
Curse of One

"Meet Hana Solus, a determined 10-year-old boy with an unyielding ambition to reach the pinnacle of his world. He has always known that he was meant for greatness, and has been honing his skills every day in pursuit of his dream. But as Hana advances further towards his goal, he finds that his past is coming back to haunt him. Memories that he had buried deep inside begin to resurface, and Hana realizes that there may be more to his identity than he previously believed."

Cursed_Warlock · ファンタジー
8 Chs


As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself in a marvelously crafted room that took my breath away. The room's intricate design was a masterpiece that was for sure the work of a skilled craftsman. Engulfing the walls were statues of mythical creatures and historical figures, each crafted to perfection and brought to life by the white glossy walls that formed their backdrop. My eyes fixed on a larger-than-life statue of Theseus vanquishing the Minotaur, the powerful image sending shivers down my spine. Nearby, a stunning statue of Vroni, the god emperor of the skies, loomed. As I tried to sit up in the plush bed, my attention was drawn to the enormous white door, which was elaborately adorned with a golden pattern that caught the light beautifully. But as I attempted to move, a sudden, sharp pain shot through my ribs, forcing me to wince in agony.

As the pain jolted through my body, my mind flashed back to the events of the previous day. Until that moment, I hadn't even thought to question what I was doing in such an exquisitely designed bedroom, or who had brought me here. Suddenly, I was hit with a wave of uncertainty. Was it the same man who had carried me out of the forest? Or was it someone else entirely? My eyes darted around the room, scanning everything in an attempt to gather clues about my location. I felt a sense of panic beginning to rise within me. Just then, the door to the room creaked open, revealing an elderly man with a long white beard. He walked slowly towards me, his eyes glistening with an ethereal intelligence.

The room seemed to glow with a heavenly light, casting shadows upon the walls and illuminating the statues in a way that made them seem alive. As the old man moved closer, I noticed the intricate details etched into his robes. It was clear that he was not an ordinary man, but one of great importance and power. His aura exuded a sense of wisdom and knowledge, as if he knew secrets of the universe that were beyond my comprehension.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice hoarse from exhaustion.

The sage let out a hearty chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "My dear boy, I am known by many names, but you may call me Meridian. I am a sage, a master of the elements, more specifically lightning and I have been watching you for some time now."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Watching me? Why?"

"Because, young man, you possess talent like no other. I watched you go from losing a fight to a young prodigy to taking down a low tier orc all by yourself in the span of a month. I don't think you understand how gifted you truly are. Not only that, you killed an orc with nothing more than your fists. You really are one of a kind."

"A sage?" I spouted, eyeing him up and down. That one spout cost a lot of my energy, and my eyes began to close slowly.

I fought the urge of sleep to listen to what he had to say next.

"Indeed." he responded in a serene, hushed voice. His voice didn't feel as sleep-inducing anymore, he must've removed the camelan from his speech.

The sage's words hit me like a thunderbolt, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and disbelief. Had I truly accomplished all that in such a short time? It seemed too good to be true, but the sincerity in the old man's voice told me otherwise.

"Me? Talented?" I managed to utter, still trying to process everything.

"Yes, young man," the sage replied, his gaze unwavering. "Your skills are unlike any other I've seen before. You have a natural talent for combat that surpasses even the most seasoned warriors your age. Your ability to adapt and learn new techniques is remarkable."

I was speechless. The idea that I was a prodigy in the making was both exhilarating and intimidating. But before I could dwell on it any longer, the sage spoke again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You should get some rest now, then eat. Those orcs did quite a number on your ribs. Once you awaken, we will begin your training. I have no doubt that with proper guidance, you will reach heights that you never thought possible."

The man snapped his fingers, and to my amazement, a fully laid tray materialized out of thin air. The tantalizing aroma of bacon, sausages and eggs filled the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation. The drowsiness that had been weighing me down lifted instantly, and I sat upright, my eyes fixed on the delicious spread before me. It was a surreal moment; not only had I witnessed the man summon food from thin air, but I had also discovered that I was in the presence of a sage who would be my mentor. I felt a mix of astonishment and elation, eager to learn more about the magical abilities that he possessed.

"Hana Solus, this is your time to shine, don't fail now!" I muttered, trying to encourage myself.

After a restful night's sleep, I awoke to find myself brimming with excitement. I leaped out of bed and eagerly raided the wardrobe, which was full of warm and comfortable clothing that fit me like a glove. As I looked around the room, I noticed a peculiar trophy sitting on a nearby table. Attached to it was a note that read, "Press the flower, and your questions will be answered." Intrigued, I followed the instructions and pushed the button on the flower, causing it to slowly open up. To my amazement, I discovered four pieces of gear that were beyond my wildest dreams. In the first corner, I found lightweight gauntlets that would perfectly complement my agility-based fighting style. In the second corner, I found greaves with aluminum plating, no doubt designed to withstand the incredible speeds at which I was able to run. My old shoes were in shambles, with a splinter still lodged in them, so I eagerly grabbed the new pair. In the third corner, I was surprised to find daggers - not my preferred weapon of choice, but I took them anyway. Finally, in the fourth corner, I found a stunningly engraved chest piece featuring a single flower at the center of a vast field - the only flower in sight. I quickly donned the gear and fitted my daggers into their respective sheathes, feeling ready to take on whatever lay ahead.

"As a warrior, you'll need all the protein and energy you can get. Lesson 1 is always the hardest," he said with a stern tone, his eyes locking onto mine as if to emphasize his point. I could tell that he cared about my progress and wanted me to succeed.

