
Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

It follows the story of Hanako Arasaka's secret child. That she had to hide from everyone including her family in order to protect him. For the sins of the father of her son. --- -- - For all those who like the story and want to support it I leave the link to my Patreon; patreon.com/user?u=8326781

Jhunior_ll · アニメ·コミックス
144 Chs

Duel/Bet 5

[Sora Pov]


When my spinning Cut collided with Ojii's sword that he had placed parallel to the ground our blades clashed hard again, stopping me dead in my tracks, allowing me to see Ojii with a puzzled face as if he couldn't believe my movements with the sword I learned from watching Arc.

Something I could not rejoice too much when I noticed that the arm with which I was holding Getsuga, began to tremble.... and Ojii also noticed, making us both instinctively look at each other for an instant, as if we both knew that my body could not hold much more.... pushing our swords at the same time, separating me who was in the air back a few meters while Oji had barely moved in all our duel.....

Tch monster!


When I put my feet on the ground making a loud noise, I could notice how my legs started to shake too and it didn't stop there, my body screamed again in pain as if the warning from before was already completed.... if I continue..... will be knowing the stress I am putting my body through and its consequences.....fuck!.... I can't stop now.

Besides I don't think I will be able to use Arc's fencing again..... I can now realize the great burden it puts on my body..... especially on my lungs making them almost paralyzed without being able to release or catch my breath..... reminding me of a bad memory.

As I gritted my teeth to endure the pain and the state of my body, I looked around the room to see if I could find something that I could use to give me some advantage against Ojii

When I saw something that was looking at me with its cameras as if it was struggling not to interfere....making me even in these circumstances relax my tight mouth and form a smile.... and without wasting any time I made a communication request to 000023123441....

[ I need you little one]

[Woof-Woof-GHMMM (Grunts)]

Replying to me by sending me a live image of a person's rear end while growling

[That's right, but as soon as I let you know, okay?]


[And one more thing...]


When I finished talking to Eco I turned my focus back to Ojii thinking about what move I could make to end this duel... That I couldn't hold out for much longer.

When I was thinking, I remembered what grandfather said about Getsuga, and the head of the Inuzuka family, how was a engineering geek like me....

If he is an engineering geek, I wouldn't have just upgraded it... I would have added something to it.... Thought that.... I looked at Getsuga's hilt..... and got an idea.....

"Eco the sheath...(Gasp)" I said having a hard time breathing.

When I said that out loud surprising my grandparents, but making Eco move biting the sheath that I had left near him when I started the duel and throwing it in the air in my direction.

As I caught the sheath Eco had thrown me, I put Getsuga in it and got into position for an unsheathed cut... hoping my idea was correct.

While one hand was gripping the hilt and the other on the sheath looking for something..... whatever, a mark, an area with another texture... until when I grabbed it with 5 fingers on it suddenly started to vibrate.....


But this one was not like before ..... this one was more mechanical, as if something was charging inside the sheath.....

"HeHe... (Huff), Ojii..... looks like you're the lucky one this time (Gasp)..... my body can't take anymore... but you've been unlucky in something too, Ojii (GASP).... YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE GIVEN ME GETSUGA!"

I said barely as I was breathing heavily and struggling to catch my breath.....as I gathered all I had left for my last attack.....

"SORA!!! Please stop now, your body..... you can barely stay conscious son..... please don't be stubborn.... tomorrow you can-" said grandma worried about me when she was interrupted by Ojii..

"AOI.... don't stop him.....(gritting her teeth) Sora... your body is full of Nanobots that your mother put in you before you were born..... they are currently in their first phase in your body.... now let's get this over with, Come on Sora teach me.... teach me that even in these circumstances.... you can't have your wings cut off... SON!"

With what Ojii said I didn't hesitate or think anymore just.... I ran towards him with a smile because of the trust the old man had in me... even in these moments... it was also not the time to think about the nanobots I already assumed I had.....

I know this is going to hurt.... but after what Ojii said I.....

SHHh-HHhHhH-hHHH(deep breath)

'AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' Making me scream in my head in pain gritting my teeth harder, not realizing I was also biting my lip making it bleed, to endure the pain in my lungs and adding more tension to my body by doing again a deep breath to.....

To join Getsuga's attack with the swordsmanship I copied from Arc..... was painful as hell ..... but I had already lived through something worse and more painful.

