
Cyberpunk 2077: Decadence

With great power comes even greater irresponsibility.

CelestialWriter · ゲーム
19 Chs

Alternative Lifestyle.

The apartment's furniture isn't anything unique; with the cushions being too stiff to be made out of any natural materials, your back itching as you lay across one of the two sofas, staring at the wood and vinyl ceiling, the rows of dark wood; serving as the background for your hyperactive HUD.

Michiko said that living out of a hotel room would eventually arouse suspicion, as you were meant to be a relocated employee rather than a visiting one, and so she made arrangements to have one rented to your manufactured identity by a false third party.

Of course, you have no doubt that she's bugged the place to hell and back, even if she expects nothing to come of it, it would be careless of her not to keep track of your activities and conversation, lest she misses out on some valuable information that the Arasaka database in Westbrook lacks.

With the most obviously placed bugs removed and having never touched the apartment's wifi; you are left in a state of impatient boredom, you may be a Scion of Arasaka, but you don't have your own subordinates within the Tower; they belong either to Saburo or Michiko, so you are at the mercy of their own agendas.

So, as you wait to be updated on the work schedule of one Yoshikage Shiro(TM), your mind turns to more important things, ones of entertainment and debauchery, as you cycle through the uploaded character files for the edgerunners.

Huh, David isn't among them- ah, this is too early for his introduction; you wonder if you could nip that in the bud; he is well within your reach, have the boy liquidated by a few eager Arasaka sycophants?

You send in a data request for the students in attendance for Arasaka Academy, the premier education program for those talented persons looking to have immediate employment within the ranks of the Company; little more than a holding pen for the children of Arasaka Officers.

A minute passes before your request is accepted, and a veritable database of names, ages, addresses and pictures flood your vision; enough that you are tempted just to log off and give up, but the indolence that often plagues your ambitions is tempered by one fact.

His mom is a hot piece of ass, isn't she?

Gloria Martinez: turning a fresh forty-two next month, trained EMT and Corpse Removal Specialist working as a private contractor for NCPD and Revival Medical Insurance, never married, mother of one David Martinez.

The information you can call upon in a short space of time is brief; besides a few pictures, both in her uniform and casual, the only thing that would distinguish her from any other single mother trying to feed their kids was the ballooning debt she has under a professional smile, and the dollar amount only grows every month as she meets the insanely high tuition for Arasaka Academy.

Of course, you know a different path for her; if only her son would become some absolute monster with his tolerance for cybernetics, and ones not specifically tailored for his body, not needing the extensive biomods, therapy, and ongoing counselling to help distinguish reality from fiction which others depend on.

Not that you have any problems with Cybernetics; it wouldn't do for the main character to be hampered by such petty limitations, that's for NPCs, and neither you nor V could be considered such.

There are many ways you can reach Gloria, especially since neither she nor David are connected to the Edgerunners.

It won't be too impactful in your future plans because if the worst happens, you'll just have both of them killed.

You throw out ideas of meeting her on the job; Arasaka exclusively purchases Trauma Team coverage for its employees.

No, you wouldn't run into her on some random walk; you'd get accosted by thugs, culminating in Adam Smasher making the midday news for butchering a street again.

Perhaps she has a job application for a position within the Company?

Your eyes read over scattered bits and pieces of information, including a rejected job application as a medical tech for Arasaka Tower; her age and status as a single mother was considered too cost-inefficient for the woman to be taken on board, especially when there were many other applicants, willing and able to work harder for lower, and for longer hours too.

You wonder…