

pov : aira

"—And then I woke up. I was on the bed. He was laid in the hammock." I said to Samantha. I smiled at how much of a gentleman he was— how he was not intimidating me into a relationship. He was giving me time. He didn't lie on the bed with me like I thought he would have done. Even if he did, I wouldn't have minded.

"What?" Samantha screeched. "No sex?" She screeched again and everyone near our table turned to look at us. My eyes widened as I tried to calm Samantha down. "I was only waiting for the sex part." Samantha sighed, looking sad and I chuckled.

"Sex?" I asked. "Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes. I am." Samantha said, rolling her eyes as she sipped her coffee. "You know... when a guy sticks his location in a girl's destination?" She winked and stood up from the table. I laughed, standing up together with her as I placed my empty cup on the table.