
Cyber-knight: Pathfinder

In the dystopic world of 2072 ravaged by a ruthless war, Mike is a cyberknight fighting for a regime which promises justice and reforms to a broken world. However, virtue is a fragile concept, especially for an empire built on lies. Eventually, corrupt minds filled with delusion and madness will reveal themselves. When the masks drop, will there still be peace or a future? Blessed are those who can dream, condemned are those who remain in reality. In the dark, resolve is the only path forward. This novel combines fantasy and sci-fi into a story you have never seen before. Give it a try and you will stay for the plot and the high-intensity actions.

Minute_Sniper · SF
48 Chs

⁕ Year 2069

A gentle rain padded the surface of a neon-filled city. High above the busy streets, a mysterious man dressed in black watched as multi-coloured lights reflected off his coat in the wind. With a single jump, the man dashed through multiple buildings before crashing into a water purification facility. Soon, an alarm was triggered as waves of heavily armed guards rushed into the facility and took position around the man. Surprisingly, the mysterious man didn't even flinch as the barrels of multiple dozen guns were aimed at him.

On the shoulder of every single one of the guards, there was the ensign of the British Intelligence Crops. The guards quickly began to fire after the intruder failed to comply with their orders. However, with a single motion of his finger, not only did all the bullets shatter upon coming in contact with him, but pieces of the floor flew off into the sky and disarmed every single guard on the scene. Then, with a simple swipe of his finger, every guard was sent flying into the wall before being restrained by appendages created from the concrete. 

The facility soon regained its silence as the man dressed in black jumped onto one of the massive water tubes. After carefully scanning the tube's surface, the man stopped at an intersection where a smaller tube was connected to the main tube. With a single kick, it was revealed that the smaller tube carried a strange substance which was directly poured into the public's water supply. With a shocked gasp, the man immediately snapped his fingers before all such tube was disconnected from the main water supply. 

[Mike] - "This is the Grand Knight, the main supply has been cleared of the contaminant. I would require several troop transports to take some captured British soldiers into custody. " 

Said Mike into the micro-radio on the back of his arm.

Progress has allowed humanity to build a glimmering society supported by technology. When observed from afar, the major cities from different countries could only be described as a neon-filled utopia marvel of human advancement. When you look at the people inside these cities, you see how of a high life they are living. The skyscrapers, the technologically infused homes, robots doing some of the jobs humans didn't want to do. A simple walk in the streets might even shock you as you couldn't even find a single speck of dust on the sidewalk...

...That is, if one isn't capable of something more than simple thoughts. Humans are kept satisfied through technology which sets people up with a false sense of perfection. You can't find a romantic partner? There is a life-like android capable of filling that role with sexual comfort, emotional support and unconditional love. You couldn't cope with the pressure of real life? Keep yourself satiated with the comfort offered by the metaverse. All it takes is a single goggle and all your problems will go away. 

A great philosopher called Mill once said: "Better be an unsatisfied human than be a satisfied pig. "

The reason why the big cities were so spotless was because they were only reserved for society's elites. No one, not even those with average income could afford to live inside a major city. Instead, they are pushed outside to live inside cities specially made to accommodate the less fortunate. All that neon and glamour is nothing but a facade so one cannot see what horror lies below the skyscrapers. 

The poor and miserable of society were gaslit by the government and large corporations to think that their problems were always the fault of other things than the true culprits. When the populace becomes discontent with their lives, the Secret Service simply has to orchestrate a little bit of hate crime to make the populace fight between themselves. When people tried to speak out, they were simply cancelled by the allegations of false crimes. 

To keep the public compliant, some countries like Britain introduced a special drug into the water to instill a sense of euphoria into the people's minds. Others like the USA simply spy on the public thanks to the introduction of brain chips. 

Inside one of the accommodation cities, a violent protest involving looting and property destruction sent shockwaves throughout the streets. It was a protest about racial equality. However, how could a protest with a virtuous goal in mind become the grounds for unfathomable violence? The educational system and social systems were the ones to blame. 

How could people be civilized when education only makes you dumber in current society? How could people be expected to not turn to crime when a simple college degree could chain them to debt for the rest of their lives? How could people develop critical thinking when they live in a society which promotes obedience? 

You, who were made to believe how cool growing up would be. You, who were fed lies about how you could change the world if you worked hard enough. You who forgot to dream, to believe that you are something more than you are. Why simply accept all this in silence? 

All around the world, from the screen of cellphones to the massive screens in shopping centres, the image of a man in a set of stunning golden-black armour suddenly appeared. 

[Sniper] - "I am the emperor of the National Empire, I address to you the people as a saviour. For too long have you all been slaves to a government that saw you all as nothing but cattle. In a few days, I will commence the liberation of the world from the clutches of these corrupt and rotten elites of society who are ignorant of your suffering. "

People from all over the world temporarily stopped what they were doing to listen.

