

***Note Before You start reading please read this part I will continue the other book but I was unhappy with the way I wrote it so I will try to Improve that but I'm writing this cause it was an idea that popped out of nowhere and I thought I should write it and hopefully I will do a better job with the writing this chapter will be short but I couldn't make it longer without stepping on chapter 1s territory**

**Sukuna PoV**

It's another day in this wonderful but dreadful place If only if that dreadful Itadori brat never ate my fingers. Worst part is that weirdly his body naturally can suppress my attempts to take over his body and I'm getting bored sitting here watching him all of the fun so far the most exciting thing I have done Is fight that dodo, godo, dogo, Gojo ah that's it Gojo he was the strongest I have faced so far. If I was to power scale him he would probably equal 15 fingers of my strength (Btw that is an actual power scale fact debate me if you so please) but I has to give the brat some credit he has talent and he has unnatural strength. then something weird happened light started to shine in this dark home of mine then out of that light a being appeared I looked at the being and said, Who are you what are doing Get out I'm busy moping around and doing nothing, The being looked at me and with a seeming Ethereal voice spoke to me and said "You want out don't you I will give you a way out another life another world to rule doesn't it sound right down your alley" I looked at it and responded yes it does but that is an offer only a god can fulfil The being responded to me "is that a yes" I looked at it and said if your weird slenderman look alike can do it why not it beats sitting around in this place and doing nothing all day Suddenly everything turned white I was blinded and lost whatever consciousness I had and I no nothing of what proceeded afterwards