
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
179 Chs

Chapter 132

Future chapters at patreon.com/FFAddict.

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Kate returned to her office and sat down on the sofa, her expression somber.

"I underestimated you."

She had just visited Minister Tang Yu's office, intending to pressure him about the military-grade Sandevistan.

She had expected Tang Yu to be anxious and worried that the truth would come out.

To her surprise, he seemed perfectly comfortable and unafraid of her digging deeper. His words were even laced with irony, leaving her with a figurative slammed door in her face.

Kate quickly calmed down and thought about the abnormality of the situation.

Being frustrated wasn't new to her; after many years at Arasaka, she had learned to remain unflappable.

With Tang Yu's current prominence at Arasaka Tower, he naturally looked down on everyone.

However, she was determined to understand why Tang Yu was so confident and unworried about the death of three Arasaka Special Task Force units being exposed.


he had an ace up his sleeve.

Kate had seen the operation report; it mainly stated that the Voodoo Boys had premeditated a trade to acquire the military-grade Sandevistan cyberware.

They took advantage of when the three special ops teams were in an abandoned factory on a mission and struck unexpectedly.

Anyone with a slight knowledge of Arasaka's special ops would find this story ridiculous.

The Voodoo Boys might be strong in the Watson district, but compared to the Arasaka Special Task Force, they were significantly weaker.


even with the support of military-grade cybernetics, the Voodoo Boys wouldn't dare take on three Arasaka special ops teams.

The report mentioned by Tang Yu suggested that the Voodoo Boys were bold because of the backing of military tech.

But Kate didn't see it that way; she believed the real assailants of the three Arasaka Special Task Force units were military tech itself.

Apart from them, no other force would dare challenge Arasaka in Night City.

The problem was the lack of evidence.

Kate had people inquire with the Voodoo Boys, and their leader, Brick, claimed to have no knowledge of the incident.

The whole military-grade Sandevistan trade was solely managed by their own Royce.

As for Royce's whereabouts, no one in the gang knew, and the military-grade cyberware was likely in his hands.

Kate was sure Royce was dead, perhaps killed by the military tech as well.

The case was riddled with too many doubts, obvious to any discerning eye.

But on the board meeting, Michiko Arasaka suppressed any opposing or skeptical voices with absolute authority.


not many members of the Night City Arasaka board dared to declare war on military tech.

Even if the truth were pried open, it couldn't be publicly acknowledged.

Kate understood this.

So from the start, her goal was one.

To find out the truth and get the evidence to topple Tang Yu, then relay the truth to Saburo Arasaka himself.

Only then,

could she gain more consideration and favor.

Reopening the investigation now was impossible; she would need to draft a report and get Tang Yu's approval before bringing it up to the board on behalf of the counter-intelligence division.

This was in line with Arasaka Tower's work procedures, and Kate couldn't fault it.

The situation had reached a stalemate.

Kate estimated that the fundamental reason for Tang Yu's confidence was the support of Michiko Arasaka and control over the lifeblood of the board members.


no one dared dig deeper into the truth behind the incident, to avoid becoming casualties before the giants started firing at each other.

If the truth about the casualties of the three Arasaka Special Task Force led to renewed war with military tech,

Arasaka's position would be troublesome if they lost to military tech.

The most vocal board members in support of the war would likely pay with their lives.

Board members knew that the highest Arasaka ruler wouldn't agree to war with military tech.

In the end, anyone who knew the truth of the matter could face the risk of a major cleanup.

Kate felt she had grasped the crux of the issue; it was indeed a checkmate situation.

How the three Arasaka Special Task Force units died was inconsequential to Arasaka.

But to Saburo Arasaka, it mattered greatly.

Kate wanted to obtain evidence and investigate the truth not to confront military tech head-on.

Instead, she wanted to present this truth to Saburo Arasaka in Kyoto.

With his recognition for her efforts, she hoped to create momentum for him in Night City.

Saburo Arasaka was somewhat trapped in Kyoto, waiting for his opportunity.

To break the deadlock and secure genuine intelligence, Kate had to start with military tech.

If she could get her informant to find crucial evidence, like contacting the military tech agents involved in that night's operation for intelligence, it would make her job much easier.

Kate sorted out her thoughts and called Tanaka from the R&D department, a former superior who still maintained some contact with her.

Tanaka was in his office, having just ended a call with Arasaka's Chief Biotechnician, Anders Hellman. They'd had a disagreement and parted on sour terms.

Tanaka knew that Arasaka's boss was getting impatient and he needed to deliver convincing results.

Otherwise, Tanaka's many years of service in the Night City Arasaka R&D department would be meaningless.

