
Cyberpunk 2310 : Game Error

Greem used to be fan of Cyberpunk 2310. It was an unpopular game, which he used to play on his free time. However, one day, everything changed. His strong, badass character had turned into a frail-looking teenager Logs on his screen made him beyond scared [Death is permanent] [Logout function desactivated] Alone in a game that millions failed to complete, Greem felt helpless.

Dark_Greem · ファンタジー
19 Chs


The past week's cybernetic project had been all fun and everything, but it had been very tiring to complete missions on the side. Because of this, Greem was completely exhausted.

Greem entered the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group's headquarters and was greeted by Swale, whose blazing red hair still caught his attention.

"It was time to celebrate a bit," Greem said with a smile.

Swale grinned back, "Want a drink, kiddo?"

"Naturally," Greem replied as he followed her to the bar.

As they sipped on their drinks, Swale informed Greem that a client had a personal request for him. "The pay is good, and you might even get a piece of cybernetic equipment," she said.

Curious, Greem asked, "What kind of request?"

"It's quite simple, you only have to steal some hardware from HTC building. Pablo will disable the security, and you only have to infiltrate the building, take what you need and leave. Anything you take is bonus, so you might even make more," Swale explained.

"HTC produces top netrunner gear, right?" Greem asked, realizing the value of what he was being asked to steal.

Swale nodded, "That's right. The mission is not really dangerous. With your stealth, it will be like a walk in the park."

Greem was excited about the opportunity to earn some extra cash and acquire new equipment. "How much?" he asked.

"2,000 NTCs. This is how reputable you have become," Swale replied.

Greem's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow...With this, I could take some vacations. The pay has been relatively good lately," he said.

Swale explained that the group had been expanding and gaining a good reputation after the recent destruction of the Wolf Claws Gang. "Recruiters in the merc market have taken notice and it's only natural for them to come to us after we established such dominance," she said.

"I guess there aren't many mercenary groups like ours in district 77," Greem commented.

Swale nodded in agreement, "Not really, but we are trustworthy."

Greem was intrigued and ready to take on the challenge. "Count me in" he said

Thereafter, Lirian and a couple other warriors joined in the festivities. While he was celebrating the project win, they were celebrating about a successful mission, where they wiped out the remnants of the Wolf Claw Gang. Doc Juez's shop was now full of rank 1 gear, and the mercenaries had gotten a lot of new weapons, which raised the moral of the Blue Mercenary Group tremendously. Furthermore, no one died in the group fight, which was proof of a complete and incredible victory.