
Lin Family's Damage Control

Once Yuan and Tian Yanyu left the scene, the guards began their investigation on the Passion Palace and questioned all of the workers there.

Yuan also told the young bandit to assist the guards before leaving, which made it a lot easier for the guards to identify the bandits, speeding up their investigation tremendously.

News of what happened at the Passion Palace quickly began spreading throughout the city like wildfire, and rumors of the Lin Family paying the Stone Bandits to mess with the Tian Family was amongst the news, which shocked the city.

This caused quite the backlash for the Lin Family. Even though there wasn't any direct backlash, their family name was being dragged through the mud by being associated with the bandits, which was more than enough to make them lose face, and losing face is the worst thing that could happen to these influential families that only care about such things.