
Cursed Rebirth: The Unholy Descent of Srin

Follow the haunting journey of Srin, a man who unexpectedly finds himself reincarnated as his virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG) character, an undead zombie. As Srin navigates the immersive world as an undead zombie, he becomes aware of a disturbing transformation taking place within him. The lines between reality and the game start to blur, and his humanity gradually slips away. Fueled by a newfound sense of power and a lack of moral restraint, Srin embarks on a dark path, engaging in unspeakable acts that shock even himself. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Srin begins experimenting on living people, using his knowledge of the game mechanics to push the boundaries of life and death. His actions become increasingly heinous as he delves deeper into the darkest corners of his twisted desires. Serial killing, robbing, and other unthinkable acts become a chilling routine for him.

Tragdruniuth · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Whispers of Darkness

Srin groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding with a dull ache. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself lying on the ground in the middle of a dense forest. Confusion washed over him as he struggled to remember how he had ended up here.

As he tried to push himself up from the ground, he noticed something strange. His breathing was nonexistent, and his skin looked unnaturally pale and rotten. Panic set in as he realized that something was terribly wrong. He frantically checked his body, only to find himself wearing a majestic robe that emitted a holy aura. His fingers were adorned with rings, each one pulsating with an incredibly powerful aura. A golden necklace adorned his neck, adding to the overwhelming sense of power emanating from him.

It suddenly dawned on him that he had been reincarnated as his VRMMORPG character, Srin. The character he had meticulously built and leveled up to the max. But how had this happened? How did he find himself in the game world, and why did he look so different?

With no answers in sight, Srin decided to focus on his immediate surroundings. He stood up and took a deep breath, or at least attempted to. The realization that he didn't need to breathe anymore was unsettling.

Feeling a surge of curiosity mixed with trepidation, Srin began to explore the forest. As he walked, he encountered various creatures that foolishly attacked him. Drawing upon his newfound powers, he effortlessly dispatched them, testing out his spells and utilizing the items in his inventory.

Days turned into nights as Srin continued his solitary journey through the forest, honing his skills and growing more accustomed to his new existence. He found solace in the familiar mechanics and dynamics of the game world, even if it was now his reality.

One fateful evening, as he trekked through the forest, he heard distant shouts echoing through the trees. Intrigued, he followed the sound until he stumbled upon a scene of chaos. A group of humans was ruthlessly attacking a village inhabited by dark elves.

Srin's heart sank as he witnessed the violence and destruction unfolding before him. Unsure of his role in this world and what he should do, he decided to hide his presence. Drawing upon the power of one of his rings, he cloaked himself in an invisibility spell, making himself undetectable to the warring factions.

As Srin observed the battle from his hidden position, a voice suddenly echoed in his head, urging him not to help the dark elves. At first, he tried to ignore it, focusing on the plight of the innocent villagers. But the voice persisted, growing stronger and more persuasive with each passing moment.

Conflicted, Srin fought against the voice, desperately clinging to his sense of morality. He had always been a compassionate person. The idea of abandoning the dark elves to their fate went against everything he believed in.

But the voice continued to chip away at his resolve, planting doubts and sowing seeds of self-interest. It whispered promises of power and riches, enticing him with the prospect of scavenging the village once the humans left.

As the battle raged on, Srin's internal struggle intensified. He watched as the humans gradually gained the upper hand, their relentless assault pushing the dark elves to the brink of defeat. The voice in his head grew louder, urging him to wait, to let the humans finish their assault before seizing the opportunity to plunder the village.

Overwhelmed by the conflicting thoughts and emotions, Srin finally succumbed to the voice's persuasive arguments. He made the painful decision to withhold his aid, choosing instead to bide his time and wait for the humans to leave.

As the battle drew to a close, the humans emerged victorious, their triumphant shouts echoing through the forest. Srin watched as they retreated, leaving the ravaged village behind. It was then that he emerged from his hiding place, his heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty.

He cautiously approached the village, his eyes scanning the wreckage for anything of value. To his surprise, he discovered that the world he was in was not the game world he had known. The village and its inhabitants were not part of the virtual reality game, but a whole another world entirely.

As Srin scoured the ruins of the village, his eyes caught a glimpse of movement in one of the partially destroyed houses. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously, unsure of what or who he might find.

To his surprise, he discovered a young dark elf woman hiding in the shadows. Her eyes widened with fear as she spotted Srin, but he quickly raised his hands in a gesture of peace, trying to convey that he meant no harm.

The woman cautiously emerged from her hiding spot, her gaze filled with a mix of wariness and desperation. Srin's heart went out to her, recognizing the fear and vulnerability in her eyes. He wanted to help her, to offer her solace and protection.

But the voice in his head returned, stronger than ever. It whispered dark thoughts, urging him to take advantage of the situation. It told him to kidnap the woman, to keep her as a slave, to bend her to his will.

Srin fought against the voice, desperately trying to drown out its influence. He knew deep down that this was wrong, that he couldn't succumb to such wicked desires. But the voice was relentless, its persuasive arguments wearing down his resistance.

In the end, the voice won. Srin succumbed to its temptations, his previously noble intentions twisted by its insidious whispers. He approached the dark elf woman with a false smile, concealing his true intentions.

The woman, unaware of the darkness lurking within Srin, cautiously accepted his offer of help. She had lost everything in the attack, and the prospect of some form of safety and protection was too enticing to resist.

Days turned into weeks as Srin kept the woman captive, his actions fueled by the voice's influence. He subjected her to a life of servitude, her spirit broken as she became nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game.