
Although I wished for being left out, it still hurts a tiny bit.

When I got out, the rain has finally stopped pouring. It felt like a waste for me to go out in my winter clothes, but I felt too lazy to go inside and change my clothes again. I'm going out to visit Granny Luo and see if she has any clothes left for her to sell to me, because I'd rather not let that brat Lei Kang borrow any more of my clothes.

Granny Luo lived in a small stone house, and she was my closest neighbor in the village. However, because I don't like how she's so chatty, she's actually the person I talk to the least. But still, she's very caring and doesn't really take it to heart that I avoid her.

Granny Luo was originally one of those that left the village alongside her parents, decades ago. However, she missed her childhood house so after growing old, she decided to come back and live here with us—to which we were all very glad to have someone join us in the village.

I walked for three minutes before finally arriving at her house. It seems that Granny Luo was enjoying the rain, as she was sitting outside in her porch smoking her pipe. Granny Luo wore a simple robe that covered her body, as her frail hand held a pipe up to her mouth. Her white hair dangled behind her, and she waved at me with her free hand when she saw me.

"It's unhealthy to smoke."

Granny Luo cackled in response, "So what if I die a day sooner? It's not like it'll make a difference."

After that, her eyes gleamed and said, "A young man came yesterday to ask for directions to your place. What was that about?"

I shook my head, "Straight to gossiping are we?"

Granny Luo laughed, "Despite your old age, you're finally taking in a disciple to take care of you? Or is it because you're old, that now you're finally considering taking someone under you?"

I raised my hand to my forehead. This is exactly why I hate talking with her. It's just nonstop questions.

"Granny, please spare me this once. Since you've already seen that youngster, Lei Kang, then with your experience you already know his height. If you have any clothes his size, just hand them over and I'll be on my way."

Granny Luo pouted, "How cold."

I replied with, "You're too old to act cute."

Granny Luo stood up from her rocking chair, as she made her way inside the house. After waiting for a couple of minutes, she came out again with a set of clothing and a bag.

"Here you go. This here is a robe for your disciple."

She then handed me the robe alongside some undergarments, and the bag as well.

"What's this?"

I asked as I raised the bag I had. It wasn't very heavy, and peering inside revealed that inside were bags of seeds.

"Old Ma told me that you went to the city to buy seeds. I asked someone I knew in the city to hook me up with some, and I was planning on dropping by later give them to you. These are some seeds for herbs that are good for your health. And here I was planning to drop by later for some tea."

"Oh?" I nodded, "Thanks a ton. You're always taking care of me."

Seeing that I got what I came for, and she even gave me some seeds, I made sure to thank her again before turning around to leave.

Granny coughed behind me, "Why aren't you inviting me to your place for tea? Can't you see that my throat is hoarse?"

"It's all because you smoke Granny. Your house is right behind you, why not go inside and drink a cup of water?"

Granny then rubbed her stomach, "I'm hungry as well. I still remember how a couple of months ago, you brought me some food. Oh how I miss your bad cooking."

"My cooking isn't bad!" I ended up shouting back. This is not good. I got to calm down.

"If it was so bad, then why do you want to eat it?"

"I'm just that lonely, that I feel like eating your food if it means having someone to talk to."

Just as I was about to refuse again, I remembered that Lei Kang was also a chattermouth. Having these two together might actually make me eat well—and as usual, I did make extra portions for dinner—and I did think that it'll be great if I did introduce the two. That, and I have to repay Granny for her generosity.

"Alright. Lunch is on me this time, Granny."

Granny energetically raised her arms in the air to signal her victory, as she quickly got inside to change her clothes. I didn't wait for her, as I made my way back home. After walking for a couple of dozen steps, Granny caught up to me and asked, "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Why would I waste my time waiting for you? You're even more lively than me, of course you'll catch up to me even if I broke out running."

Granny laughed her head off before finally asking again, "So how's that new disciple of yours?"

"He's not my disciple, he's just someone who's shamelessly trying to 'help me'."

'Although he's hardworking, and I don't dislike him that much...', of course, I'll never say that out loud.

"Is that why you've tested him?" Granny asked, "You even gave him your clothes."

I turned around surprised, "How did you even know that?"

She signaled with her head towards my field and said, "He was shouting all morning long, to the point where his huffs and puffs woke me up."

"I see."

Granny then muttered under her breath something like, "I can finally start to measure his depths," whatever that meant.

When we got home, we saw that Lei Kang was wearing his original brown robe. Coincidentally, the robe Granny gave me was the same color as the one he wears. I threw the robe I got from Granny at Lei Kang, "Isn't that robe dirty? You should change into this one."

Lei Kang looked at me surprised. He then looked at Granny, and Granny showed him her yellow teeth while waving at him. Lei Kang looked a bit troubled, but he still accepted the robe but didn't change into it yet. I gave him a gift for his hard work, whether he wanted to wear it or not isn't up to me.

Granny walked up to Lei Kang and started conversing with him about the O Cult. I'm surprised Granny knew, can it be that I was the only one that didn't know that there was a farmer's association?

Anyways, I got an extra bowl and utensils for Granny, and the three of us started eating lunch.

Might not be able to post anything tomorrow. So this is tomorrow's chapter. If I am able to write tomorrow, then this will be treated as an extra chapter~

Lightcreators' thoughts