
Cutest in the Omniverse

MC: Anything I desire? Anything at all? ???: Yes, from Almighty Systems to Evolving Weaponry, to Dominating Cultivation Techniques, anything you desire. MC: Then, make me the cutest! The Cutest in the Omniverse! ???: ... Join the discord for chapter previews and more! https://discord.gg/JbMr9wRX7K

Explosive_Bubble · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Baby Arc I : Cutest Baby Ever!!

The moment he had finally been ejected out of his old world was very obvious. While previously he could still feel things like small itches on various areas of his body, the coldness of his room or even the fatigue of staying up for 24hrs, he could no longer feel any of those things, all sensations of the real world were mute and nonexistent. He could only listen to his thoughts and nothing more.

He was unsure of the current state of his reincarnation, having felt no time pass between his transference and now. As unnerving of an experience it was, it was also relaxing in a way as he was able to fully indulge in his thoughts and plans for the future without being distracted by the physical world.

It had only been a few minutes according to his internal clock since he had been in this state of being and he would be able to hold up for quite a while before he ran out of things to think of, from his powers to his new life and world, and his goals for the future too.

Before he could even start to think of long this would continue before he went insane, a sudden surge of sensations came forth, overwhelming his thoughts.

The sensations came from the senses that had suddenly returned to him, gathering information about his surroundings and informing him of what was happening in the outside world.

From the feeling of rubber on his small back and head to the cold air blowing against his sensitive skin, the senses he felt confirmed that he had successfully reincarnated into the other world called Vanterio.

While his senses assaulted him, he had attempted to move his limbs, only managing to make them twitch in place. After confirming his minuscule control over his body, he started to focus on the two most important senses he had, his vision and hearing, in order to gain information about his surroundings.

As someone who properly sits through the tutorials of newly released games, he knew that getting as much knowledge and information as early as possible during the start would help you immensely in the future, wanting as much of a head start as he could get in his new life. He didn't want to waste a single opportunity when possible.

Opening his fresh pair of eyelids was not an easy task, feeling as if there were weights pulling them down, though he eventually managed to lift them up, allowing him to see the world.

With his eyes exposed to the world, the first thing he saw was where he was at. He was in a pure white room filled with an assortment of equipment that he couldn't recognize. He guessed they were some sort of medical equipment but he knew he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between normal medical equipment and the magitech equivalent anyhow.

Aside from the equipment, there was also an assortment of other items like potted plants, fanciful tables and furniture, and other tasteful decorations that blended in well with the mostly white room. There was also a large window on one side overseeing a fantastical city that just screamed 'science fiction'.

He turned his attention to the occupants, seeing two female nurses in typical looking nurse uniforms, both of them smiling warmly at him.

The one holding him was also a female nurse that looked much older than the first two, with a glint of experience visible in her eyes, she also had another unique feature about her, she had cat ears atop her head. He found it amusing that the first catgirl he met in this world was a catgirl nurse.

She looked down at him with a satisfied smile, turning around to face two more people in the room, a young man and woman.

The man looked to be in his early twenties with messy and short lime hair and pale blue eyes. Though hidden by his thick clothing that resembled some sort of military garb, he had a compact yet strong build, being able to trace out the shape of his body.

His features were slightly grizzled, melding together with a sort of bishounen look that screamed youthful boyishness. Though the aura he gave off was one that would make married women faint instead of making teenage girls squeal, it was the aura of a man instead of the aura of a pretty boy.

He approached the nurse holding his newborn child cautiously like he was approaching a ferocious beast, where a single misstep would spell his death.

The nurse chuckled lightly at the sight, addressing the two new parents with a congratulatory tone.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lanixer, you are now parents to a healthy baby girl."

The brand new father stepped up to the nurse, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, no words leaving his mouth. The nurse patiently waited for him, until finally words left his mouth.

"Can I hold her?" His voice held a lot of nervousness but also an even greater amount of eagerness and happiness.

The nurse simply nodded, carefully passing the newborn over to her new father.

The amount of unadulterated love the reincarnated newborn could feel radiating off of her new father was beyond anything she had felt in her previous life.

She had only known of her previous parents through the stories her grandparents told her, and while she was saddened that she never got to know them or experience their love and care, she wasn't affected as much as other orphans who had their parents pass away after they had formed a bond.

Her grandparents showered her with plenty of love and care, it couldn't be compared to the love a parent would exude upon holding their newborn child.

She decided then and there that she would do her utmost to protect and care for her parents, as well as make them proud of her growth and future achievements.

Her father slowly walked over to the bedside, gently placing her on the bed between him and her new mother.

Her mother had long caramel hair and hazel eyes, with soft features that made her look younger than she actually was, looking like she was only in her late teens. She had light brown skin and looks that could easily surpass most top models on earth. Even while wearing the loose-fitting hospital gown, her physique was easy to see and she radiated a powerful but warm aura, she didn't seem like someone who had just given birth.

She was very satisfied that both her parents were highly attractive, though it didn't matter too much due to her new powers, her genes guaranteed that she would grow up to be beautiful and cute even without powers.

