
Cyberknight: One Path (original novel)

In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future? Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward. This novel combines fantasy and sci-fi into a story you have never seen before. Give it a try and you will stay for the plot and the high-intensity actions.

Minute_Sniper · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

⁕ The Last Mission

The mood is grim inside the Kremlin, which has been transformed into a temporary headquarters for the Allied Army central command. The many governments in exile and the battered generals from different resistance groups gathered around the table to discuss the defence of Russia. Beside Viktor Putin, stood his generals and marshals. Their expression is tense but their obvious signs of fatigue due to the war are clear as the shine given off by the medals on their uniforms.

[Viktor Putin] - "Our country is the last survivor of the war beside America, admiral-general Dimitri Federova, we will count on your tactical genius to hold the Imperial advance. All defeated countries have moved their governments here and the United States refused to send us more than an expeditionary force since they wanted to keep the majority of their forces to defend their land. "

The admiral-general and the Russian president shook hands.

[Dimitri] - "Mister president, I will do everything I can to protect our lands against the invading Imperial forces. "

[Putin] - "These are very unusual times... to think that a war of this scale would emerge again after the 3 world wars we had in the past. "

[Dimitri] - "Indeed, mister president. "

[Putin] - "How much time do we have left before they attack? "

Dimitri advanced to the central map and pointed his finger at a few enemy positions.

[Dimitri] - "They have their 22nd army in Mongolia and a massive military presence in the Chinese province of Si Chuan. Their tactical genius, Komisch Valentine, has his German 5th fleet positioned near Iran. In conclusion, I estimate the direction of their attack toward central Russia where they will cut our forces in two. "

[Putin] - "You see, admiral, I and my marshals think that it would be strategically beneficial if you can destroy Valentine's fleet. "

[Dimitri] - "Then I will launch my assault tomorrow at 5 pm before he can strike us. "

[Putin] - "Our country counts on you. I know this is a dangerous fight and the chances that you embark on a voyage that you might not return are... well, you know my point, comrade. "

[Dimitri] - "Don't worry, sir, I'm ready to die for my country! "

Said Dimitri without an ounce of fear in his voice.

The president put his hand on the admiral's shoulder and nodded his head.

After the meeting, Dimitri marched with 2 Rev. troopers around him toward his chamber where he ordered the two soldiers to stand guard at his chamber door. The young admiral-general sat in front of the table where steamy and appetizing foods were served to satisfy his appetite.

[Nalya] - "Back home already, darling? "

[Dimitri] - "Oh, darling, there you are! Come over here! "

The girl hugged her husband in her arms and smiled with joy. Her beauty is incomparable and her golden blonde hair sparkled under the light.

[Nalya] - "How was your day? "

[Dimitri] - "Ah, nothing important, I will be leading the attack on the enemy tomorrow, that's all. "

[Nalya] - "Ah, gotta be careful, we are living dangerously these days. One wrong move, then it's goodbye to this cruel world. "

[Dimitri] - "Yeah but what can we do? "

After supper, Dimitri took off his shirt before staring at his wife on the bed waiting for him. He slowly approached his bed and sat on the side where he thought about how he would explain his situation to his beloved.

[Nalya] - "What's wrong, dear? "

[Dimitri] - "About tomorrow's fight... "

Said Dimitri with hesitation.

[Nalya] - "What about tomorrow? "

[Dimitri] - "I may not come back. "

Said Dimitri with a grim expression.

[Nalya] - "What? Don't say these kinds of stuff! "

[Dimitri] - "The situation is grim and I fear the worst. "

The couple stayed quiet for a few minutes to reflect on their conversation before Dimitri started talking once more to break the silence.

[Dimitri] - "I know how terrible it sounds but the situation at hand leaves me with no choice. I need to fight for the motherland or else, those invaders will kill us all! "

As the couple talked, the shower was suddenly turned on inside the bathroom. 

[Dimitri] - "Huh? What's that noise? "

[Nalya] - "That's strange, let me take a look. "

Said Nalya as she slowly made her way into the bathroom to investigate the noise. 