[Sniper] - "Take off your goggles and see the world for what it truly is. It treated you unfairly and drove you to fail in society. No more pretending, no more virtual world because in the end, only what's real could fulfill the void inside your soul. "

Some of the people in goggles took off their headsets for the first time and were blinded by the real sunlight that shined through their room. 

[Sniper] - "You who think you have found a real partner in an android, take a second look at your companion. Think of the humiliation, think of how society conditioned you to be unloved, think about how you were lied to by a machine that was programmed by the people who fucked you over to love you. "

Waves of uproar soon gripped the world as many people were snapped out of their delusion. Some decided to shut off their pleasure bot while others decided to smash their artificial partner into pieces out of anger. 

[Sniper] - "Is your misery really worth it? Is serving a country that saw you as nothing but a dog worth it? Soldiers, is dying for a country that ignores your humanity worth it? Young people, is being in debt and working a minimum wage after years of struggle in school worth it? The less fortunate, is a country that abandoned you in your times of need really deserving of your loyalty? "

While intrigued people gathered around any screen that was near them, governments and big companies rushed to find a way to shut down Sniper's stream.

[Sniper] - "Look up to the sky. Precisely in 2 minutes, a massive asteroid will strike Congo and destroy most of central Africa. Why isn't anyone doing anything about it? Because we are too concerned with ourselves to care. Even your local news won't report about this event. Although many countries could stop this disaster, they won't budge unless this could bring them a profit. However, I am a messiah and not a politician. "

Suddenly Sniper grabbed the camera and held it in his hand before he suddenly began levitating. In a flash, Sniper flew into outer space where a massive asteroid approached his position. A white glow emitted from his side as a white crystal shined brightly on his arm. When the asteroid finally appeared in front of Sniper, he pulverized the ginormous rock with a single punch which sent a meteor shower into the atmosphere. 

All around the world, people watched in amazement as sparks filled the sky before disappearing into the clouds. The meteor shower was like a beacon of hope to many who shed tears at the beautiful sight. 

[Sniper] - "This is a revolution. This is your chance to live the life you want and reject the oppression placed upon you! Rise when the trumpets of my fleets reach where you stand. "

All of a sudden, the internet was completely shut down in every country. That day became the only day in history when the world was left without an internet connection. However, despite all the damage control such as propaganda and drugging employed by the different governments, Sniper's words managed to disrupt the balance of society. The silent majority was galvanized and there wasn't anything that could be done to stop the domino effect which would ensue. 

On the top of a small building, a beautiful blonde girl stood and admired the meteor shower. The beautiful lines of orange and white reflected off her shiny green eyes as she stared at the sky with her mouth agape. Suddenly, Mike landed beside her and rushed to hug her in his arms. 

[Kadyn] - "Wait, wait, let's watch that for now. "

Said Kadyn as she pointed toward the sky. 

Mike nodded his head and turned to face the meteor shower with his arm around Kadyn's waist. 

[Mike] - "We have been working toward this for so long. "

Said Mike as he looked at the sky with a proud face. 

[Kadyn] - "What comes next? "

[Mike] - "War. Freedom cannot be enforced upon others, they must fight for it to appreciate and treasure it. Even with Sniper and his cyberknights' godly power, the human mind is the one thing they can't control. War is a necessary evil for the greater good. "

[Kadyn] - "Then after the war? "

[Mike] - "Eternal peace. The world united under one flag. "

[Kadyn] - "How long before you must go back? "

Said Kadyn as she turned toward Mike.

[Mike] - "I have to watch over London for now. I have 2 more days to go. "

Kadyn's face suddenly gained a hint of joy.

[Kadyn] - "Hey, quit sporting that serious face. We've two days to ourselves. "

Said Kadyn with a smile as she pocked Mike's face cheek. 

[Mike] - "I'm just worried about the repercussions of the upcoming war. "

Said Mike in an anxious voice. 

[Kadyn] - "The war, the war... Mike, why don't we make some good memories for now? I want something positive to remember when we both gain that 1,000-yard stare after the war. "

Said Kadyn as she began to pull on Mike's hand. 

Mike quickly understood from Kadyn's optimism that she wasn't happy due to her ignorance toward the upcoming war. She was happy simply because she was able to be here with him. 

[Mike] - "Alright, let's make the best out of our time then. "

In Italy, as the people went on with their day, a massive earthquake suddenly shook the country. At the Italian coast, to the people's shock, massive aerial battleships and carriers rose up from the bottom of the sea. Their massive figures cast shadows that left entire cities in the dark. 

Meanwhile, the same happened in the Arabian Sea where massive aerial vessels rose up from the bottom of the water. By the end of the process, at least 15 gargantuan carriers, 40 battleships and hundreds of other types of smaller ships floated above the different seas of Europe, Asia and Africa. 

The revolution has begun. 

To be continued...

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