Hellman's research progress was stalled, and the experiment required more sample data.

But Tanaka couldn't find a suitable target; someone with a strong will, someone whose brain can withstand intense testing.

Using average people as samples for experiments was pointless; they simply couldn't survive.

As Tanaka was about to lose his patience, seeing Kate's request for communication, he toggled his glasses' code scrolling and answered the call.

"What is it?"

Kate didn't beat around the bush: "I confronted Tang Yu today. He's confident about the Sandevistan affair."

"He must have some private deal with military tech, but I still lack the evidence."

Tanaka replied gravely, "Without evidence, better not bring it up. He got his hands on the operational data. As for the methods used, the top brass won't care."

Aware that she could only continue the investigation privately, Kate recognized that even though Tanaka was her former superior, they were from different factions.

"I get it. But with the operational data in hand, how's the cyberware development progressing?"

Tanaka was irritable - this wasn't the first time today that he was vexed about the development progress.

"It's still in the works. Some development procedures require searching through the old net. Even missing one part could render it unsuccessful."

Kate stated firmly, "Then it's best to speed up progress. Adam Smasher is prepared; he's just waiting for this implant."

"Adam Smasher is planning to visit Night City soon, and we hope to have the development trial successful before his arrival."

Tanaka frowned; development progress was also a matter of luck and couldn't be rushed systematically.

The new combat implant they were developing for Adam Smasher demanded extreme durability and precision.

Apart from him, they couldn't find anyone else suitable for implantation.

Perhaps Adam Smasher would be better suited for Hellman's bio-neural experiments, as his brain was robust and different from ordinary people.

What frustrated him even more was that the projects on his hands were numerous, making it impossible to guarantee a deadline for success.

Tanaka gave a terse and cold response and hung up the call immediately.

Feeling swamped by problems, he wished to visit Jinguji for an exhilarating Black Lace dream.

Only there could he forget all these troubles.

There was talk about a Cyberpsycho version at Jinguji, said to be of outstanding quality, even surpassing the Cyberpsycho James from the company plaza. It was said to be recorded from a military tech lieutenant, Moeller.

Due to work, he had to delay for a while, but today he finally had the chance to enjoy himself.


Tang Yu arrived at Michiko Arasaka's exclusive executive office floor, going through the usual security check at the entrance.

After confirmation of his identity, he was escorted by a female guide to the office doors.

Familiar with the layout, Tang Yu was scanned by a blue light before the heavy steel door slowly opened.

Stepping inside, the mist in front of him dispersed, revealing the half football field-sized office space in full view.

Michiko Arasaka was sitting on a plush sofa in the reception area, holding a glass of wine in her left hand and a cigar in her right, as if waiting.

Upon seeing Tang Yu, she casually said, "Sit."

Tang Yu stood up, unbuttoned his suit, and seated himself on the sofa across from Michiko.

He poured himself a small glass of whiskey from the crystal decanter on the table and holding the glass, he said, "Director Michiko, if you want to have a drink and chat in the future, just send a message."

Michiko's gaze was fixed on him as she countered, "What's the matter, am I bothering you? Or are you afraid of being labeled with my tag?"

With a calm smile, Tang Yu replied, "Is there even a need to place a label? It's probably already been attached to my forehead by them."

He visited Michiko alone, without bringing Sasha along.

Firstly, as his special assistant, Sasha was no longer under Michiko's authority; there was no need to bring her along.

Secondly, the upcoming discussion probably had much to do with Sasha.

The less Sasha had to do with the Arasaka Family, especially Michiko, the better.

Since Michiko had initially placed Sasha by his side with not-so-good intentions.

Michiko gave a light smile and raised her glass towards Tang Yu across the air.

Tang Yu raised his glass in response.

They each took a sip.

After finishing her drink, Michiko put her empty glass on the table and leaned back on the sofa in a more comfortable position.

"So, how's Sasha been for you lately? Is everything functioning transparently?"

Tang Yu, realizing Michiko was in a hurry to bring up Sasha, probably having detected something, replied solemnly, "Sasha has been excelling in every aspect."

"Excellent?" Michiko suddenly burst into laughter with a meaningful look at Tang Yu, "I heard you haven't been coming to the office for quite a while. Have you fallen into a soft trap so quickly? I thought you could hold out longer."

She then gave Tang Yu a once over and concluded, "Well, even your complexion looks more nourished, indeed excellent performance."

Tang Yu knew Michiko's thoughts; her knowledge of Sasha's connection with the biotech company was undeniable.

Originally, Sasha was not a so-called replicant, but a living cyberpunk girl with deep ties to the biotech company.

Naturally, she connected the plaza riots to Tang Yu.

