" Justin chuckled, this time already taking a cigarette in his fingers. "Just think about it. I…"<br/>"I'll think about it."<br/>Heart was beating wildly in the chest, and goosebumps ran down the back of the neck. Perhaps such an ambiguous answer would offend someone, but for Brian this was the highest degree of trust.<br/>Justin couldn't help but grin as he straddled his lover, rubbing his hard cock against his still perfect body. Brian was no longer so tense, and the shadow of uncertainty that Justin had been trying to expel had disappeared from his eyes. Whether it was the drugs or their little conversation, Justin didn't know. But he felt that a start had been made.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Taehyung's pants have been itching ever since this gorgeous guy pressed his massive erection against his ass on the dance floor. And now the cock was ready to explode with sperm and soak the light, light-colored trousers if they didn't get anywhere right now. Yoongi drove the car quite aggressively and quickly, but Taehyung still felt like they were plodding along at the speed of a lame turtle. He unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for his current partner's crotch, but the latter, noticing the movement, caught his arm and pushed him aside. Eyebrows shot up and Taehyung was about to swear, offended if he hadn't noticed the cheeky smirk at the corner of his lips.<br/>"I do not advise you to suck me while I'm driving. It doesn't work like in the movies. Either I'll lose control and we'll crash into the nearest banner before we even get to fuck, or you'll just be offended by my lackadaisical reaction." <br/>Taehyung considered the others words and realized that this guy's arguments made sense. A blowjob literally turns the brain into porridge, you can't think about anything, you can't concentrate, just close your eyes and hold your partner by the hair, pulling others mouth deeper onto the cock. The prospect of falling to his death, even with the hottest man he'd ever seen, didn't make Taehyung happy. And if Yoongi is completely focused on the road while Taehyung works on his cock, then neither of them will get much pleasure.<br/>"Then do something to get your cock in my ass as fast as possible."<br/>Yoongi grunted again and stepped on the gas until it heard the whine of tires on the pavement. It's a good thing the road was pretty empty at this time of day, otherwise they would have been accompanied by a disgruntled flurry of horns from other drivers.<br/><br/>Once finally in the apartment, the owner did not stand on ceremony for a long time. As soon as he opened the door and went inside, he pressed Tae against the wall next to him and roughly stuck his tongue into his mouth, examining others mucous membrane, sending bright flashes over his already heated body. Taehyung lifted his leg and Yoongi grabbed it with his hand, lifting it higher. Due to the difference in height, it was not possible to touch the others crotchs, but Taehyung still felt the fire between his partner's legs, and moaned into his mouth when the other hand squeezed his buttock with force. Other palms slid under the hem of his shirt, long fingers explored the olive skin, reaching the nipples, pinching, and Taehyung groaned again, twitching towards the touch. <br/><br/>Yoongi led Tae into the bedroom and pushed him onto the bed, pulling his shirt over his head, then his pants and underwear. Now, while he was undressing, standing in front of, Taehyung was able to get a better look at him, which he could not do in the club and in the car. Dark hair slightly curled at the ends. Clear eyebrows and a fluffy lash line emphasized the fox slanted slit of dark coffee-colored eyes, a small nose, pink lips, soft-looking cheeks, a slender but strong milky body begged to be marked. Long knotted fingers acted deftly and quickly, shaking off the remnants of clothes.<br/><br/>Yoongi landed on his knees next to the panting guy and traced a line from his throat to his cock with his finger. The foreskin was exposed, revealing a red head, wet and shiny with natural lube. Yoongi moved on and came across a butt plug neatly fitted between his buttocks. Yoongi raised his eyebrows but said nothing. Few of his former partners prepared for the night like this in advance. They preferred to do it in the process or use the bathroom.<br/>Interesting boy.