

Long ago,

when the world was in it's early stages of it's creation. Five beings were born into existence. They were the Vladimur; beings who drain the lifeforce of others for their sustenance and growth in power, the Ikeru Zanga; beings that their deaths have being removed from their very selves, the Heru amera; beings who were born with the abilities to manipulate nature and forces beyond basic understanding the Gengen sekkai; beings who have being graced with connections with the primal beast, the moon deity "Lobo" and lastly, senzu mara, best known as the humans of the earth; we were born with no power whatsoever but in great exchange we were able to join in the rankings of the other beings by being marked by them and becoming one of their own, but we will forever lose our loyalty to humanity and out loyalty will lie with which other race marked us. We were all created from one being but like every sibling relationship there would be times where peace did not exi-.....are you sleeping again in my class mark??!! "

"Yaaawwwnn....Huh....what?.....n-no sir?!!" An average heighted boy with black hair and with the face of someone who was obviously sleeping stood up and replied.

"Then tell me mark, what was the topic of today's history class?" The teacher said furiously as if he has been fed up with his behaviour up to that point and to be honest, he kind of is. Mark has slept in his class more times than they're brain cells in your head.....so yes, more than five times.

"You were talking about the usual vampire,zombie,witch,werewolf and human stuff"

"I've warned you not to call them by their slang terms and to use their formal names!!"

"Human is a slang?"

"Well....no, but the rest are!!"

"But I'm just calling them by what they are" mark replied with a sarcastic look.

"well don't call them that in my class, I do not tolerate any form of informalities. In fact if I hear the wrong terminologies used again I'm gonna..."

A boy with brownish orange hair bursts into the classroom looking completely spooked and then said "a werewolf is attacking the school"

The teacher's left eye started twitching like he was about to go insane but he snapped right back into his sane self and realized the severity of the situation. A gengen sekai(werewolf) is attacking the school? Why would that happen and what exactly are they looking for at their school?.

For years the other four races have been I hiding or in alternate realms as a means of trying to uphold the peace as agreed amongst themselves, the only ones who didn't know about this treatie are the humans.

The school was put on high alert and mark met up with the boy with brownish orange hair who happened to be his best friend.

"What's up with that Cole, gengen sekai's in our school?, Are you doing one of your expensive pranks again?, You'll get kicked out of this school this time around" Mark said that with a worried yet angry face.

"It's not a prank this time around I promise. I'll even take you to where I saw them, Follow me!!" Cole then ran with mark to an area behind the school, twas a long run causs the school is actually pretty big. Upon reaching the place he spotted the abnormality the two boys started to notice a crowd around the place of interest, this was due to Cole already disclosing where he claimed to have seen them to the members of the school and even the principal. mark and Cole pushed away the people obstructing their path and upon reaching there destination they found-

"Two rabid dogs?"

Mark said upon seeing two frail looking dogs going through the trash that was in that area. The crowd was very pissed with this unveiling.

" Cole.....are these what you called gengen sekais?" Mark said with a psychopathic look in his face and it turns out mark isn't the only one that's pissed, every other person in the crowd were also staring at cole like a psychopath

"I swear I really did see the-" Cole was then interrupted by the last person he would want to see right now.


the principal of the school said ferociously in front of everyone that he sent fear through all of the people in the crowd's body.

"Y-yes dad" Cole replied sounding so down cause he knew the hell in earth punishment he was about to receive from his father then he slowly walked towards the direction of the office. The main reason Cole is still in the school after some atrocious pranks is because his father as principal of the school was pulling some strings to keep him in, but it seems this time around its the dad that's gonna kick him out himself.

"You too mark" the principal said upon stopping mark from running away. Mark was running cause he knew he was gonna be dragged into it. Because of his association with cole, he gets into lots of trouble too even if he had no say or part in it.

"But sir I didn't-"

" I don't want to hear it, To my office now!"

As Cole and mark were walking off towards the office the principal turned towards the other students in the crowd and decided to also scold them for a very stupid act they committed.

"Are y'all okay at all?, If assuming there was an actual sekai here, you would actually have ran towards it to check it out instead of running away for your lives?" He said with a disappointed look in his face and suddenly the students realized the severity of how bad things would have turned out for them if it was actually a sekai. The Principal then proceeded to shout on them that they should all return to their classes and resume normal school activity. As the crowd began to thin out one person remained, a slender average heighted girl with long silver hair and eyes that were like blue diamonds, she stood there looking at a particular direction towards the roofs around that place upon shic she noticed two figures standing there, she got infuriated when she noticed them as if she knew who they were.

