
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · アニメ·コミックス
225 Chs

Chapter 122

Future chapters at patreon.com/FFAddict.

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Watson, Kabuki District, Zipmouth Motel.


The neon sign of the motel glowed brightly, signaling to the pedestrians that the motel was open for business.

The Zipmouth Motel was booming, not only thanks to its market positioning but also because of the bustling vibrancy of the Kabuki area.

Today's Kabuki is like a grand bustling bazaar where people could find anything they desired.

Shifty dealers would weave through the crowd, peddling a variety of items of dubious origins: cyberware, prototypes, black-braindance, and even fresh organs. If you're lucky, you might stumble upon a bargain.

At the same time, this area is also known for its famous night market; as darkness falls, red lanterns and neon lights illuminate every winding street and alley, while dancers, dolled up to the nines, showcase their curves to potential customers.

They could be fiery, cold as ice, or sweetly adorable, aiming to satisfy various tastes and capture more niche markets.

If a passerby is tempted, they could stop for five seconds to negotiate a price.

The less fussy individuals might simply enter a dark alley nearby to conclude their business quickly. Those slightly more discerning would opt for a motel to complete their transaction.

But nobody took these girls lightly, especially when they spotted a certain tattoo of two crossed axes somewhere on the ladies' bodies; it was best to just pay up without a fuss.

Up in a suite on the third floor of Zipmouth Motel, Tang Yu was waiting for Meredith's arrival.

The suite was relatively spacious, a standard business suite complete with a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and more.

Today, what he was about to engage in was strictly business, not pleasure; hence, he had booked a business suite.

It wasn't long before the door system indicated a visitor—Meredith Stoute.

The light on the door system turned green, and the metal gate slid open automatically.

Tang Yu turned to face the entrance and saw Meredith step in, her signature short platinum blonde hair draped over her shoulders, a black trench coat enveloping her entire body, and her legs sheathed in thigh-high black leather boots.

As Meredith walked in, she surveyed the room with a hint of intrigue in her eyes.

With her hands tucked in her coat pockets, she strolled over to the leather sofa in the living room and sat down, crossing her legs.

Her coat slipped from her thighs, revealing a glimpse of white skin.

Meredith looked straight at Tang Yu and seeing that he remained standing, asked, "What's the matter? Won't you sit down to talk?"

Tang Yu noticed something off about Meredith's attire; above the tall boots were bare thighs, concealed only by the coat—surely she wouldn't be brazen enough to go commando.

But this was not Tang Yu's main concern. He was here for serious business, so he replied.

"It's fine, I prefer standing."

Meredith kept her eyes fixed on him, her tone playful and tinged with amusement, "Oh? I didn't expect you'd prefer standing."

After a moment, seeing Tang Yu's unfazed expression, Meredith teased again, "Standing, huh? And which do you prefer, a uniform skirt or a dress?"

Tang Yu: "..."

'I had no idea you were like this, Auntie Mei!'

Tang Yu was well aware of Meredith's games and certainly wasn't about to fall for them, responding with a nonchalant smile, "Naturally, I like both."

If it was a game of acting mature and playing coy, Tang Yu was convinced he was no less capable than Auntie Mei, unfazed by her deliberate teasing.

Meredith was caught off guard for a moment, as if she'd heard something amusing, and then burst into laughter, "You're quite the player, I see."

She hadn't expected the young-looking Tang Yu to be so worldly in his dealings.

After testing the waters, Meredith shifted the conversation to business: "Didn't you say you brought me a gift? I've also prepared a gift for you. Who's going first?"

Tang Yu glanced at Auntie Mei, her body tightly wrapped in her coat, waist cinched with a long ribbon tied into a bow.

He thought it best to focus on the matter at hand and asked, "You've heard about Joshua Koci's disappearance, right?"

Meredith's expression shifted subtly as she nodded in confirmation, indicating she was aware of the situation: "I know about Joshua Koci. But you're not telling me that Koci is in your hands, are you?"

She had a premonition but couldn't fathom why Tang Yu would get involved in this matter. From any perspective, Joshua Koci should have no connection to Arasaka.

Tang Yu nodded slightly and continued, "Yes, he is indeed with me. The gift I want to give you is Joshua Koci himself."

Hearing this, Meredith grew more serious, setting aside her playful tone to press for details, "Let's hear it then. I'm curious how a top biotech executive is supposed to be a gift for me."

Meredith Stoute, as a military tech operative manager, held enough clout to lord over Night City. Even though Joshua Koci was a biotech executive, he was just another technical talent to her – nothing more than an insider with some know-how. Only those in control of key departments, like special operations, intelligence, and human resources, could be considered true high-level executives since they could wield armed forces, allocate company resources, and hold sway over others' lives.

Tang Yu knew he had to convince Meredith to get the critical data to understand why Sasha would go to such lengths to pass on a document to N54 News right before falling to her death.

