
Cupid's Cove: the billionaire's attention

Every year Cupid's Cove receives thousands of applications from the rich and famous. Of those thousands, only 100 are hand picked after being vetted to vacation on the infamous island that is Cupid's Cove. Legend has it, that no man or woman shall leave Cupid's Cove without being struck by Cupid's arrow. This year Cupid's Cove welcomes to its waters up and coming supermodel Britney O'Prey. Unlike the other guests of Cupid's Cove, Ms O'Prey isn't interested in love or mingling with the other guests at all. She simply wants some time to herself. Unfortunately for her, her raving beauty and fame shines the spotlight brightly on her and she catches the eye of the billionaire and owner of Cupid's Cove. He wants her, she wants to lay low and keep to herself. Could there be a reason that she continuously rebuffs all, including the dashing billionaire? See Britney try to keep her legs closed and her secrets to herself, while her suitor does everything he can to do the opposite.

Scarlett_Jane · 都市
6 Chs

Will — the uninvited guest

"Is it done?" I asked, finding myself in a sulky mood.

"Yes, Mr Hunter, it is. Ryan Summers will never work for any publication again, respectable or otherwise," Harmon replied.

I had taken it upon myself to attempt to ease my anxiety by taking a walk on the beach. Dawn was just breaking. The sunrise was perfect and getting rid of Ryan Summers permanently felt rewarding. Still, the scowl on my face remained.

"Cupid's Cove has a guest," said Harmon, somewhat reluctantly.

It was rare to have me be in a foul mood, much less because of some shitty reporter looking for his big break and definitely never over a woman. Yet, there I was and it was happening. The obscene banter and pointless smiles from last night's party didn't help either.

"Satan's spouse or his spawn?" I asked, uncertain that I wanted to know the answer.

"Your fortune is too great for it to be mommy. Alas, you shall have to make do with me," said a peppy voice. "Harmon," she said in greeting, blowing him a kiss.

"Ms Olivia," Harmon responded with a slight nod. "I shall leave you alone then."

"Must you?" I called after Harmon, who flat out ignored me and kept walking. "To what do I owe the displeasure?" I asked, when Olivia finally made it to my side.

"Oh admit it, you adore seeing me," said Olivia, as she draped her arms around my neck and kissed me on both cheeks. "Who else knows you quite like I do? Who else can you be so… Candid with?"

I removed her arms from around my neck.

"What do you want, Olivia?"

"Fine, be that way. I come bearing gifts. Signed, sealed and delivered darling," said Olivia, pulling a folder out of her bag and handing it to me.

"It's missing Ms O'Prey's signature," I observed, handing the contract back to Olivia.

She reopened the folder with a pout.

"Therein lies the rub. No one's seen or heard from the promiscuous princess of fashion for a couple of weeks. Hence, the signature from her agent."

"Watch your mouth," I said defensively. "Don't call her—"

"A slut? But that's exactly what she is, Billy. Isn't that why you arranged to work with her in the first place? To have some fun? Word is she even swings both ways," said Olivia, licking her lips.

I turned the last few moments I had spent with Britney over and over in my head, now viewing the situation with fresh eyes. Is that why she bolted? Because she thought I was shaming her for her past indiscretions?

"Who knows what the truth is about Britney O'Prey. The papers would have me agree with you, but meeting the woman… Somehow I'm not so convinced."

Olivia gleefully clapped her hands together like a monkey with cymbals.

"Don't tell me you've met her?" she peered into my face, like the secrets to the universe were written on it. "She's not here perchance, is she?"

I looked Olivia up and down. Her eyes were shining. I tapped on the still open folder.

"This deal is a no go unless you can get her to sign the contract herself," I asserted.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at me.

"So it's true then. You've finally found a woman that won't bed you, despite bedding everyone else. Mind if I have a go?"

"Knock yourself out. I know a harlot when I see one and she's not it," I said, once more a tad too defensively.

Was I losing my edge? My cool? My mind? Was my judgment impaired because of a silly goodnight kiss? Sometimes I can see her so clearly and other times…well she's a complete mystery. Who are you, Britney O'Prey?

"I think I just might," said Olivia. "If you ask nicely, I might even share."

I grabbed Olivia's wrist as she started skipping away.

"Don't forget, this is your last chance,

Olive. If something goes wrong with this contract, I'll have you out on your ass."

"Then it's a good thing I won't be meeting her alone," said Olivia, before pulling out her phone and texting furiously.

My own phone went off and at her urging, I checked it. It was a text message from her. I snorted, knowing very well that I was Britney's least favorite person right now.

"She won't sign if I'm there," I said matter of factly.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I'll definitely fuck her before you do if you decide to skip dinner. Are you okay with that?"

I heard a guttural growl, for sometime before realizing that it was coming from me.

"You're the one that suddenly gives a shit about getting her consent for this ad," Olivia supplied helpfully. "Star Agency already gave the go ahead. This-" she tapped on the folder- "is legally binding. If you want me to go the extra mile, you need to make it worth my while."

"You poking your nose into my business and messing things up is the last thing I need right now. This kinda bullshit is exactly why I can't stand you," I said, letting go of her wrist.

"Oh boo hoo, you can't stand anyone," she said, resuming her skipping as she called over her shoulder, "8 pm sharp. I'll be your wingman, just like old times."