And this time although the pain is no less than when I was sick ..... this time it is MY CHOICE, it is something I do because I want to ... and it is WORTH IT!



As I sends the signal to Echo.....

When I was getting to Getsuga's range, I could see how Ojii started to bring his sword down with all his strength to make the most basic of vertical cuts.... with a force that I could even feel how it vibrated the air, with the edge upwards and the blunt part of Ojii's sword rapidly approaching my head.... thing that the closer it got the slower it became for me, but knowing that I couldn't evade.....I kept looking at Ojii without bothering to dodge his attack getting ready for....


For something to bite the old man ....Making Ojii's eyes widen in surprise/pain as his sword brushed past my face, due to the change of trajectory generated by Eco's bite.

While I....

BZzZzZzZzZzZtTTTTTT(Vibration) BAM! Getsuga shot out of its sheath with incredible force that I could barely hold in my hand.

SWISHHHHHH!!!!!!!-Clack! It cut through the air as it directed the blade upward, which when I extended my arm I could not withstand the force, making a noise as if it had dislocated my shoulder.

SHM-MM!!! as I released the air painfully from my mouth, gritting my teeth to clench the pain of redirecting Getsuga's force downward as I tried to add Arc's swordsmanship to create... the most powerful cut I had ever made, in a Half-moon shaped, that I had to give everything in me to keep Getsuga in my hand and how it felt like my whole arm was going to break.

¡¡¡¡¡¡CLAAAASH!!!!!! Hitting with the blunt part of my sword the cybernetic hands of Ojii holding his sword..... making together Echo's surprise attack and my attack was enough to disarm him... and that in sword duel means a thing..... defeat! On a technicality for me but for Ojii... a belief .... but a victory for both of us. I may have cheated... but.... fuck it!

At the same time that I was happy to disarm Ojii I also felt my body no longer screaming in pain but exploding, feeling the veins in my body together my muscles stiffen as...(huff) (huff)(huff)(huff).....(gasp) tried to take short breaths so I could get even a little oxygen which to me seemed like had disappeared from the environment like I was under water....

Arriving with a general feeling of pain that I could compare to my greatest hits in my memory, but.... "HeHe..... (gasp) worth it!" I managed to say barely aloud as I lost consciousness.... as I lost it I could..... see a something that I still found just as funny as the first time I saw it. .... was Ojii looking at me with concern in his eyes, but also some anger.... while Eco was still hooked biting Grandpa's ass who seemed to have forgotten worried about my state..... sending me to sleep with a smile on my face.....

[Musashi Pov]

"HeHe..... (gasp) worth it!"

When Sora said that with a smile as if something seemed funny to him as he lost consciousness and fell to the ground..... I could only react by grabbing Sora so he wouldn't fall..... I was still amazed by everything the kid had done..... managing to unblock Getsuga's signature attack as fast as I gave it to him.... That when he got into position I could only see Taishi Inuzuka..... who was the man who, even though he had a weak body with only one arm as cyberware...was the only man who beat me in a duel...well now there was another one.....

but he cheated.... that's right I didn't lose Sora that kid cheated.... but seeing my sword on the ground and remembering Sora's last attack I couldn't call myself a winner either....

if Taishi hadn't had a weak body and had died for him..... he would be the one with the title as the best swordsman.....

Thinking about that I remembered again the feeling of danger that Sora gave me when suddenly Eco.... ECO!... "DAMN DOG GET OFF ME ALREADY" shouting at Eco that kept biting me

Hearing through Eco's speakers as if in response after releasing my ass cheek....


He barked at me and put his paw on an unconscious Sora as if he wanted me to let go while making an animation on his hologram threatening....

Making me let go of Sora near Eco who seemed to want to be the one to protect an unconscious Sora as if he didn't trust me... besides just letting go of my butt... On top of that he dared to doubt my intentions to my GRANDSON!....

Making thinking.....once again ....fucking dog,

While Aoi approached us with a worried and surprised face because of all the things Sora had done in this Duel along with my words about what he has in his body.

"Musashi what you said about the nanobots in Sora's body was that what made Sora fight like that?"