He led me to an open field, and as soon as we arrived, he charged me without warning. Instinctively, I threw up my arms to block his attack. The force of his blow almost knocked me off my feet, and I stumbled backwards a few steps before regaining my balance.

"Lesson 1. Never let your guard down"

His fist slammed into my arms with incredible force, causing me to stagger back several steps. Even though he was holding back, the impact left me feeling like my bones were on fire. But I refused to give up. This wasn't the same Hana Solus who had fled in terror from a single orc. I was stronger now, and I was determined to push myself to the limit. I gritted my teeth, feeling a fierce determination welling up inside me. As the Sage charged at me once again, I braced myself and focused on my breathing, steadying my mind and body for the coming impact.

"Forgive my exuberance, my dear pupil. I failed to mention the challenge earlier," he chuckled, a twinkle in his eye.

"Here it is: within the next three hours, you must try to defeat me without me using my left arm or magic. If you succeed, I will train you. But if you fail, our training ends here and now, and I'll never teach you again." Suddenly, his jovial expression transformed into a serious one, and the weight of the challenge dawned on me. Could I really defeat a sage without him using his dominant arm or magic? The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

He threw me to the ground with a force that knocked the wind out of me before he slammed his foot down, creating a shock wave that sent me flying into the air. I braced for impact, but before I hit the ground, I saw my possibly soon to be former trainer rapidly growing in size as he charged toward me. With no time to react, a powerful kick hit me in the gut, sending me crashing to the ground. Dazed and struggling to catch my breath, I barely had a chance to get up before an immense weight came crashing down on my stomach, his shoes slamming into me with incredible force from what seemed like a great height.

The force of the impact was immense, and my body convulsed as I struggled to catch my breath. My vision went dark, and I felt myself slipping away into unconsciousness. The last thing I heard was the sound of my ex-trainer's voice, calling out to me as if from a great distance. Then everything went silent, and my mind was consumed by darkness. It was as if I had been plunged into a deep, bottomless pit, with no way to escape. The darkness was suffocating, and I felt myself drowning in it, with no hope of ever resurfacing. Time lost all meaning, and I had no idea how long I was trapped in this abyss. It could have been minutes, hours, or even days. All I knew was that I was completely and utterly alone, with nothing but the darkness and my own thoughts for company.

When I regained consciousness, the Sage was standing over me, his face etched with concern. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my aching head. "How long was I out?" I asked, dreading the answer.

The Sage's expression softened, and he let out a small chuckle. "Only a few minutes," he replied, offering me a hand to help me up.

Relieved, I took his hand and stood up, wobbling a little on my feet. As I regained my balance, the Sage's expression shifted to a mischievous smirk. "But don't get too comfortable," he said. "You still have two hours and twenty-five minutes left."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I couldn't let this defeat me. I had to keep fighting, keep pushing, and keep trying until the very end. I stood up, wincing at the pain in my stomach. The Sage stepped back, giving me some space.

"You're not giving up?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

I shook my head. "Not a chance. I still have time left."

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Good. You have potential. But remember, it's not just about physical strength. You need to be mentally strong too."

I nodded, taking his words to heart. I needed to stay focused and not let the pain and exhaustion get to me. I took a deep breath, and then charged towards the Sage.

I took a deep breath in, before concentrating my all into the daggers at my hilt.

Before he could say another word, I pulled out my daggers and slashed at him, appreciating the extended range these things gave me. Realizing it now, the gear I was wearing helped a ton. Without the gauntlets, the wind canal he made from the punch would've held me in place. Without the chest plate, the stomp I took would've killed me. Without the greaves, I'd have no boots to have stable footing. He stared at me as I took a deep breath, preparing for my ultimate strike. In a normal combat situation, I couldn't beat him, however, this wasn't normal. In that same stance I once defeated Alexandro with, I began to breathe in again. A swirling purple color wrapped around my daggers, and I snapped out my stupor.

The Sage's eyes widened as he recognized the purple aura surrounding my daggers. "You've learned how to channel magic into your weapons," he said in amazement. "Impressive. But it won't be enough to beat me."

With a confident grin, I charged towards him, my daggers glowing with the purple energy. As he came at me, I sidestepped his punch and plunged my blades into his chest plate. A crackling sound echoed as the magic sizzled against his armor. He grunted in pain but didn't falter. With a swift motion, he grabbed me by the collar and tossed me aside.

I landed hard on the ground, my chest heaving with exhaustion. But I wasn't done yet. I got up, ignoring the pain, and charged at him again. He was ready for me this time, blocking my strikes with ease. But I was relentless. I kept coming at him, my daggers slicing through the air.

As the time ticked down, we both knew it was anyone's game. I could see the sweat on his brow, and I knew I had pushed him to his limit. But I was determined not to give up. With one final burst of energy, I unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one imbued with magic.

In a blur of motion, the sage stumbled backward, desperately raising his right arm to block the relentless flurry of strikes. As I landed the final blow, I knew I had done it. I had beaten him within the time limit, and the taste of victory was sweet. The sage looked at me with a mixture of respect and disbelief, and I couldn't help but grin in triumph. But as the adrenaline began to fade, a small twinge of disappointment crept in. After all, he had held his own against my full power with just a single left arm. And even though he was undoubtedly past his prime, the strength he had shown made me realize just how powerful people could be. It was a humbling thought, but also an exciting one. If I could keep pushing myself, who knew how far I could go?