He was sure that Meredith would be eager to accept this special gift after he explained himself.

Tang Yu went straight to the point, calmly stating, "Because the Nightingale Project, which Joshua Koci was responsible for, has been an utter scam from the start."

Nightingale Project?

Meredith's face darkened immediately; she was no longer relaxed and casual.

She was all too familiar with the Nightingale Project, which was related to the core secrets of military tech. Now, to hear it mentioned by an Arasaka executive, she couldn't help but take it seriously.

Meredith began to quickly assess Tang Yu's intentions, her mind racing with possibilities. Could it be that Arasaka had caught wind of the collaboration between Militech and Biotechnica on the development of a new type of biological weapon and wished to intercept the research or sabotage the project? Therefore, they kidnapped Joshua Koci to learn the secret cooperation details.

But Meredith couldn't understand why Tang Yu would tell her this and present Koci as a gift. She had to figure out the catch.

"Indeed, the Nightingale Project is a highly confidential joint project between Militech and Biotechnica, but on what basis do you claim it's a scam? Don't tell me you expect me to believe you just because of a few words. You need to show some real evidence, don't you?"

Tang Yu wasn't aware of the specific contents of the Nightingale Project; his knowledge was based on information he had previously pieced together. This should be enough to hold Meredith's attention, he thought.

"Nightingale Project is funded by Militech with Biotechnica handling the research, led by Joshua Koci. The goal is to develop a new type of antibiotic to combat super bacteria."

"With this antibiotic, Militech soldiers could become immune to biochemical weapons, thereby gaining greater leverage on the battlefield..."

As Meredith listened, she became increasingly alarmed, as what Tang Yu described precisely matched the project's details.

The Nightingale Project was a highly classified endeavor. Not only outsiders from corporations like Arasaka but even many within Militech itself weren't privy to it unless they held a certain clearance level.

She cursed inwardly, "Is Joshua Koci looking to get himself killed?"

Naturally, Meredith attributed the leak of the project details entirely to Joshua Koci, assuming he'd spilled everything once he fell into Arasaka's hands.

Her gaze sharpened as she looked at Tang Yu, no longer as calm as before.

She was beginning to sense a dangerous aura emanating from the man in front of her.

Seeing that Meredith was getting somewhat tense, Tang Yu reassured her with a smile, "Don't be nervous. This has nothing to do with Arasaka. Like I said, Joshua Koci is my gift to you."

Considering the conversation had reached this point, Meredith wasn't going to take Tang Yu's words at face value.

She believed Tang Yu to be someone with sophisticated means, capable of digging up classified Militech intel, and bold enough to discuss the matter with her in the same room.

This indicates a top-secret plan which is far from satisfying Tang Yu's appetite; he's definitely a dangerous individual.

Meredith frowned slightly, speaking coldly, "Your 'gift' is too big. I'm worried I can't swallow it. Spell it out, what are you scheming?"

Seeing Meredith still on guard, Tang Yu felt a bit helpless. Meredith was still Meredith, not mincing words when it came to company matters.

"What I can tell you is that the Nightingale Project is doomed to fail. There's still time to abandon the Militech now."

Meredith pressed, "You say it can't succeed, but as far as I know, the new antibiotic has already been developed and entered clinical trials. Once the sample data meets the standard, it won't be long before success."

Meredith has been keeping an eye on the Nightingale Project; a portion of her special operations task pertains to it.

Tang Yu now had it clear, the Militech was indeed kept in the dark by Joanna Koch.

Whenever Militech inquired about progress, Joanna Koch would spin a tale, from initial development to product emergence, deceiving everyone into believing the new antibiotic had been released, only awaiting final clinical trial steps.

Joanna Koch also pretentiously sent people to the Badlands to test the new antibiotic she developed. Anyone who knew the truth was silenced by her.

Tang Yu, with a clear heart, laid it out bluntly: "Don't hold out hope for the so-called final clinical trial success. In the outskirts' Badlands, Joanna Koch picked a tribe of wanderers for clinical trials of the new antibiotic. Guess the result?"

Meredith remained silent, her eyes conveying deep doubt.

Tang Yu didn't leave her in suspense, stating bluntly: "They all died."

All died?

Surprise flickered in Meredith's eyes. If the clinical trial outcome was death for all, then the new antibiotic must be ineffective; even a few survivors would prove some degree of efficacy.

She seemed to want to confirm more details, continuing to ask, "Is there evidence?"

"The Hematite Tribe, a check will make it clear," Tang Yu revealed, allowing Meredith to verify herself.

Tang Yu looked at Meredith with a playful tone, teasing, "So, do you want to accept this gift now?"

He believed Meredith, given her stature, couldn't fail to see the implications involved. Just by reporting the failure of the new antibiotic development to her superiors, confirming it was all a scam orchestrated by Joanna Koch...