"Did you see his face when he noticed we weren't there anymore?, It was priceless"

A teenager with white spikey hair and sparkling brown eyes dressed in an all black coat said while laughing out severely. You could notice his canines weren't the normal length of a normal human as he laughed out loud he and standing with him was another teen with black hair with bangs and similar coloured eyes with a similar black coat

"We've gotten enough laughs in Simeon, we've got to get going before big sis figures out we-"

"To late" the girl who was initially down on the ground staring at both of them somehow was able to reach where they were in an instant and it appears the three of them are indeed related.

"What are you doing in my school?, And you must have a very good reason for being here and why you performed such a reckless stunt" she said while she began to pop out her claws. It turns out she's more than we initially thought she was.


"No, call me big sis Skye, Simeon"

"Okay okay, big si-"

"Address me with respect Simeon"

"Okay,miss big sis Skye ....IT WAS ALL SOL'S IDEA!!"

"simeon!!, You sold me out!. What happened to " bros go down together"? "

"not when big sis is involved big bro, she's to wick- I mean strict"

"Solomon I give you thirty seconds to explain why you not only risked showing yourself to humans but also ruined the life of my friend which inevitably dragged my betrothed into it"

"betrothed? Lil bro, Skye's still obsessed with the hu-" Solomon completely for a second forgot how scary his elder sister is and it cost him dearly. She instantly closed the gap between him and her and gave him a skull severing knock on the head, if he was just a human he would have been completely blown away by such a hit.

"Oooowww, why'd you do that?" Solomon said whilst holding his head in severe agony and pain

"you want another?" Skye said and then raised her hand like she was about to give him another knock on his head.

"No!, I'm sorry miss big sis skye" he said while already guarding his head from a potential hit but Skye wasn't interested in hitting him anymore. Instead she went to the edge of the roof to look down on the school and notice the activities of the school students in it. To any other it might have been just a normal sighting of a bunch of normal people doing normal things but to Skye it was one of the most peaceful thing she had seen. It was a similar sighting of how the humans functioned that made her come to the school in the first place. For she desired to experience life not as one of the standing pillars of the gengen sekai but as how humans did.

"you know what?, I'll spare both of your asses. Go back to the hideout." Skye said, as she sat down on the roof to properly take in the view a little longer before going back to class.

"Miss big sis Skye I'd like to ask you something"

"Call me just big sis, Simeon and go ahead with the question."

"Oh...okay (it seems big sis has finally calmed down), why do you like the human world so much? They are referred to as the most wicked, dishonourable and weakest of the races and yet you decide to live amongst them. They possibly couldn't have anything positive our race or other races did not possess" Simeon asked with a rather puzzled look on his face"

"My light Simeon.....my light is here and it showed me what the true nature of humans can be" Skye said while smiling.

"Your light? I don't understand" Simeon said with an even more puzzling look on his face.

"You won't understand it until you experience it for yourself, now get going before I get pissed again" she said while looking at him with a slight hint of anger. The two brothers then proceed to leave their sister and head back to where they came from.

Then Skye proceeded to think to herself

"You showed me what it's like to be actually love and be loved, mark you are my light and nothing will ever halt your progress moving forward".

Elsewhere In the principal's office room a shocking event just transpired

"mark George brush you are hereby expelled from the school!" the principal said while passing a letter to mark.

Mark upon hearing this words lost it and the only words he could muster up were


What happened to Cole?

Is Skye still sitting dramatically on a roof?

Will mark ever hear the end of this from his mother? Find out next time on dragon ba.....oh...wrong story?...my bad. See you guys next time on cursed eternal.

In a dark alleyway two men in hoods seem to be up to something.

"Is this the girl?" The first man in the hood said as he collected the picture from the second man.

"Yeah, I want her dead and make sure no traces of my involvement" the second man said and he seemed to possess very red eyes that glowed"

"Consider it done"

the man with glowy eyes then walked away from the alleyway. As he walked away he said to himsel

"The first major blow to the gengen sekai's will is about to be delivered and you Skye pureblood, your death will be the catalyst to it all".

To be continued...

hope my writing interests y'all enough to actually read it though, see y'all next time within the week!!

Samuel_Williams_0280creators' thoughts