<br/>"Come on, I'm ready," Taehyung thrust his hips up as Yoongi slowly brushed the pad over the toy.<br/>"Quiet," one word. But it sounded so commanding, in such a hoarse and piercing voice that Taehyung was afraid to shamefully cum just from this sound.<br/><br/>Outlining the outline of the cork with his finger, Yoongi grabbed the core and pushed deeper, causing others strangled moan of impatience that echoed in his ears with pleasant music that overshadowed even his own rapid breathing. Yoongi wanted to suck off this guy. He rarely did it. Preferred return service. But now, without knowing why, he leaned between his legs, hugging the head of others cock with his lips, still continuing to move the cork inside.<br/>"Fuck!" Taehyung tugged at his own hair, pushing his hips into other mouth. Inside it was so wet and hot that the brain refused to think, leaving only bare animal instincts. Yoongi didn't take him completely, helping himself with his hand where he couldn't reach with his lips, but the subtle actions of his tongue and mouth were enough to bring Tae to the edge.<br/>Ran his tongue wide across cock for the last time, quite pleased with himself, Yoongi pulled away because he felt that just a little more and his hookup would come in his mouth, which Yoongi did not plan at all. He carefully pulled out the cork and dipped in with his fingers, immediately feeling how hot and tight it was, despite the generous amount of lube that the guy did not spare at all during the stretch. Two fingers went in without any problems, and Yoongi twisted them, spread them with scissors, bent them, watching the other body writhing with excitement. But the prostate deliberately did not touch.<br/><br/>Having rolled a condom over his cock, Yoongi was ready to turn his partner on his stomach and enter the supple and waiting entrance, but the brunette suddenly bucked, threw him on his back and straddled him. This change of position, to be honest, was not to Yoongi's liking. First of all, the face-to-face position suggested a more personal and intimate contact, which don't plan with a one-night stand. And, secondly, Yoongi was used to controlling the process himself, which became difficult when an excited partner jumped on top of you. But for some reason now this position did not bother him. The man looked great on him. A languid gaze licked Yoongi's body from head to toe, and long fingers fluttered over the skin, sending goosebumps to the back of his head.<br/>"Any problems with that? I can change position if there are objections," Taehyung, however, caught, though fleeting, but still the tension in the body of a partner. But he continued to look at him attentively, then took both hands on his hips, gently but forcefully, and smiled again with that seemingly signature cheeky grin.<br/>"No objections. Have fun."<br/>Taehyung pushed the other man's cock where he wanted in the club. And he bit his lip from the first such the sweetest moment of stretching the tight walls of the anus. He closed his eyes for a moment as he sank on the trunk completely, and when he opened them, he realized that Yoongi was still looking at him, although he was breathing just as hard, licking his bottom lip over and over again. But he continues to watch.<br/>"You are very beautiful," soft hoarseness again penetrated into the ears. And Taehyung freaked out.<br/><br/>The brunet rode around Yoongi like a fucking rider, worked his hips like a stretched spring that bounced with each press, moaning low and guttural, sending vibrations all over his body right up to his balls. Yoongi was squeezing his buttocks, thighs, and pelvic bones so hard that bruises would probably appear by morning. He drove a cock into the prostate, rising on his heels. Biting on the neck when the guy leaned lower, allowing himself to be reached. He penetrated with his finger the edges of the anus stretched around the trunk, causing a stream of such curses that he had never heard in his life. His partner was so unbridled and hot that it is simply impossible not to admire. Usually Yoongi is used to working alone. It suited him just fine. But no one has ever given himself to him like this: openly, completely, absolutely. This guy not only wanted to take, but also to give something in return, despite the fact that he perfectly understood that this was a one-time action. And Yoongi couldn't help but feel it, no matter how hard he tried to brush it off.