
Free Divine-Rank Technique

After leaving the hotel, Yuan and the others wandered around the city asking the pedestrians if there was a Myriad of Techniques in the city while trying their best to avoid the Players.

After half an hour of speaking to random people, they eventually found the right person to speak with.

"Yes, the Myriad of Techniques should be five blocks down that direction."

"Thank you!"

Once Yuan had the directions, they immediately made their way to the store.

"Welcome to the Myriad of Techniques. If this is your first time at our store, please put your hand on this crystal ball." A woman that Yuan didn't recognize greeted them at the entrance.

'It's a different person again… How often do they change out the workers here?' Yuan wondered to himself.

Chu Liuxiang placed her hands on the crystal ball since this is her first time at the store.

And sure enough, just like everyone that follows Yuan, she had a heavenly destiny.