
Cultivation God -My Harem

[Mature Content +18] «Support book with your power stone» Given a second chance by been transmigrated into a different universe; one which his every dream could be accomplished there, with a system. Nate adventures and struggles in every way possible to get strong and protect those he cared for in this new world. Driven by the desire for more power, he puts himself in every life and death battle just to improve himself.... toughening his will and challenging destiny. «Quest received» [Defeat the enemy] [Difficulty: hard] [Reward: lv 10 magic abilities, level up +2] A young man who was slaying his enemies, causing massacre on the battleground heard the sound. Lifting his head, he stared at the distant figure. “What the......”, opening the mouth wide, he stared at the creature moving in his direction.“I’m doomed...” he said, but not losing his will. Standing on the battlefield, Nates black cloak was covered in blood with cuts all over,his blue eyes expressing helplessness and exhaustion with his long black hair fluttering through the wind waves adding to his handsome charming features, he was like a devil from the abyss. ~~~~~~ >Will his adventure to become the strongest duo cultivator in the new universe be accomplished, with the soo many challenges he faces??..... or will there be someone or something to stop him from doing so??? Join the the adventure......

BAKumi · ファンタジー
28 Chs

7: Step Backfires

There was a serious discussion going on between them that made the hall very solemn. Lord Dolphy stood before the king, his expression blank but in deep thought. He was in distress as the things happening at the south border became more chaotic.

"Your Majesty, we have to prepare because a war could break out at any moment." He said as he stared at the man he was talking to.

"A war....with the Humanoid race you know we don't stand a chance to win." He said dvyrvfejectedly.

"I know but their movements nowadays shows that they could attack at anytime." He replied.

"Is that it... " king Froc asked.

Marquess Dolph looked at him with worried eyes. He knew the situation the king was in; he couldn't lead an army now.

"That's all for now your majesty, you should take rest and resign from office. Give the young ones their chance??".

"You know that I can't be biase to them else all the things I have built through my years of hard work will collapse right in front of my own eyes," He refuted."choosing a crown prince now would bring much more than we are facing now."

"That's the problem, but please rest...I will support any decision you make." He said as he turned and to face the Queen, with a bow he left the meeting room heading straight out.

Standing in a garden; full of orchid flowers and sunflowers, there was a young man caring for the flowers. Seeing him rang a memory in Marquess Dolphs head.

"Alexander, what's he doing in the gardens at this time?" Lord Dolphy muttered. He changed direction and walked toward him.

"Good day my prince!" He shouted from afar, walking to the gardens.

"Good morning, Marques Dolph how are you doing nowadays at the borders?" Alexander said with a bright smile on his face turning around and seeing who it was.

Marquess Dolph smiled back at him as he walked his way.

"The problem of been born from a common background and that too to a concubine.... tsa tsa, you fate is sealed if you don't grab any opportunity to help you survive." Marquess Dolph thought.

"I'm good....am good and how is the prince doing in the capital,?" He laughed and said.

Alexander smiled back and walked closer to him, extending a hand for a handshake. Marques Dolph didn't hold back and shaked hand. He had no enmity with this young man, he liked him a lot proving he was always frank and kind and also from a common background. Not many knew that the king favors him more that his other sons but he couldn't crown him as the crown prince because he has not much support from the nobles in the kingdom. Many of them follows those from the influential background. It was heard that he had a few peoples who were truly supporting him but his brothers had bought them with gifts, beauties and properties.

They talked a bit and bid farewell then Marquess Dolph left for his home.

"I hope I win this man on my side to survive if I don't win the crown prince position or else my mother and I are finished from this earth if we don't escape early." He stood there thinking about the future. He knew he and his combined forces were not a match for either of his brothers. A moment of silence later he left to the deeper parts of the garden, continuing his beautiful scenery.


In a nice decorated room a young man siting in a nice carved chair with a liquor in hand as he drinks. Beside him is an old man in full white clothes, the room was filled with laughters and cheering with many beautiful young girls dancing and serving.

"Bernet, you need to eliminate that commoner first, nobody will investigate his death," The old man said pulling a young girl in his embrace.

"No, grandfather you are mistaken. That brat is the the beloved son of my father," he refused as suggested.

This young man was Benert and his grandfather Paul. Paul was the younger brother of the patriarch of the Hawk family. They were the transporters of all resources in the kingdom. Majority of the trading associations in the Kingdom were owned by them.


Back in Nates house he was busy repairing all faulty and broken furniture in his house. He was preparing for the moment in which his last life couldn't accomplish. All the work required strength and with his new found strength, he got it all done.

While he was hammering, pushing and pulling he saw a message.

[EXP: +20]

[EXP: +20]

[EXP: +20]

[EXP: +20]

[STR: +2]

[STM: +2]

[VIT: +3]

[Host has level up]

[All stat +3]

"Phew, so I can get experience from doing some physical physical activities as well, that's great then." He said as he was in a good mood today.

"Am almost done, I hope she comes today. Hoo, can't help it." He said as he moved from place to place fixing patches and remodeling something's in his room. After he was done he cooked a delicious meal and started to eat it was already noon.

