
Cyber Horizon

A select few of people had their minds transported into Cyber Horizon. Now these people with no past memory survive and figure out they got there.

killermniko · ゲーム
25 Chs

Goblin Attack 3

The little green goblin ripped out the dagger and leaped over Blue as he fell forward. The demon charged towards Jon. Panic started to set in, and he looked at his knife. He realized he didn't want to fight that thing close up. Throwing his blade at the incoming goblin, it luckily stabbed the creature in the skull triggering 'Lucky Hit.' The critical strike caused the dagger to pierce the goblin's head and kill it cleanly.

*Ding* **The skill Throwing has leveled up**

Jon slumped to the ground once the adrenaline wore off. All of this was too much for him. Seeing the goblins die didn't bother him too much, but watching the life leave Blue's eyes really shook him. To calm down, he tried to open his menu when a new quest opened up.

***New Character Quest: Kill a goblin***

(Accept) (Deny)

Finally, seeing a quest he could deny, Jon didn't waste any time and selected deny. The text disappeared only for a new quest to pop up.

***New Character Quest: Kill a hobgoblin***

(Accept) (Deny)

"Why do I keep getting kill quest?" yelled Jon. Realizing he hollered loud enough to attract more goblins, he slammed his hand to his mouth. He clicked deny with his other side, and another quest emerged.

***New Character Quest: Kill the Goblin King***


"F@%^!" mumbled Jon through his hand. The new one didn't give an option to deny it. He just stared at the text and decided he wasn't going to accept such a crazy mission. The next thing he knew, the quest's accept button made a *ding* sound and clicked itself. "What is wrong with this game," he asked himself. He just looked into the corner and opened his menu.

--Name: Jon Ramos Lv 3--

+1 Stat Point

STR: 3

CON: 3

DEX: 3

LUK: 1


Gathering Lv 1 (39/100)

Throwing Lv 2 (1/100)

Dagger Mastery Lv 1 (5/100)

Lucky Hit Lv 1 (30/100)


Rocks (x10)


"That's right. I have another stat point since leveling up. I think I'm going to wait to put it into one." After looking at his menu a bit longer, he closed it. He walked over to Blue and closed his eyes. He then dragged his body to the corner of the barn promising the corpse to bury him when he had some more time. He gathered the goblins into a different part of the barn and placed their weapons in the center. When he tried to wield either spear, it crumbled to dust in his hand. Jon wanted to curse, but it wouldn't do any good. He picked up both daggers and put him on his waist.

The day started to get late, and Jon's tummy rumbled. He decided to search the area for supplies. The only thing he found near the barn was land untilled for months and a well. He gathered some water in a bucket after chugging half it down his parched throat. He searched and searched, but all the herbs he tried to pick up turned to dust. Eventually, he gave up and went back to the barn. He found a shovel outside after looking around the barn.

**Shovel (low) (+1 STR) has been equipped**

Jon used it to dig a grave for Blue. As the day faded to the night, he finally buried his fallen party member. Tired and hungry, Jon climbed up the rafters in the barn and went to sleep. Only to be awoken the next morning to the sounds of one eating.

"Glerg gug erk."

Looking around, Jon couldn't see anything until he spotted a creature hunched over the dead goblins. Jon pulled out one of his rocks and threw one at the hunched-over thing. The rock flew over its shoulder, alerting it to danger. Jon figured he would miss, followed it up with another one hitting it clear in the forehead, incapacitating it. Jon jumped down and walked over to see the goblin was just knocked out, not dead. Looking down, Jon could see parts of the goblin corpse was missing.

"Was this rogue goblin eating its kin like food?" At the mention of food, Jon's stomach growled. He looked down at the creature's flesh, and his mouth began to water. Using his dagger, he cut off a piece and stuck it in his mouth...