"No, it didn't..... The one who fought against me during the whole duel was Sora, of that I'm sure.... the nanobots acted when Sora turned red for a moment if I believe well they had to tense Sora's body while increasing the blood pressure forcing his body to be able to move so he could fight me"

"But Musashi..... his eyes.... he doesn't have any Cyberware installed..... the nanobots have replaced our Sora's eyes?"

My Aoi said with a nervous and worried tone in her voice.

"NO! Aoi, calm down..... Sora's nanobots currently can't Replace parts of Sora's body, what they can do is join inside as they do in his eyes to create some sort of support system themselves, which they then disassemble without changing anything"

"THEN! Musashi how...how has Sora been able to make a breath? I know you too have come to the same conclusion as me.... I thought it was tale.... stories that Kanao Obaa-san told us to scare us when we were children....

That she said she told so that none of us would forget the sacrifices our ancestors made and honor them..... demons! even told it to you when you went to ask my family for permission to propose to me..... I thought it was a lie... but now and seeing what this Sora has done...

"Aoi is real, what Sora has inside him, could have reconstructed and used for save Sora's life when that policeman shoots at him and Judy... Sora seeing it once..... he.... has managed to copy it, I know it's unbelievable.... but this kid has done it.... look at him even unconscious and with his body like this he has a cheeky smile on his face... Fucking Sora.... by sending his dog to make such a cheeky/dishonest attack.... Tch, I've lost... this kid has managed to disarm me Aoi....."

Seeing how Aoi's face was back to its usual little by little I crouched down near sora and CLACK!.... I repositioned the shoulder that Sora dislocated..... performing Taishi's move.... That's why you had an arm as Cyberware, isn't it, old friend?....., if Sora's muscles hadn't been enhanced he couldn't possibly have held Getsuga in his hands let alone withstood the recoil of that attack I could still feel my hands shaking through the cyberware.

While I was thinking those things Aoi spoke again with some amusement in her voice and said.

"Ara Musashi it looks like Hanako-Sama has found out about your little duel/bet with Sora because I'm getting back message from Hanako-sama's Proxy; "What the hell is happening to SORA?" along with " HE should be with you now WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" Ara-Ara looks like Musashi honey you now have one more Round to fight, but now with the mother..... Fuufuhaha"

When Aoi said that... I hadn't thought about how Hanako-Sama would react... I was prepared for the consequences, but I didn't think they would come so soon... making me look back at Sora who had unconsciously got me in trouble again..... only to see him unconscious..... with a smile...

Fucking Sora even sleep looks like he's making fun of me..... making me want to stomp on that stupid face of this damn kid who keeps getting me in trouble just to wipe that stupid grin off his face.....

"Ahmm (tired sigh) tell her I'll get in touch later.... I'm going to take Sora up to his room to rest..." after my tantrum I picked Sora up to take him to his room to rest... when I thought something and told Aoi

"By the way Aoi you don't seem very surprised or angry with Hanako-Sama who put the nanobots in Sora´s body."

"Tell me Muashi with them Sora will be safer right? then I don't need to be surprised or worry about a mother who only wants her child to survive no matter what..... in the end as you and I both know there is nothing more painful than losing a child..... I understand why Hanako did what she did..... if I could I would have done the same for our children..... any mother who loves her children would do anything to keep them safe even if it's 1% Musashi"


[General Pov]

11:09 p.m in the Badlands

An old woman with long hair, graying by age came out of a trailer used in her clan to connect to the net and keep track of what was happening in the world, from one of the trucks that were part of the caravan of the Clan..... this woman, called Selita had reached her old age and she herself knew that she did not have many years of life left... yet she was the leader of her nomad Clan and was proud of her family/clan.

Something that even in her old age she led with an iron fist... but no one could ever hate this tough but fair old woman who did not forgive anyone who endangered her family or her clan, which for her were the same..... the Bakkers Clan.

When Selita left the trailer she was looking for the young ones of her nomad Clan.... who always boast and laugh at the people living in the megacities saying they live like rats and do not know what freedom is, like them being nomads... especially with the youngs

Today the clan had managed to illegally connect to the Megacorporation Network signal 54..... downloading the news from Night City and in them a chase made by two kids in a fire truck, which Selita wanted to use to teach a lesson to the youngsters of her Clan who always laugh at the Steet kids....

"Chari, Lil, Trin, Sarah and V come here I want to show you something".

By the way, I would like to know what you think V man or V woman.

Jhunior_llcreators' thoughts