She was unsure of the standards of beauty on Vanteria seeing how they had magic and advanced medical technology, they surely had higher standards of beauty. The three nurses in the room could have easily become top models on earth. She guessed that standard was even higher on Alcavia, the most magitechnologically advanced country in the world.

"What are we going to name her? I know we decided to pick a name only after we see her, but I'm coming up blank." Her father asked, trying his best to think of suitable names for his newborn and being dissatisfied with every single one.

"I made up my mind the moment I saw her." Her mother smiled gently as she looked down at her, the love radiating from her had a different feel but was as powerful or even more so than that of her father's love.

"Well, what is it?"


Upon hearing her name, Astraea gave a toothless smile and giggled gleefully, surprising both parents who hadn't heard a single sound from her since being born.

That smile and the sound of her giggles alleviated their worries, both parent's looking at each other with great love and affection before they looked down at the product of those emotions.

Astraea herself was a little surprised as she had not done that consciously but in reaction to her name, guessing that her new powers were already in effect.

'Astraea huh? Named after the Greek goddess of innocence and purity, If this isn't a sign, then I don't know what is." The omniverse was seemingly supporting her endeavours.

She wondered if her luck had transferred over to her new life, though it was only one instance which involved her name, it was too unbelievable to be called a coincidence.

Regardless of her luck, she would still continue to work hard in her new life and become the cutest on her homeworld.


As there were still several procedures, examinations and tests that were necessary before she could go home with her new parents, they had to stay in the hospital for a few more hours.

In the middle of transferring rooms and moving from place to place, doing various tests and procedures, Astraea had been able to gain a lot of good information from conversations.

She was thankful that English existed in Vanteria and that it was the official language in Alcavia. Though she would have chosen Alcavia regardless of its official language, she wouldn't spend any of her points just to be able to immediately understand the language. And while she would only suffer a slight setback due to her newly acquired flawless memory, it would still be painful being unable to understand anything anyone said for a period of time.

She was able to learn her parents' names, Aereon being her father and Paela her mother, with her family being Lanixer, making her Astraea Lanixer.

She was able to guess that some of the tests she'd gone through were related to magic as she had heard the fictional word 'thaumic' used several times. Though in this world it would obviously not be fictional.

The family of three were currently walking to the next examination room where baby Astraea would take the Post-birth Magic Affinity Assessment, her parents had started talking about it along the way. Astraea listened closely to the conversation as the assessment was obviously related to her magic affinities.

"We've been so busy I hadn't even thought of what Astraea's affinities would be, I'd like it if she inherited my talent in Water magic and in extension Ice magic, but It's just a passing wish considered my... bloodline..." Aereons' tone shifted when he had said the word bloodline, taking on a tinge of resentment and helplessness.

"While I'd also love for Astraea to inherit my talent in Body magic, to me, she's perfect regardless of which affinities she's talented in."

"She'd be perfect to me regardless of that too! I'm just... a bit unhappy her affinities were probably tainted by my bloodline..."

Astraea was a bit worried hearing her father refer to his bloodline as tainted and his negative attitude towards it, did his bloodline possibly have a bad talent for magic? Though he had mentioned having a talent in Water and Ice magic, it was possible talent referred to the attributes that had the highest affinity rather than having a good affinity for them in comparison with the average person. If this was true, then the condensed affinities might not have increased her Neutral magic affinity by much which would be the worst-case scenario.

"Hey! What did we say about degrading your bloodline? Not only is it self-deprecating and insults your father and plenty of other wonderful people in your family, you're also labelling your daughter as tainted! Are you saying this little bundle of cuteness is tainted?" Paela reprimanded, nodding towards Astraea who she held in her arms, she had unconsciously giggled at having been referred to directly, making both parents smile warmly.

"No! Never! My baby girl is perfect in every way! I'm sorry I called you tainted darling, can you forgive me?" he said apologetically, leaning down towards Astraea, closing the distance between them"

"Agagahe blooh!" Astraea answered happily. She didn't really take it to heart since it was obvious her new daddy didn't like his own bloodline and was unhappy that she now was part of that bloodline too.

"Look like she's forgiven you, now stop being negative and think of the affinities you think Astraea might become talented in." Paela said.

"But I wouldn't be able to guess anyhow! It's totally unpredictable!"

"Oh hush! It's a bit of fun! Imagine our little girl doing Dark magic, how do you think that would turn out?" Paela asked curiously, wanting to improve her husband's mood.

"I've heard of kids who become interested in the occult and gothic when they had Dark magic affinity, while I'd never judge her interests, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it personally..."

"But Black is really stylish! There are goths who only take on the style and ditch the attitude and are quite nice and cheerful, I think it'd be quite fun having a goth daughter, she'd be able to give me fashion tips on black clothing, I just can't make black work for me..."

"You should already know it's because of your skin tone, darker skin tones don't mix well with black."

Paela pouted being told as such, making Aereon laugh lightly at her puffed out cheeks.

The two of them continued their conversation as Astraea listened in, internally smiling at the good relationship between her parents.

'This will definitely be a good family.'

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