
Cyberpunk 2077: Legend

Imagine a dude who has wanted to be in the limelight for years but has been stuck beneath the dark shadow that is modern society, stuck at a shitty corporate job where he barely makes enough money to live get reincarnated into cyberpunk 2077 where corporations are embedded into every fiber of society and chances into the spot light are aplenty.

jkhKJDHJHASG · ゲーム
1 Chs

A Shitty Day

The neon colored lights of Night City stretched out before me. The tall ass buildings pierced the heavens, but like seriously what the fuck. Who decided it was a good idea to build 2000 ft skyscrapers in a world where anyone could be a walking talking 9/11 waiting to happen. I mean they were just asking for it when Johnny did what he did, and who could blame them, corpos are massive dickheads. Anyways getting back to the story, you might have guessed by now that I don't belong here, in this jungle of steel and wire that sucks you in and never seems to let go.

I was born on September 27th 2000, the beginning of the shitiest century known to man. Filled with millions hating each other just because. The internet dominates the minds of everyone alive except for the chosen few who either can't afford to own all of mankind's knowledge in their pocket or are withering away in a nursery home that their kids forced them into. Social interaction has been diminished to the point that people don't even have irl friends anymore, existing solely on the internet. One of those such incredibly rare interactions was the cause of my current predicament. All my life I have never once thought that I would die driving. I mean how could I, my devilishly handsome, charismatic, self interested self couldn't even fathom the idea of such a thing occurring. But it was this very self confidence that would be my downfall. The drive back from the bar was a short one, simply a few blocks down the street and into the parking lot for my apartment. Unfortunately this was the day I would meet Truck-kun, humanity's worst enemy. A true disease upon this world, even worse than only fans models and corporate drones. I met the end of this evil, in a valiant effort to destroy it by sideswiping it and then running into a light post doing my best impression of Paul Walker.

Anyways, I think you can infer the rest; empty void, sudden light thinking it's heaven or some shit, reborn guess what that light was me popping out of the womb. Now I'm curled up in a little ball in a trash can looking up at these terrible-looking buildings, after my shitty mother threw me away. But don't you worry ima make that bitch regret ever trying to get rid of me. Ima become the greatest legend this city has ever seen and fuck over the corpos as much as possible on the way to doin' it, because that's my cyberninja way, Dattebayo!

Ima prob be pretty lazy with the updates, if i upload more than like 5 chapters ill prob continue until the end of the story, but until then dont expect to much. Cya

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