[Kadyn] - "Look here! "

Dimitri turned to see Kadyn's fist in front of his forehead. Before he could react, a wrist knife extended from Kadyn's arm and stabbed through the young admiral's forehead. In a swift motion, Kadyn extracted her knife as Dimitri's scalp slid off from his head. Blood spilled onto Kadyn's face and hands as Dimitri's lifeless body fell on the floor.

In disgust, Kadyn quickly began wiping the blood off her body. After taking off her blood-stained coat, Kadyn began to wipe the blood off her arms. On top of Kadyn's right shoulder, the marking [KD-555] was tattooed in silver letters.

The KD series of laboratory-created demi-humans specialized in annihilation combat and destruction of a designated target with brutal efficiency. They are not meant to feel any emotion or remorse for their actions. Being from the 5th generation of the KD series of bio-engineered killers, Kadyn was built with a focus on 70% flesh and only 30% cybernetic as to the 20% flesh/80% cybernetic ratios used on previous models. 

Units like Kadyn possessed advanced quantic computer enhancement making up to 35% of their brains while their spine was replaced by a Conagher MK.7M accelerated spinal cyberwear. In terms of armament, Kadyn's forearms store each a high-frequency wrist blade with mercury composite lining for maximum cutting power while her eyes are capable of switching up to 8 different types of mods. Finally, Kadyn is also capable of long-distance hacking by wirelessly connecting to a device. 

[Nalya] - "Dimitri! "

Screamed Nalya in shock.

As soon as Kadyn turned around, Nalya jumped at her and pinned her to the ground. Anger filled Nalya's face as she began to attack Kadyn. However, with machinery precision, Kadyn was able to defend or dodge every single one of her strikes. 

[Kadyn] - "Stop this! Don't force me to kill you! "

[Nalya] - "You'll pay for what you did, you bitch! "

Yelled Nalya in a blind rage. 

Left with no choice, Kadyn had to fight back when Nalya grabbed Dimitri's pistol. In an instant, Kadyn's irises turned from shiny emerald green to a burning crimson-red colour. 

*Directive- "Puncture 3 cm into the left leg to reach a major nerve, twist 183 degrees to cause maximum agony. "

With a jab and a twist from Kadyn's blade into her leg, Nalya let out a gut-wrenching scream before losing her grip on Kadyn. With the swiftness of a skilled gymnast, Kadyn slipped under Nalya before holding her blade beside her neck. 

[Kadyn] - "Stay down. I have no intent to kill more people than necessary. "

[Nalya] - "Heh... haha... I saw that tattoo on your arm. "

Said Nalya while putting the gun on the floor. 

[Nalya] - "Here's mine as well. "

Said Nalya as she revealed the marking on her shoulder to Kadyn.

On Nalya's shoulder, a tattoo marked her as unit [KD-P3]. Kadyn was quite shocked to see one of her brethren here but her blade remained steady beside her target's neck. 

[Nalya] - "Unlike you, I was a defenceless model created for human pleasure. I worked all my life for my master Dimitri, he was a nice man. He loved me as if I was a real human girl. But you had to ruin it! You piece of shit KD-5 units have everything we, the rest of the KD series, don't have. You have the ability to fight and even produce offspring. You have everything and yet, you still choose to come after your own kindred. "

Said Nalya with spite in her voice. 

[Kadyn] - "He just happened to be my target. I had my orders, I didn't intend to come after you or make this personal. "

Said Kadyn while trying to prove her innocence.

[Nalya] - "Orders, orders, heh, have you ever tried thinking for yourself? Oh, I forgot, you are nothing but an emotionless husk with a thirst for blood. You KD-5 units are the most inhumane beasts to walk on this Earth. All you have on your mind is to follow orders and murder others without a second thought. "

Said Nalya with hatred in her voice. 

[Kadyn] - "I know how you feel, I also have someone special out there. However, Dimitri was a priority target of the empire. Things like this will happen sooner or later. "

Said Kadyn while struggling to find the right words.

Kadyn moved her blade away from Nalya's neck. 

[Nalya] - "You? Hehe... what a sick joke. When he sees you for who you truly are, he will leave you. You can't change what you are. You are born a killer and you will remain a killer. "

Said Nalya in a maliceful mocking voice.