<br/>Really interesting boy. <br/><br/>Yoongi threw back his head, resting the back of his head on the pillow, when the brunette, pouring onto his stomach and chest with a loud moan, jumped off his cock and quickly found himself between his legs, removed the condom and, without hesitation, plunged the cock completely into his mouth. Yoongi felt the back of his throat with his head, how the guy swallows and crushes his balls with long fingers, periodically pressing on the seam under them, stimulating the prostate from the outside. And didn't last long. <br/>The hot jet went straight down his throat and Taehyung didn't taste it at all. And so he pulled away and licked others head clean. Yoongi didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, which amused Taehyung a little. He did great. And had no doubt that this guy would want him again.<br/>"Can I take a shower?" he asked softly, almost inaudibly. And Yoongi nodded, mumbling listlessly where to go to find the bathroom.<br/>After a while, Taehyung returned, clean and fresh, albeit completely exhausted. He would like to stay. Relax and feel others warmth nearby, which have not felt for a very long time, limited to short and frivolous relationships. And this man is clearly not the best candidate.<br/><br/>"Be careful, Tae," Justin told him when Taehyung noticed a chic and cocky-looking young man staring at him from the side of the bar. "Maybe you will choose a more affordable option to start with? Yoongi is little…"<br/>"Difficult?" Taehyung finished, completely focused on his conversation with Justin, however, with his eyes frankly devouring Yoongi and not hiding it at all, as soon as he noticed his interest. "Was it different you with Brian?"<br/>"Tae, that's different. Brian and I share a common history. We've been through so much shit. And, to tell the truth, I wouldn't wish that on anyone," Justin put his hand on his friend's shoulder, shouting in his ear.<br/>"Don't worry, my dear friend," Taehyung turned to face Justin and the smiled. "It's just entertainment. Nothing more," although something inside flared up, pulled like a magnet and itched, as soon as he saw Yoongi in the crowd. Taehyung didn't know what it was, if it was real, or how long it would last. Maybe it's just the adrenaline. Maybe the desire is trite to get hooked up. Taehyung doesn't experience love at first sight. But he always loved to play. And it seems that he found himself a partner in the tournament.<br/><br/>After a while, Taehyung returned, clean and fresh, albeit completely exhausted. He would like to stay. Yoongi slept so peacefully, curled up in a ball and wrapped in a blanket, that Tae wanted to sit next to him and watch for a long, long time. Not a shadow of a trace was left of that impudent and defiant stallion that Taehyung had seen a couple of hours ago. Yoongi didn't chase him away, didn't ask him to leave after. But if Taehyung stays now, it will spoil all the fun. He wanted to see if his partner would accept his challenge. Is he worthy of continuing the game? Therefore, Tae just scribbled a small message on a piece of paper and left it on the table next to the bed along with a pen, dressed quietly and left the apartment. On the way, he texted Justin that he was all right, he called a taxi and is heading to the hotel.<br/><br/>Taehyung is already in the car when his mind wanders back to others apartment. He wish to see the face of 'Mister-night-fuck-Yoongi' when he wakes up in the morning and reads his message.<br/><br/>'I'll come to you in a dream'<br/><br/>A few days later…<br/><br/>"I have a feeling of deja vu," Justin held a cool bottle of beer in his hand, and Brian played with bourbon, rolling the liquid in a glass. He looked to the side where Justin was staring so intently and saw Yoongi with Taehyung, although he was completely sure that just recently the first one was surrounded by several men, and Taehyung was standing next to them at the bar, slowly sipping some girly shit. Now Yoongi's arms were wrapped around Taehyung's body, and he, in turn, was rubbing his ass against his crotch very-not-modest. Brian suddenly remembered Justin teasing him in exactly that way. How this little cunt first came to the club with his best friend Daphne, took off his shirt, exposing his youthful body, and won all the stallions that surrounded Brian in the dance at that moment to his side. And Brian easily took Justin to himself, and he did not resist at all. Only then, Brian did not yet know how insidious this blonde could be. That he never does anything for nothing. Always adjusting events in such a way that Brian is trapped by his own principles. <br/>"Doesn't it remind you of anything?" Justin called into Brian's ear. He just chuckled.