
Cursed Photographer in Naruto

After a meteor strike, Yuta was forced to say goodbye to his career as a photographer and found himself an orphaned baby in the world of Naruto. Yuta is adopted by Hatake Sakumo soon after. Although Yuta was able to become part of the Hatake family, he knew that this was not enough to survive in this cruel world. Fortunately, the system heard his concerns and Yuta resumed his photography career. Yuta's system asked him to take photos, and the system analyzed every photo he took and rewarded him with a certain prize. After taking a few photos, Yuta realized that the prizes he received were things that made him feel bad for some reason. The abilities he won were usually the abilities of evil characters from anime, while the summoning cards he drew were usually demons or curses. And as if that wasn't enough, the beginner pack turned him into a curse. ___________ (Last 30 days) I will publish bonus chapters according to the position we reached on Sunday in the Power Stone rankings. Top 200 - one bonus chapter Top 100 - two bonus chapters Top 50 - three bonus chapters Top 20 - four bonus chapters Top 10 - five bonus chapters Top 3 - two chapters every day for the next week First place - two chapters every day for the next week and ? bonus chapters. Bonus Chapters will be published every Monday. The harem tag was placed as a warning in case there was a harem in the future. p@treon.com/Isekai_Traveler

Isekai_Traveler · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 20

Sarutabi Hiruzen had questioned his homeroom teacher, Morino Ibiki, many times before to make sure of everything. What he learned made him think that Yuta had no talent as a ninja because how could a lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, and lazy person become a ninja?

But tonight, when he saw this lazy man appear in the middle of the forest using an unknown movement technique, the Hokage suspected that this boy might be a spy. He immediately summoned the two anbu ninjas who were standing guard outside his room and ordered them to go to Yuta's location and capture him if he tried to escape out of the village.

Both of the Anbu ninjas were elite Jonin ninjas and capturing a child was child's play for them.

The reason Hiruzen didn't tell the Anbu ninja to capture the boy right away was that even if Yuta really was a spy, as long as he got Tsunade back on the battlefield, it was worth planting a spy in Konaha with his own hands.

Although Hiruzen hadn't mentioned it before, Tsunade was the student he most wanted to become Hokage after him. Of course, what Hiruzen didn't tell anyone was that he was so addicted to the feeling of sitting in the Hokage seat that he planned to sit here for another thirty years.

As Sarutabi Hiruzen watched Yuta through the glass orb in his hand, Yuta raised one hand and started to say something. However, Hiruzen's telescope technique was not advanced enough to listen to voices at this time. Of course, that didn't mean that Hiruzen couldn't learn what he was saying.

"Yami yori idete yami yori kuroku sono kegare o misogiharae"

As Yuta moved his lips, the Hokage moved his lips in imitation and wrote down what he said on a piece of paper on his desk.

Immediately afterward, Hiruzen saw a black liquid appear ten meters above Yuta. As if Yuta was in a glass container, this black liquid spread over the glass container and then continued to flow toward the surroundings. After the liquid completely dissipated, the image in the glass sphere shook for a moment and Yuta disappeared from the middle of the forest.

After watching the technique in action, Sarutobi Hiruzen easily realized that it made it impossible to observe a certain area. He made sure of this when he arrived there sometime later and saw the Anbu running right past the area.

Hiruzen summoned another Anbu and sent him to inform the other two, then put his hands to his chin and began to think. After a few minutes, the Hokage decided to wait and see tomorrow before doing anything about this boy.

After all, from the very beginning, it was only a possibility that the boy was a spy. If tomorrow he displayed all his skills in front of everyone, he could make sure that he was not a spy while pretending to raise him as a special anbu.

Meanwhile, the last anbu to leave found the other two anbu and, as the Hokage had said, they triangulated a certain area and waited. After a while the Curtain technique was broken and Yuta appeared in the middle of the forest. Of course, Yuta, who was only just getting stronger, had no idea that he was being watched by three elite Jonin ninjas.

These ninjas continued to follow Yuta until he jumped down from the mountain and went home, and then they turned back and reported to the Hokage office.


After thinking for a while about how much of his powers he would reveal tomorrow, Yuta decided to reveal all his powers, but he would tell people about his cutting ability as a different ability.

Yuta thought that after the battle he would be summoned by the Hokage council to talk about the bloodline and he wanted to because he couldn't normally find and photograph these four people.

Yuta continued to sit in the garden of Tsunade's house, thinking of a good excuse for his slashing ability.

Yuta's first idea was to lower his power by not waving his hand when he used his slashing ability and to say that he had an invisible summoning when asked, but after thinking about it for a while he abandoned this idea. Even though the slash ability seemed like a very op ability, this was the damn Naruto universe.

There were a lot of op bloodlines on this planet that had only appeared in a few episodes of the anime. In such a world, no matter how op the slash ability was, Yuta figured that unless he used it to slice someone in half in one go, he wouldn't be considered a threat.

Maybe cutting without waving his hand is what would make him look like a threat.

And so tomorrow Yuta decided to use this ability to make small scratches on people's bodies. The real power he would display would be that of the summoned beasts.

As Yuta continued to think, feeling sleepy, he looked up to see the newly risen red sun peeking over the walls of Konoha.

Now that the sun was up, it was time for Yuta to sleep. Before entering the house, Yuta covered the yard with a small curtain and chose a tree to measure the range of his slashing ability. With each slash that appeared on the tree, he took a step back until the slash did not reach the tree.

When Yuta was sure of the range of his ability, he closed the curtain ability, faced the rays of sunlight falling on him, and moved to enter the house, but just then he heard someone knocking on the garden gate. Who could have come to Tsunade's house at this hour when the sun was just rising?