[Kadyn] - "I'm sorry it ended this way. If you need help, I can- "

Suddenly, Nalya stood up and thrusted Kadyn's blade into her own heart. In a panic, Kadyn tried to withdraw her blade but Nalya held on tightly to her arm. 

[Nalya] - "I have nothing left. You took away the only thing that mattered in my miserable life. "

Said Nalya while staring intensely into Kadyn's eyes. 

Blood slowly trickled down Nalya's mouth while her life slowly drained away. 

[Kadyn] - "Why are you doing this? "

Yelled Kadyn in a panic.

[Nalya] - "I'm nothing without Dimitri. I'd rather go join him than live the rest of my life as a prostitute or a slave. Heh... at least I'll be free. Go collect your fucking reward for killing us two, I hope it was worth it. "

By the time Nalya finally let go of Kadyn's arm, she was already dead. Now stained with red all over her body, Kadyn immediately rushed into the bathroom and began washing her arm with water. Kadyn let out a few droplets of tears before wiping them off in frustration.

Despite having hundreds of kills to her name throughout her lifetime, the way Nalya ended her life left a scar in Kadyn's mind in a way that she never felt before.

[Kadyn] - "What did I do wrong... Why is... "

Said Kadyn before wiping more tears off her face. 

Upon looking at herself in the mirror, Kadyn immediately saw her brutal past play out in front of her eyes. She remembered how, just like her sisters, she used to be a merciless killer who only knew how to resolve problems through bloodshed. 

Kadyn kept rubbing on her arm but the thick layer of blood just won't come off. Her frustration soon turned to anger as she scratched at the bloodstain until her own blood began to mix with the water. 

[Kadyn] - "I've parted ways with that version of me, didn't I? Why then... why do these words remind me so much of what I want to forget? "

"When he sees you for who you truly are, he will leave you. "

These words echoed inside Kadyn's ears as she began to grip tightly at the sink. Again, unpleasant secrets began to surface up in her mind but she quickly chose to suppress them.

During all this time, while Kadyn was busy in front of the sink, she failed to notice the two heavily armed guards who entered the room. Before Kadyn could act, she was suddenly pinned against the wall by one of the soldier's massive bodies. Meanwhile, the other soldier slowly aimed his rifle toward Kadyn's head, ready to execute her. Kadyn struggled to no avail. Soon, it was obvious to her that there was no escape.

[Kadyn] - "Let go of me! "

Cried Kadyn in a panic.

Without hesitation, the guard fired a shot at her head. However, the bullet suddenly split apart mid-air before flying around to hit the man in the head, killing him instantly. Mike then gradually stepped out of the metal wall as if the steel was a liquid.

[Mike] - "Guilt Extension: Girlfriend Rescue Special! "

Upon seeing the situation, the second guard charged toward Mike like an enraged bull. However, Mike stood still without doing anything until his enemy got close enough, then abruptly grabbed the man by the head before slamming him into the wall. The sound of cracked bones filled the room as the soldier's blood splashed onto the wall and floor.

[Mike] - "You're lucky I came to deliver you lunch. "

Said Mike in an enthusiastic voice as he presented Kadyn with a brown bag tainted with the guard's blood.

[Kadyn] - "You did not just name one of your techniques like that! "

Said Kadyn, flabbergasted.

[Mike] - "It isn't even a technique, it's just something that I made the fuck up. "

As soon as Mike's gaze turned toward her, she immediately hid her arms behind her back to conceal the bloodstains. 

[Kadyn] - "It's lovely that you were still thinking about me. "

Said Kadyn with a joyful expression while trying to conceal her worries.

[Mike] - "Yeah, not easy to find an excuse to leave my post when Sniper had his eyes on me since the infraction last time. "

Said Mike as he analyzed the corpses of the two dead guards.

Mike walked over and gently hugged Kadyn in his arms. 

[Kadyn] - "I'm sorry for wasting your time that time. I should've dealt with it myself. "

Said Kadyn with teary eyes.

[Mike] - "Nah, your well-being ranks higher than my bloody arse being punished. Other than that, you're still using lavender perfume? "

Said Mike as he sniffed Kadyn's hair. 