<br/>"I have no idea what you mean."<br/>"Hah, yes, of course," Justin smiled, put the bottle on the bar and grabbed Brian's hand with the intention of dragging him into the back rooms. But Brian turned him around to face him and shook his head in protest.<br/>"I'm afraid we'll have to give up visiting the back rooms."<br/>"And why is that?" the blonde's eyebrows shot up in complete disbelief.<br/>"Do you know the club's policy? Condoms are a must."<br/>"Yes, but what…" Justin suddenly fell silent in a half-phrase, when the essence of the information reached the brain. They were tested at regular intervals, and the latest negative results were already in a drawer in the loft. But after receiving them, Justin has not yet spoken to Brian. And now…<br/>"Are you serious?" Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. He could not contain the raging joy that was tearing him apart from the inside.<br/>Brian just nodded in response, running his fingers through blond hair, pressing his face against it, inhaling the familiar scent. Fuck condoms. Fuck Yoongi. Fuck Taehyung. And fuck anyone who says anything. He himself will decide how to fuck, with whom to live and what to do. And now he wants Justin's ass without a condom.<br/>"You know," Justin approached Brian's ear and said, "I think we can wait a little more, m?" he flashed a mischievous look as he met Brian's eyes. Justin has been waiting for this for a very long time. But could wait a little longer. And besides, he himself was not going to give up all their habits. At least right away.<br/>Brian raised an eyebrow defiantly, but then smiled and pressed his lips to the others in a soft kiss. <br/><br/>As he led Justin to the back rooms, he caught Taehyung's eyes. He carefully looked at them with Justin and, smiling, gave a thumbs up. Brian wanted to roll his eyes at such childishness. But he only nodded to the guy and followed his partner.<br/><br/>What have you done today to make you feel proud?<br/>It's never too late to try<br/>What have you done today to make you feel proud?<br/>You could be so many people<br/>If you make that break for freedom<br/>What have you done today to make you feel proud?<br/><br/>Brian caught the lyrics as he and Justin were almost at the entrance. He stopped and listened more carefully. And then he suddenly laughed. Justin turned around when he realized Brian wasn't following him and moved closer.<br/>"What's happened?" the blond asked.<br/>Brian shook his head and pulled Justin closer for another kiss, now hotter and deeper than before.<br/>"I love you," he whispered in Justin's ear, hoping that the blond might not hear him because of the music and the hum of voices. But he heard. And he broke into a bright happy smile, almost jumping on Brian from an overabundance of emotions.<br/>"And I love you."<br/>Brian followed Justin, watching his ass bounce in tight pants. His ass. Brian Kinney's ass.<br/><br/>He owns the most wealthy advertising company in the city. He owns the most popular gay club, where all the men of Liberty Avenue dream to go. He has enough money to buy whatever he wants. He has friends who, despite all his shortcomings, remain by his side. He has Mikey, the best friend who never left him. Debbie, who replaced his own mother, and so she remained. He has a son who loves him just like that, without any benefit. He is still full of energy, beautiful and popular. He also has the coolest ass on Liberty Avenue. And now only he will fuck this ass. And he is sure that its owner does not mind at all.<br/>Yeah, Brian Kinney definitely has something to feel proud. <br/><br/>Visualization:<br/><br/>Brain/Justin, Yoongi/Taehyung<br/>https://images.boosty.to/image/9c0e6558-f541-42e3-bff0-e0f8a759ee33?change_time=1648230371&mw=1090<br/><br/>Brain/Justin<br/>https://images.boosty.to/image/e1c044d3-27e7-42b2-9d73-87403ac45b19?change_time=1648230371&mw=1090<br/><br/>Yoongi/Taehyung<br/>https://images.boosty.to/image/7f5bf61a-9a5f-4be3-8f44-a0d1447a711e?change_time=1648230372&mw=1090<br/><br/>Video<br/>https://youtu.be/-nKw6j81ciQ</p>