He used resources from Arasaka to support Kerry, which couldn't possibly go unnoticed by those in the Arasaka Tower.

Without a word, Tang Yu just gave a perfunctory smile, not wanting to delve into Sasha's affairs.

Michiko continued the conversation, saying, "Kerry's concert last night and the plaza riot that set the biotech building on fire must involve you to some extent."

Hearing Michiko shift the topic, Tang Yu felt more at ease.

He wasn't worried that Michiko would unearth something significant; in the grand scheme of the Arasaka Family, a company riot is a trivial matter.

Knowing this, Tang Yu confirmed Michiko's main concern was the internal struggles within the Arasaka Family.

Michiko utilized him primarily to strengthen her position in Night City's Arasaka Tower for the upcoming power struggle.

Whether it involved Sasha or the plaza riot, the goal was to better control Tang Yu.

He candidly admitted, stirring the waters further to blend truth with fiction.

"Director Michiko has accurate intelligence, whether it was the concert or the riot, I did have a part to play."

Michiko's gaze flashed with surprise, not expecting such a forthright confession from Tang Yu.

She had intended to use the situation to admonish him, hoping he would understand the rules and be more loyal to her in the future.

But Tang Yu appeared to be confessing without any deceit.

Michiko sensed something was off; she hadn't planned to inquire too deeply but now was intrigued, asking, "May I know the reason behind these actions?"

With a composed face, Tang Yu answered, "I have a personal relationship with Kerry. When he wanted to hold the concert and his record company opposed, I helped him sort out the trouble."

"As for the riot, it was just to add fuel to Kerry's show, boosting his popularity with significant traffic."

"After all, Night City has few rock stars who can hold a concert with such flair, igniting the audience's enthusiasm with just a rock weapon, even setting a company ablaze."

"This event will likely make it into the annals of Night City, enough to keep Kerry in the spotlight for a while."

"If Director Michiko wishes to punish me for misusing company resources, I will acknowledge the penalty."

Listening to this explanation, Michiko still harbored doubts, analyzing how much truth was in his words.

A young man of his caliber, part of Arasaka's high ranks, associated with a rocker like Kerry?

Either Kerry was influential as rumored, and they maintained a relationship in secret, or Tang Yu had an ulterior motive—what could he possibly want from a fading rock star?

A figure came to mind: her uncle, Saburo Arasaka.

Not many knew that Saburo had a private relationship with Kerry.

Saburo would usually stay at the Azure Tower when in Night City, looking for some diversions—like summoning girls from Clouds for an exclusive meetup or visiting old friends to chat, including rock star Kerry.

Saburo once played rock before altering his demeanor upon returning to Arasaka.

Now suspicious, Michiko looked at Tang Yu, her estimation firmer.

This lone wolf wasn't straightforward—he sought pleasure here while eyeing fun elsewhere.

If Tang Yu intended to use Kerry to connect with Saburo, facilitating a transfer to the hawk faction upon Saburo's arrival in Night City, it wasn't impossible.

Rumors of Saburo coming to rule Night City persisted.

Michiko was aware that every transition in power prompted corporate tremors as many executives felt vulnerable.

When a new king ascends, a purge was inevitable.

Without revealing her thoughts, Michiko nodded, considering a punishment, "Since that's the case, I should really penalize you; let me think of what to make you do."

"Look at you, so handsome, it's a waste being involved with Kerry, why don't you become my special assistant? That way, it wouldn't be so easy for you to play both sides."

Tang Yu thought to himself, if she dared to make him her assistant, he would let her learn what regret meant.

If Arasaka ever falls, Michiko would claim a major role in it.

Unfazed, and since Michiko knew of Kerry and Saburo's relationship, she must think he sought Saburo's favor, so Tang Yu confidently responded with a smile.

"If Director Michiko is sincere in her offer, I am willing to give it a try, cutting ties with Kerry is inconsequential."

Michiko, her face blooming with satisfaction, replied, "You do have courage. But for a turncoat like you, I can't be too sure."

She didn't mind if Tang Yu truly sought to connect with Saburo; as long as Tang Yu continued to perform for her, that was all that mattered.

In the corporate world, there are no everlasting friends or enemies, only perpetual interests.

Michiko stood atop the Arasaka Tower and Tang Yu naturally served her.

Should Saburo take her place, not just Tang Yu, even she would have to bow.

Michiko's cybernetic eye flickered as she had her secretary bring in a microchip and handed it to Tang Yu.

"There's a matter for you to handle, concerning the Tyger Claws."

"I'm not too fond of this cane."

"Help me remove some thorns."

"Resolve this, and you'll be spared the punishment."