"Why hasn't she come yet? she normally comes at this time." He thought inwardly to himself as he ate.

He finished and there was still no sign of her coming for today. He waited and waited but there was not even a shadow of her around and it was getting dark.

"She didn't come today, is it that she saw through my plans, aiiie??" He thought as he laughed.

It was evening and he decided to check his status again for the day;

Name: Nate Cowell]


[Magic Cultivation:Mortal]

[Body Cultivation:Mortal]

[Talent: None]

[Exp: 105/200] [Level: 1]

[HP: 50/50 ] [MP: 0/0 ]

[STR: 10] [AGL: 7 ]

[VIT: 11] [STM: 10]

[INT:13] [DEF: 7]

*he got +state for the experience and after leveling up. That stat counts for all*

[Shop Point : 10]

[Abilities: None]

[Active Quest]

[Conquer Maria Clair]

[Time Limit:15(9)days]

[Failure to accomplish will result in punishment]

[Reward:Inspection skill, +3 STM]

[Exp will be earned automatically]

Now it was left with 9 days before his punishment is inflicted. He went to sleep and slept peacefully like always.

It was morning, the sun sun shone on the amazing tropic of the forest. Standing before an oak tree; Nate was preparing do some physical activities as he had received a daily quest to exercise the body.


In the mansion of Marques Dolph a young lady was sitting on a bed after she just woke up, she had been thinking of Nate frequently nowadays. She keeps thinking of Nate but doesn't get the time to visit him. The young lady was Maria. After her plan to visit Nate had failed to due some unexpected encounter.

"Hah, Nate just wait a bit more for me, I am been put to work. I hope I get time to see you." She muttered before she laid on her bed and fell asleep.

The next day in the morning Nate was busy fishing, this time not to sell but to stock it and for his own use. After doing some exercises yesterday, he could feel his body becoming strong.

At a far distance from Nate was a man. He hid behind a tall tree with his eyes once scanning the forest. He was the bodyguard of Maria. His new task every evening to morning was to keep an eye on Nate and to protect him. But so far, no move had been made yet by the enemies.


Maria was busy in the early morning studying a technique book that had been given to her by her father. She had to cultivate and and protect herself. She stayed like this for the whole day and managed to breakthrough to the early stage Apprentice Magician from half-step.

"Hah, I did it, I did it I can feel it!!" She screamed as she started to get up from the floor.

"This calls for a celebration...but who to celebrate now with..." She thought. Her father was busy now at the Kings Castle, her brother wasn't around and now her mother wouldn't even celebrate with her.

Then suddenly, a person popped in her mind. She got out of her room and walked out of the mansion making her way to persons house.

Standing in front of the same wooden building, a smile bloomed on her face. She had gotten here quickly this time after she made her breakthrough.

*pum pum pum*

She knocked on the door as she got to the house. Meanwhile inside the house Nate was asleep as he heard someone knocking on his door,

"Who could it be at this time?" He said as he walked to the door and opened it.

"Ahhh, Maria what are you doing here by this time?" He ask sounding surprise.

"I made a breakthrough and came to celebrate with you first."She replied entering the house.

"Made a breakthrough, hah this evening....a breakthrough and she came here" Nate stood at the gate thinking.

He got out of his thinking and made his way to the hall where Maria was already sitting with liquors in front of her

The moment she saw Nate she patted him a seat requesting him to sit and drink with her;"Nate sit and drink with me okay"

"Okay". Nate shrugged, accepting the offer he went and sat beside her.

They drank and drank till they got drunk and couldn't move so they supported each other up.

"Nate do you know you are really handsome. I always hear rumors of you from other girls, and that makes me jealous. Do you know why?" She talked in a drunk state.

"Yeah I know, I always hear them too with people always at my back," He responded. From the memories he had learned of all this.

Maria watched Nate's face then stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips. Nate felt his heart quicken and held her as they continued to embrace themselves in their kiss. They broke the kiss, watched each others face to be sure of what was about to go on. On Maria's beautiful face was a look of doubt. It seems she didn't like what was about to go on.

"Hmm, am sorry my bad, I thought ....I thought," Nate said stammering as he looked at Maria.

Maria stood there thinking if she did the right thing;"should I continue with it, no..no I have to stop for now, a step at a time".

" I love you Nate...I do but I can't do this now. I need to go," She said as she rushed out of the bedroom.

"No, you can't go by this time of the night," Nate rushed forward blocking her path to the door.

She looked at him with a face full of emotions then replied;"you don't have to worry, my bodyguard is around. He will send me home,". Nate fell into a stupor;"Whaaaaat!!!, that your bodyguard was here all along. Please don't tell me he's in this room?"

Nate felt very grateful for not pushing things way too fast.

'Thank goodness, sigh," He sigh and got out of the way for her to go.

She felt reluctant, she didn't want to go but had to, she couldn't give herself away like this. It has to be natural way not when they were drunk, this was not a good idea.

"I will come see you later, Nate." She spoke these lines and left through the darkness.

"Why did you do this to me, I was about to complete my quest....fuck.. fuck. Did she deliberately do this?" Holding his head, these thought were running in his head.

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