
Cultivation of the abyssal lord

TheFoolishAkuma · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The Castle walls

John was walking on a dirt road he's past at least three caravans.

he's gotten a lot of information from them and a visual map of the surroundings such as the three kingdoms near him.

Sovereignty of Verse

[ This kingdom is Technology advanced. all in this kingdom are very intelligent and called versians.

They are neutral in most fights and are very rich in farmland and wealth. not a lot of humans.]

katze de aleki

[This kingdom is architecturally advanced and are very intelligent and are call alekadians. Are advanced in mythology, they use there mythology in most of their arts.]

sovereignty of the heavenly demon

[This kingdom is most advanced in magic, they are neutral unless provoked have good ties to most kingdoms and are not bias to other species]

After this information he wasn't sure which kingdom to go to, the heavenly demon kingdom was closer so he had decided.

It was about 3 kms away, after 1 km it started to get dark, he was able to see the castle walls.

After about 13 minutes of walking he reached the castle walls, it was huge, it was about a mile high and the castle was at least 4 times bigger.

He walked to the entrance only to find a line of people caravans and merchants were going through a big gate while what looked like peasants and farmers went through several smaller metal gates, as for him he only watched them,

after a few minutes he went to the gates and saw multiple guards he was going to go through the merchant gate when he was stopped by a guard,


"halt who's there, come from the shadows or I'll kill you!" the guard shouted but with a hint of fear.

"Tis just a humble servant returning to his master for I was attacked and wish his forgiveness"

"you may pass for I dont wish your masters wrath" he said with distain

John entered without a problem