

In the world of cultivation, the strong ruled and the weak bowed. This caused many families to fight to prove that they were the strongest. Whenever they fought, one family always came on top.They had the most powerful bloodline and whenever a a family member hits puberty, all the gods would give them their blessings.

All the families planned on how to get the gods on their side too so they sneaked into the headquarters of the Bleesed family and stole their book of history to find out how to get the gods to bless them too.

They found out that in order to achieve this, one of their family members must go against the heavens and cause change in a natural phenomenon. After they finished this task their family will be blessed for a hundred centuries.

After this they would have to cause change in the natural flow of the world to be blessed again.

The families sent their most powerful members to complete the task but they were always killed so they gave up.

Unbeknownst to them, The Blessed family's hundred centuries had almost come to an end. They planned to send the next person who hit puberty but was not blessed to go complete the task.

When the day arrived, all the members of the family gathered in to watch who the gods will select to complete the task.

All the boys and girls who had reached puberty lined up. Suddenly, dark clouds covered the large building the were hosting the event in.Then brightly coloured hands came out of the clouds."Mom I'm going to do it " a young boy who seemed to be about 15 years told the middle-aged woman by his side."Please son don't do it " the woman cried but mit was too late.

He drew his sword and imbueded it with spiritual power. He run towards the hands and when he was close enough he jumped and slashed it at the one in the middle.

Just as he was about to hit the hand, one of the arms grabbed him and went back into the cloud. The other hands did the same and the cloud dispersed.

The lads waiting to be blessed were filled with rage.They all turned to loo, at the young boy's mother.From the sky, an old man landed in front of the children and said to them "Come back tommorow for the event. The gods will deal with that mad by tonight" As he said this the children turned away and walked off the platform. But they were still casting evil glances at the woman once in a while.