
Training Montage - Crimson Princess (1)

Holding aloft a written report detailing the movements of Isolde and her own report of what had occurred. After reading the entire report, a thoughtful pause filled the Frost Wolf Tribe Leader's mind. Unconsciously, Citri tapped his claws against the ice throne which echoed throughout the room.

"So that's where she had gone. No matter, while I am curious as to what they had talked about, clearly it wasn't that important due to not making her leave. Most likely they will talk about training before the singles stage.

For all that happened, to find that they are more powerful than I had anticipated was a good turn of events. To think that he could even do such a thing...

Jack not making it to the next stage doesn't change much. The others made it past their own matches without much difficulty, and with Isfrid I can hopefully change the course of this damn prophecy.