Meredith saving Militech from further loss would be a significant achievement.

Now they had both evidence and culprit. If Meredith applied more pressure and investigated further, more could be dug out from Joanna Koch.

This was precisely why Tang Yu left Joanna Koch, intending to personally deliver her to Meredith.

Joanna Koch, while a hot potato for Tang Yu, was indeed a real 'gift' for Meredith.

Meredith fell silent, contemplating the entire course of the Nightingale Project.

Joanna Koch had indeed risen to Technical Director because of leading this project.

Could this cunning woman really be so audacious as to play the two corporations, or did Biotechnica tacitly consent, willing to scapegoat her if things blew up?

The Nightingale Project, being covert research, didn't bode well in the light, and even if it failed, there was no reason to blow things out of proportion.

Meredith began to align with Tang Yu's viewpoint, but medical research by its nature offered no 100% guarantee, especially concerning a new antibiotic for super bacteria.

Seeing Meredith seemed moved yet still pondering the truth of the matter, Tang Yu decided to fan the flames further.

"Actually, the true nature of the Nightingale Project is no longer important. The research has failed. What matters now is you."

"If you find the gift too hefty, I can let Joanna Koch go."

"But if you think the gift is just right, then don't refuse it—accept it."

Upon hearing this, Meredith suddenly understood something.

She looked up directly at Tang Yu, her gaze carrying a glimmer of surprise, hardly imagining he'd already arranged everything so clearly.

The new antibiotic's failure was certain, the truth behind it no longer significant—what mattered was her stance.

If she considered it a technical issue, then Joanna Koch needn't bear any responsibility.

But if she saw it as a scam, a play led by Joanna Koch deceiving all involved, including Militech and biotech...

Militech would take this seriously, facing Biotechnica over lost face and assets.

To deflect blame, Biotechnica would insist Joanna Koch was the main culprit.

And having caught the mastermind behind this conspiracy, revealing the scam, she would recoup the company's losses, earning significant merit.

Meredith now realized, Joanna Koch truly was a grand 'gift,' meticulously prepared for her by Tang Yu.

Understanding the stakes, her tone softened, chuckling lightly, "It seems you have indeed prepared a grand gift for me; Joanna Koch really played a good game."

"Promoted and paid, and at the end, a failed research excuse can pin responsibility on biotechnical research. Quite the beautiful dream."

"However, before accepting the gift, I'd like to know your intentions. You wouldn't be this kind to me for no reason, right?"

Meredith took her hands from her pockets, slowly gesturing to undo her belt, her gaze becoming somewhat ambiguous.

Seeing Meredith playing this again indicated she was nearly ready to accept the 'gift,' just needing a reason to feel at ease.

He openly admitted, "Of course, I have ulterior motives. Arasaka needs some data, data from two years ago."

Meredith halted her hands, surprised by Tang Yu's extensive groundwork just for corporate work, looking at him skeptically, "Hm? Never seemed so dedicated for Arasaka before."

Tang Yu wouldn't admit wanting the data personally; naming Arasaka was essential, otherwise, Meredith digging further might uncover the business with Sasha.

He didn't want Sasha caught in more turmoil; best to keep her out of sight.

"You know, black ops," Tang Yu hinted, pointing upward with his index finger.

Meredith suddenly chuckled, teasing, "Never thought you'd see this day, probably the doings of Michiko Arasaka."

She had heard before that little Michiko had fought through the board, promoting Tang Yu to Deputy Head.

During the big exposure event, she fiercely defended Tang Yu from punishment in the boardroom.

Now the rumor was Tang Yu belonged to Michiko's faction, a rising star in Night City's Arasaka tower.

Tang Yu found it easy to deal with someone as astute as Meredith, not needing to explain everything transparently.

He didn't deny her speculation, leaving ample room for imagination.

Meredith playfully queried, still laughing, "She's commanding you around; don't tell me she's taken a liking to you too."

Tang Yu was momentarily speechless.

Meredith dropped the frivolity, pulling out a cigarette case and lighter from her pocket, lighting up a cigarette, taking a drag with some disdain, "Without Militech, what's she but nothing in Night City's Arasaka tower?"


Meredith was well-aware of Michiko Arasaka, whose ability to maneuver in Night City largely hinged on Militech's view. After all, Michiko was still New Japan's citizen.

Meredith cut to the chase; cooperation was mutually beneficial, "It seems the special gift I prepared for you isn't needed, tell me, what data do you want?"

Tang Yu informed her that two years ago, a blast occurred in the Biotechnica building, and before the explosion, data was sent from an office to Channel 54 News, related to Arasaka's research.

After listening, Meredith's cybernetic eye whirred, instructing her subordinates to retrieve the information.

In short order, Meredith smiled.

"You're in luck, the data has been found."