As Kadyn was about to answer, Mike suddenly broke off the hug and reached for her bruised arms. In a panic, Kadyn abruptly swung her arms behind her back but Mike immediately pulled them forward. 

[Mike] - "Got to stop hiding things from me. "

[Kadyn] - "It's not what it looks like, I didn't mean to- "

Kadyn was surprised to see Mike reaching for the medical kit behind the mirror before gently clearing the bloodstain on her arms with his ability. After cleaning the wounds, Mike dropped down to his knees and grabbed a needle from the first aid box. 

[Mike] - "Did they do this to you? "

Said Mike while carefully sewing the wounds back together with a needle. 

[Kadyn] - "It's nothing... It happens sometimes in my line of work. I mean... do you really not mind how... indecent I appear? "

[Mike] - "Don't be a silly goose, do I look bougie to you? "

Kadyn smiled slightly upon noticing how Mike had messy hair, a dirty face and a long soiled coat on his back. 

[Kadyn] - "Did you stop taking of yourself just because I wasn't there? "

Said Kadyn with an amused expression as she sat down at Mike's level. 

Kadyn hissed in pain as the needle struck a sensitive part of her arm. Although Mike didn't react to her pain, his fingers delicately changed direction and avoided the nerve in the way of his needle. 

[Mike] - "Done and done. You are officially dismissed from duty, miss. This is officially the last mission for you and you are now a free person. "

Said Mike as he got up and threw the needle away.

[Kadyn] - "I'm glad... Thank you, dear. "

Said Kadyn while observing her clean hands and arms. 

After breathing a sigh of relief, Kadyn abruptly jumped onto Mike and kissed him on the mouth. After a long and passionate kiss, Kadyn leaned on Mike's shoulder and let out tears of happiness while smiling. 

[Kadyn] - "You have no idea how much I waited for this day. I always thought my dreams were nothing but far-fetched fantasies. However, you made them into a reality. Thank you, Mike, thank you. I owe you my life. "

Said Kadyn with a joyful smile while hugging Mike.

[Mike] - "Now, now, you don't owe me anything. Follow what your heart tells you to do now. "

[Kadyn] - "My heart tells me to become your full-time girlfriend. "

[Mike] - "Well, what else? Go wild now that you are free from imperial duties. "

[Kadyn] - "Well, I want to try food from different cultures, visit some famous landmarks, erm... maybe do some extreme sports and finally, maybe start a family. Of course, you'll have to do all this with me. "

Said Kadyn in an enthusiastic voice. 

[Mike] - "That just won't do, my little fox. I'm bloody busy at the time. "

[Kadyn] - "Who said I lack patience? We can slowly do them all but I absolutely require you to be there with me every time or else I'm not going. "

[Mike] - "What's wrong with going alone? You don't have to hold back because of me. "

[Kadyn] - "An experience is worth remembering when you share it with your loved ones. Considering how you are my fiance now, it is required that we are together if I were to go somewhere for a vacation. "

Said Kadyn as she blushed. 

[Mike] - "Since when did I become your fian- "

[Kadyn] - "What about you, Mike, what do you want to do? "

Kadyn suddenly caught Mike speechless. It was a question Mike never even considered in his life. Unlike others, he lived his life by following orders and dedicating himself to the imperial cause. All his decisions, as by the design of his indoctrination, were shaped to favour the best interest of others while he was forbidden from thinking for himself. 

[Mike] - "I... I don't really know yet. "

[Kadyn] - "Oh! Well, don't hesitate to say it when you think of something. I'm ready to follow you to the end of the world. "

Said Kadyn with a cute smile. 

[Mike] - "Anyways, I brought you lun- "

Said Mike while trying to distract the subject. 

Before Mike could lift the bag, its contents fell onto the floor with a loud splash before being smeared in blood. 

[Kadyn] - "Giorno's Garden, Rome, Italy. "

Said Kadyn in a flash. 

[Mike] - "Looks like we are eating out then. "

As Kadyn moved with Mike toward the window, she stopped to look at Nalya's lifeless corpse one last time. It will be a sight which will stick with Kadyn for the rest of her life however, she was glad that this was the last time she had to witness such tragedy. After paying her respects, Kadyn flew away into the night sky with Mike.

To be continued...

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