
Ambush of Snow Monsters

With their new companion, Jacob and the team continued their journey toward the tallest mountain. 

As they moved forward, more and more snow monsters started to ambush them. But they were still no match for the group, especially with Charlotte joining the fray as she literally turned them into blood mist with a signal punch. 

She was a peak epic-rank combatant who specialized in close hand-to-hand combat, and Jacob mused that he couldn't kill her without using 25X fluid acceleration. This made him want to consume her heart even more as she might give me even more than both Frugal and Aven combined. 

Still, he controlled his dark urges because she was more useful alive than dead, and he also noticed her deep interest in him from the first day. So, he decided to play along because, as the princess of the Flame Iron Giant Tribe, she had to have inside information he wanted.